Here is some more reporting on the Clemson game for our research. There is a lot more. However, this article is pretty balanced and provides quotes from both local and national sources. It contains several video clips. There are many others.
Trump faced a mix of boos and cheers while attending the Palmetto Bowl, videos posted on social media show.
As I said, his reception was "mixed." I still think that is an accurate description. Now, I suppose it is possible some mysterious force (with apologies to Alexander Haig) gathered up all the video clips from everyone who took them and contacted all the people reporting locally and nationally on the game and then somehow technically manipulated the sound and doctored their observations.
Or, it could be some outraged far right wing blogger or opinion writer couldn't bear the thought of his hero being booed to any extent in a red state. Or, and I think more likely, Trump was only there because Haley is slowly gaining ground on him (after all, Nikki Haley is quite popular in South Carolina and she did attend Clemson) and it would be surprising if his reception wasn't mixed because of that alone.
So as to how I feel - I feel informed - but, I could be wrong. I personally believe in critical thinking and exploiting multiple sources of information rather than searching for information bias. So, please tell me how this rather vast conspiracy was launched and accomplished.