Im not
@Red Leg .. but my assessment is... "it depends"...
Russia has a limited number of 5th Generation fighters (SU-57).. which appear to be pretty far behind in terms of quality of our 5th Gen aircraft (F35 and F22).. that said, there is no doubt that the SU-57 is a superior aircraft to older mid 70's tech found in the early Gen 4 F16 models and the Gen 4 Gripen..
But there is much more in play than just the aircraft itself.. maintenance is a HUGE issue with fighter aircraft (not just the quality of maintenance, but also being able to keep up with maintenance requirements at all).. the F16 isnt a maintenance hog.. but.. it is also not an easy aircraft to keep maintained.. the Gripen was specifically built to be low maintenance and also specifically designed to operate in extreme cold environments (the F16 was not).. Im not sure how well SU57's endure exteme cold like the Ukrainian winter that will be upon them soon.. or what the log chains or maintenance issues might be associated with the SU-57 if they were to deploy them to Ukraine..
As I understand it, the primary fighter aircraft that the Russians are deploying in Ukraine is the SU-35, which is SUPPOSEDLY the Russian equivalent of the F16 (multi-role, twin engine, single seat, 4th Gen, etc)...
I am NOT a fighter pilot.. but.. the fighter pilots I do know (I know quite a few.. nature of my industry and all).. tell me that the F16 is the superior aircraft in a dog fight between the two.. but.. that the SU-35 has better stand off fight capability, and that this is how the Russians would likely try to engage the F16's..
So much of it I would think would depend on how the F16 is used (shoot down Russian aircraft? bomb Russian ground targets?) and then once it does engage enemy aircraft or ground targets, what tactics do the Ukrainians use vs the Russians use in those engagements..