So after pages and pages of "discussion" which was almost exclusively rants by Republican Americans speaking to each other and even congratulating each other about the wonderful discussion they were having, nobody listened to any of the points being made by the few dissenting voices from non- Americans. So typically arrogant..
Ad hominem attacks tend to make the writer feel superior. The reader understands them for what they are, and in turn tends to discount all the writer says.
Trump did use the completely unjustifiable excuse of "National Security" to push his economic agenda and impose steel and aluminum tariffs on allies. An illegal move supported by his flock of power hungry supporters in the Republican party. .
Many American Senators and Congressmen are beholden to the US Chamber of Commerce and Tom Donohoe. The agenda of the USCC is at odds with Trump's agenda of helping the working man and MAGA. ie: If US corporations can make a product, at a labor rate of $2/day in Vietnam instead of $15/hr in Akron, they will do it. The USCC supports those corporations and lobbies congress to the tune of tens of millions of dollars per year.
Trump can not create legislation without Congress. Congress is paid off by the lobbyist. So, Trump used a
legal way by declaring "National Security" to impose the steel and aluminum tariffs. The problem for America is that there is not much of a steel or aluminum industry left with the dumping that China has done, so, it is arguably a "National Security" issue. The problem for Canada is that they too have lost their steel and aluminum industry. Canada, instead of making their own steel and aluminum, as NAFTA was intended, became a conduit for dumping those metals into America with out any corresponding tariffs against China.
The final part of your sentence falls back to ad hominem, yet I am listening and responding despite the comment that nobody is listening.
Trump insulted every G7 nation and has attacked each G7 leader personally. He singled out Canadas prime minster for his most poisonous insults. .
Is this Trump attacking the G7 leaders you are talking about? Perhaps I am confused and don't understand how to read body language. As I recall, Abe and Berusconi are the only two that seemed neutral.
You mention that Trump saved his most poisonous comments for Trudeau. It is interesting that Trudeau acted like all was okay at the G7 and Trump even conceded the sunset provisions, then when Trump was airborne, Trudeau had a change of heart and announced retaliatory tariffs, not even having the fortitude to address Trump personally. It was then that Trump withdrew the sunset provisions and made the following tweets.

Donald J. Trump
Based on Justin’s false statements at his news conference, and the fact that Canada is charging massive Tariffs to our U.S. farmers, workers and companies, I have instructed our U.S. Reps not to endorse the Communique as we look at Tariffs on automobiles flooding the U.S. Market!
6:03 PM - Jun 9, 2018

Donald J. Trump
PM Justin Trudeau of Canada acted so meek and mild during our
@G7 meetings only to give a news conference after I left saying that, “US Tariffs were kind of insulting” and he “will not be pushed around.” Very dishonest & weak. Our Tariffs are in response to his of 270% on dairy!
His America First policy has already resulted in an effective transition to America Alone. Who in their right mind would trust Trump to follow the rules when doing business with his government?
Trump is an American President. If not an America First policy, who should he put first?
Canada has an effective MFN 17% higher tariff rate on American goods going into Canada than America has on Canadian goods coming into America. (WTO numbers which I have supplied in an earlier post) Many might say that Canada has been taking advantage of America for decades, thus leading to the $18 billion surplus Canada has had with America. If Canada truly wanted to be a good neighbor and be fair, why would they continue to take advantage of this discrepancy for years?
Most American's don't fault Canada. Canadian leaders have been doing what was best for their country for decades. It has been the American leaders who have allowed this to happen. Trump has said enough. It is understandable if many Canadians do not like Trump for taking care of American's first.
I admire the American people as individuals, but Trump's government is destroying Americas former place in the world. I find it puzzling that that seems to be OK with his supporters. .
Or could it be that America and American's have been betrayed by previous leaders. Could it be that Trump is really doing things to "Make America Great Again". In the end, is Trump helping the average American. Possibly that is the reason Trump continues to gain support.
Is Time Magazine's Person of the Year, Merkel, the leader you want Trump to be? A leader who is loosing her own party and scrambling to stay in power with ever weaker coalitions. A globalist leader who has imported 1,000,000 people who do not want to assimilate, work, or learn the language and are a leach to the welfare system of Germany.
Or perhaps you want Trump to be more like Trudeau. How is GDP? How is FOREX? How is the unemployment rate? ......
I admire the American people as individuals,........... I for one will not be buying American, or travelling there, any time soon.
Thank you. We admire Canadian's also!
Where we differ is that I have no problem traveling to Canada or spending my money on Canadian products. We love your country! In fact, my wife and I enjoyed time in Nova Scotia, P.E.I., and Quebec last month. Newfoundland is the only province I have not had the opportunity to visit. Northwest Territory and Nunavut are the two territories still on my list to make it to. Hopefully I will accomplish this one day. Possibly in conjunction with a hunt
All the best.