
Per the International Monetary Fund (2017)[1] Per the World Bank (2017)[20] Per the United Nations (2016)[21][22]
Rank Country GDP

World[19] 79,865,481
United States 19,390,600
China[n 1] 12,014,610
Japan 4,872,135
Germany 3,684,816
United Kingdom 2,624,529
India 2,611,012
France 2,583,560
Brazil 2,054,969
Italy 1,937,894

Exactly, not close and we will now be able to keep the gap going imo.
Man we got us some real fart smellers on thisa here forum!!o_Oo_O:rolleyes::eek::D:whistle::whistle::whistle:(y)(y)(y)o_O:rolleyes::eek::D:cautious::cautious::cautious:
I knew our government had screwed things up in Canada but I hadn't realized or GDP was nothing!



I apologize. Purely accidental. Hope this clears things up.

Per the International Monetary Fund (2017)[1] Per the World Bank (2017)[20] Per the United Nations (2016)[21][22]
Rank Country GDP

World[19] 79,865,481
United States 19,390,600
China[n 1] 12,014,610
Japan 4,872,135
Germany 3,684,816
United Kingdom 2,624,529
India 2,611,012
France 2,583,560
Brazil 2,054,969
Italy 1,937,894
Canada 1,652,412
That China number does not include Hong Kong (320.9 Billion) or Macau (44.8 Billion).
Well, now that we have a trade agreement with the millennial Prime Minister maybe you should buy your AMERICAN made guns back pal? lmao. MAGA!
So after pages and pages of "discussion" which was almost exclusively rants by Republican Americans speaking to each other and even congratulating each other about the wonderful discussion they were having, nobody listened to any of the points being made by the few dissenting voices from non- Americans. So typically arrogant.
Trump did use the completely unjustifiable excuse of "National Security" to push his economic agenda and impose steel and aluminum tariffs on allies. An illegal move supported by his flock of power hungry supporters in the Republican party. Trump insulted every G7 nation and has attacked each G7 leader personally. He singled out Canadas prime minster for his most poisonous insults. Trump has viewed every transaction he has ever engaged in as win-lose. Beat the other side down, and impose his will. Regardless of the rule of law. That is not leadership, it is criminal greed. His America First policy has already resulted in an effective transition to America Alone. Who in their right mind would trust Trump to follow the rules when doing business with his government? That's why he was so keen to remove the third party arbitration clause from NAFTA. And why Canada stuck it out and won the inclusion of arbitration in the new deal. I admire the American people as individuals, but Trump's government is destroying Americas former place in the world. I find it puzzling that that seems to be OK with his supporters. I for one will not be buying American, or travelling there, any time soon.
I find it puzzling that that seems to be OK with his supporters.

This is why:


The trade imbalance with Canada is fairly small, especially in comparison to other countries, but nonetheless it's not negligible. It's not hard to understand that is it?

What's hard for many to accept is the manner in which Trump is doing what he is, including yourself. And I get that. However if the more diplomatic preceding Presidents had done more to improve our trade position, and by doing so kept more jobs here, Trump would never have been elected in the first place.
Born in the US to Canadian parents, I hold two passports, Canada and US. I grew up, went to University and began my career in Canada. I have now been in the US for 29 years. IMO Stephen Harper was the greatest PM of my lifetime. If he were still in power, I believe the NAFTA outcome would have been different. Unfortunately, Canada now has a complete idiot in the PM’s office who had no idea how to deal with Trump’s brinkmanship negotiating style. I am mixed in my opinion of Trump, I don’t appreciate his style (probably my Canadian heritage), but I do believe that he is getting some positive results.

I understand that you want to blame Trump for the NAFTA result, but honestly, if Trudeau is the best we can do for a PM, NAFTA is the least of Canada’s worries.
America's standing in the world has been destroyed long ago, starting with the milquetoast Carter and except for a few in between almost finished driving the nail with Obama, a man so far in over his head, most people couldn't see it.
nobody listened to any of the points being made by the few dissenting voices from non- Americans. So typically arrogant.
I think there is a difference between listening and agreeing. Just because people don't agree with a point, does not mean they are not listening nor does it mean they are arrogant. I'm sure there are those that won't listen, and are arrogant, but don't lump us all in together.

steel and aluminum tariffs on allies. An illegal move
How is imposing tariffs an illegal move? Doesn't Canada impose dairy tariffs on the US? I'm not trying to argue, as I'm pretty much an idiot when it comes to politics and world economics, but I don't see tariffs as illegal.
So after pages and pages of "discussion" which was almost exclusively rants by Republican Americans speaking to each other and even congratulating each other about the wonderful discussion they were having, nobody listened to any of the points being made by the few dissenting voices from non- Americans. So typically arrogant.
Trump did use the completely unjustifiable excuse of "National Security" to push his economic agenda and impose steel and aluminum tariffs on allies. An illegal move supported by his flock of power hungry supporters in the Republican party. Trump insulted every G7 nation and has attacked each G7 leader personally. He singled out Canadas prime minster for his most poisonous insults. Trump has viewed every transaction he has ever engaged in as win-lose. Beat the other side down, and impose his will. Regardless of the rule of law. That is not leadership, it is criminal greed. His America First policy has already resulted in an effective transition to America Alone. Who in their right mind would trust Trump to follow the rules when doing business with his government? That's why he was so keen to remove the third party arbitration clause from NAFTA. And why Canada stuck it out and won the inclusion of arbitration in the new deal. I admire the American people as individuals, but Trump's government is destroying Americas former place in the world. I find it puzzling that that seems to be OK with his supporters. I for one will not be buying American, or travelling there, any time soon.

(1) Nothing Illegal about tariffs. Every country has them. Just look at Japan and their tariffs from the TPP that Trump dumped.
"Japan will maintain a whopping 778% tariff on imported rice, but has agreed to increase the quota for rice imports from the U.S. and Australia, by 78,000 tons to a total of 850,000 tons a year, which is about 10% of annual domestic consumption. The changes could further depress domestic rice prices, which hit their lowest level in decades last year as consumption continues to decline. The tariff on imported beef will be lowered to 9% from 38.5% over 15 years. Japan imports 60% of its beef, mainly from Australia and the U.S. The tariff on pork will also be cut. Japan imports pork from the U.S., Canada and Mexico, while producing about half of what it consumes."

(2) Conservatives are tired of the endless government give a ways that USA has supplied for years, to various countries, that those countries have taken advantage of for years. Some of us are still pissed that Carter gave the Canal Zone, to a country that only existed because the USA created it.

(3) Really "Perrier Jr. " and you are complaining about Trump.
There is a big difference between listening to and agreeing with a position. I've listened to yours @Longwalker, I simply don't agree with it. If that makes me an arrogant American in your eyes, that is fine by me. I tend to ignore ad hominem arguments anyway.

And considering how "alone" we now are, there sure are a lot of countries, Canada included, that are re-negotiating their deals to become more fair and equal. As already said, our past leadership allowed us to get walked on, I'm happy that Trump put his foot down for the same reason that you're not. Isn't that ironic?

Criminal greed? Trump offered to remove ALL tariffs between our two countries and Trudeau almost choked. Where is the greed sitting there? Hmmm.... People, and countries, don't like change, especially when it isn't to their benefit, even if the result would be fir and equitable to all parties.. That's what this is all about.
So after pages and pages of "discussion" which was almost exclusively rants by Republican Americans speaking to each other and even congratulating each other about the wonderful discussion they were having, nobody listened to any of the points being made by the few dissenting voices from non- Americans. So typically arrogant.
Trump did use the completely unjustifiable excuse of "National Security" to push his economic agenda and impose steel and aluminum tariffs on allies. An illegal move supported by his flock of power hungry supporters in the Republican party. Trump insulted every G7 nation and has attacked each G7 leader personally. He singled out Canadas prime minster for his most poisonous insults. Trump has viewed every transaction he has ever engaged in as win-lose. Beat the other side down, and impose his will. Regardless of the rule of law. That is not leadership, it is criminal greed. His America First policy has already resulted in an effective transition to America Alone. Who in their right mind would trust Trump to follow the rules when doing business with his government? That's why he was so keen to remove the third party arbitration clause from NAFTA. And why Canada stuck it out and won the inclusion of arbitration in the new deal. I admire the American people as individuals, but Trump's government is destroying Americas former place in the world. I find it puzzling that that seems to be OK with his supporters. I for one will not be buying American, or travelling there, any time soon.

LMAO. The dissenting "voices" who won't pay their FAIR SHARE of a Treaty as STATED IN THE TREATY?? FYI- it's not being arrogant but WE DON'T NEED HELP FROM OTHER COUNTRIES FOR DEFENSE. THEY NEED OURS. FACT! Trump isn't breaking US "law" by putting a tariff on another country, FYI. But what's funny is that you think a 10% tariff by Euros on USA cars vs a 2.5% for them in the USA is "fair trade". Regardless, these are short term issues in an attempt to negotiate a deal.

Steel is a national security issue? We have been getting most from CHINA. We need it for ships, etc. Your PM just imposed the same on us? He must be GREEDY?

Win -lose? He has said 5ox in the last 2 weeks this was a win-win for Canada, US, Mexico. The mew deal HELPS Canada the most imo regarding cars. Your millennial PM can have dairy protection tariffs in clear violation of NAFTA and that's okay? Please.

Lol, place in the world? We are back to being repsected after our version of socialist trudy ruined all of our foreign policy. You think the "Red Line" on syria that was never followed through on makes the US "respected". Maybe the russians waltzing through Crimea??? Or you may recall this Isis group that is about gone.

The USA has been getting their asses handed to them by other countries for far too long (China being BY FAR the biggest one) and the reason why is b/c we have traitors called lobbyists that literally lobbied for foreign governments. I admire the Canadian people as well but this constant "stick it up your ass USA" is BULLSHIT. Canada would not exist as it does today with the USA, PERIOD.

Good, stay the fuck out of the USA. You can pay your $45 US dollars for a case of beer. You want to start rants LIKE YOU DID, educate yourself first.
LMAO. The dissenting "voices" who won't pay their FAIR SHARE of a Treaty as STATED IN THE TREATY?? FYI- it's not being arrogant but WE DON'T NEED HELP FROM OTHER COUNTRIES FOR DEFENSE. THEY NEED OURS. FACT! Trump isn't breaking US "law" by putting a tariff on another country, FYI. But what's funny is that you think a 10% tariff by Euros on USA cars vs a 2.5% for them in the USA is "fair trade". Regardless, these are short term issues in an attempt to negotiate a deal.

Steel is a national security issue? We have been getting most from CHINA. We need it for ships, etc. Your PM just imposed the same on us? He must be GREEDY?

Win -lose? He has said 5ox in the last 2 weeks this was a win-win for Canada, US, Mexico. The mew deal HELPS Canada the most imo regarding cars. Your millennial PM can have dairy protection tariffs in clear violation of NAFTA and that's okay? Please.

Lol, place in the world? We are back to being repsected after our version of socialist trudy ruined all of our foreign policy. You think the "Red Line" on syria that was never followed through on makes the US "respected". Maybe the russians waltzing through Crimea??? Or you may recall this Isis group that is about gone.

The USA has been getting their asses handed to them by other countries for far too long (China being BY FAR the biggest one) and the reason why is b/c we have traitors called lobbyists that literally lobbied for foreign governments. I admire the Canadian people as well but this constant "stick it up your ass USA" is BULLSHIT. Canada would not exist as it does today with the USA, PERIOD.

Good, stay the fuck out of the USA. You can pay your $45 US dollars for a case of beer. You want to start rants LIKE YOU DID, educate yourself first.
@Nature Boy, you posted this here by accident I think.

No need to thank me.
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Know why else this pisses off most Americans? Because we are sick and tired of people from other countries criticizing American citizens. We do not actually control every government issue directly. This guy creates an entire separate forum so he can try to get a pound of flesh from American hunters on a hunting blog? What?

I thin your PM is an imbecile, possibly the worst leader in the entire world. I don't need to come on a hunting blog and let the entire world know it. unreal . "I won't visit the USA", We don't GAF.
Know why else this pisses off most Americans? Because we are sick and tired of people from other countries criticizing American citizens. We do not actually control every government issue directly. This guy creates an entire separate forum so he can try to get a pound of flesh from American hunters on a hunting blog? What?

I thin your PM is an imbecile, possibly the worst leader in the entire world. I don't need to come on a hunting blog and let the entire world know it. unreal . "I won't visit the USA", We don't GAF.
Along the lines of your post, if I ever go to Canada, if will be to hunt or to visit people I know there. Their government's actions, good or bad will have no bearing whether I ever go to visit. Same with other countries, unless they plainly forbid my entry.

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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
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Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID