Hunt anything
AH legend
Holy Crap, definitely don’t want to be on the receiving end of that!
This is the most intelligent and articulate man in this race. This clip has gone viral.
Totally agreed and very well said. This thread has turned into an echo chamber.I also ran a an 800 billion in sales business unit for a major corporation for more than a decade. Along with being a combat arms officer, I have served in a major embassy abroad, for the Defense Intelligence Agency, and am a product of places like a small land grant university, and post graduate fellowships at The Walsh school of Foreign Service - Georgetown University, and the Tuck School of Business - Dartmouth. I ran the US Army's Liaison effort with Congress for two years dealing daily with everyone from committee staffs to people like Trent Lott and Hillary Clinton. So I choose not to be lectured to as a "military man" who should mind his place.
Much of the anti-Ukraine drumbeat comes from those unwilling to debate the merits of the issue - many have no understanding of history or any particular interest in foreign policy. It is why the neo-isolationist movement appeals to them.
Many dissenters argue that helping Ukraine detracts from our ability to contain China. As I have noted above many times and as China demonstrated so clearly before the invasion, China's goals are inextricably linked with Russia again becoming a major and destabilizing threat on the West's eastern flank. Therefore, hamstringing Russian ambitions seriously undermines Chinese strategic goals while simplifying our own strategic options.
As you seem to note, the other argument for appeasement revolves around cost. Somehow we are supposed to believe our investment in Ukraine's right to exist and thwarting Russian ambitions is a zero sum game with respect to things like the wall. That is simply not true. Cast away our security investment in Europe, and do you honestly believe for one moment that this administration will spend one dime more on border security or cease spending recklessly on questionable green energy initiatives or buying dependency votes through things like debt forgiveness? And yes, in world with an annual budget of 6.3 trillion dollars, a two-year military investment of 50 billion is a rounding number.
Finally, there are those who oppose our efforts in Europe because Biden and this administration support them or because they believe that is what Trump wants them to do. I'll simply say that I have zero loyalty to any candidate - they are campaigning for the right to work for me - and my personal loyalty to my party and political beliefs are not so pure that I will oppose doing the right thing even when it is being attempted by the wrong people.
Thank You for bringing in accurate numbers on what Germany was allowed after WW1. Yes, England and France did declare war but they were several years too late. Hitler overrode the Treaty of Versailles shortly after coming to power, which was around 1932/1933. France and England should have taken decisive action at that time which was early to mid 1930’s. I believe in that time period France had over million man army. Unfortunately, because the Allied Powers did not want to get involved in another war, they allowed Hitler to gain strength and confidence in his ability to do what he wanted to do. In the end we all had to fight a much larger war in the 1940’s.
The parallel is that if Putin is allowed to aggressively take over a sovereign country unopposed, then where will he stop. The more success he has the more support he will receive from the Russian people. To maintain this process Putin will then need to threaten another country. As he gains resources from conquered countries, his ability to grow his military might will increase greatly. This is a pattern of an Emperor/Dictator. This is a pattern that allowed people like Napoleon to conquer Europe. I believe it is Louise XIV of France also followed this same plan in the early part of the 1700’s.
I am not sure why individuals want to go down this emperor road it never ends well for them.
Planning safaris to Africa is far more pleasant in my opinion.![]()
Unless I'm mistaken, England and France didn't declare war on Germany until Hitler invaded Poland? Russia then invaded Poland from the east shortly after Germany invaded from the west almost simultaneously. I don't believe Germany could have conquered Poland in the short timeframe as they did without Russia's involvement. Hitler even stated that France alone could have defeated the German army in 1938 when Hitler invaded the Sudetenland but did nothing. If the World had sanctioned Putin harshly for invading Georgia, would we be where we are today with Ukraine? Other than death and taxes, the other constant is that History has a way of repeating itself over and over again and we're too stupid to learn from it.Yes, yes .
Germany had an army of 100,000 men and 15,000 men in the navy after World War I.
This was also approved by the victorious powers.
The so-called Reichswehr.
Heavy weapons such as artillery above calibre 105 mm (naval guns above 203 mm), armoured vehicles, submarines and capital ships were forbidden, as were any kind of air force.
Hitler then overrode this.
England and France certainly did something: they declared war on us
Which I will never understand:
Stalin coldly invaded Poland weeks later, just like Hitler had done before.
They watched calmly
This is the most intelligent and articulate man in this race. This clip has gone viral.
Hopefully enough people will see itThat’s the kind of sound bite that can swing an election.
That’s the kind of sound bite that can swing an election.
I don't think you are wrong at all. Once again, we and Europe are playing into Putin's fantasy game. "Don't upset Putin", "We don't want to make Putin angry". De Ja Vu albeit to a much lesser degree of Hitler's aspirations to expand the German Empire. And no, I'm not comparing Putin to Hitler. But in today's world that's now where we're at and we now have Ukraine. Fighter jets should have been provided to Ukraine from DAY ONE through a lend lease program. Same as we did for Great Britain in 1940. Equipment and funds provided will be deducted from worldwide seized Russian and complicit Russian "oligarchs" and "axis" nations' assets and a massive tariff on Russian oil/gas to pay for Ukraine's eventual rebuilding that Russia has destroyed. Oh, wait a minute, Brandon just gave axis Iran $6 BILLION dollars of seized oil revenue for the release of FIVE hostages. We NEVER seem to learn from history and they're much greater threats on the horizon. God help us if Brandon is President when the shit hits the fan!The only reason I'm opposed to what we (our government) are doing with Ukraine, is that we continue to nickel and dime them with weaponry, and do not fully do what we are said to do. If we are going to commit ourselves to supporting them, then let's give them the tools necessary to kick the sh*t out of the Russian Army. I may be wrong on this, and if I am, please someone set me straight.
I don't think Biden has an opinion on this war. I put the blame for the strategy squarely at the feet of Jake Sullivan, Biden's National Security Advisor - the same man who masterminded the Afghanistan withdrawal. He is an election lawyer and election strategist who was never in the military and never held a diplomatic post - perfect preparation for his current critical position.Biden and NATO's support of Ukraine has been half assed at best. When it became obvious that the Ukrainians were going to fight and fight well they should have been supported with everything they needed to kick the Russian's out of the country as quickly as possible.
There have been theories that this trickling in of support was a deliberate strategy designed to slowly wear the Russians down. Is it that or is it, at least in Biden's case more of the cowardliness he's exhibited his entire life. We will probably never know. What is clear is that expecting the Ukrainian's to use a NATO combined arms strategy while denying them weapons essential for combined arms warfare was/is moronic.
I can tell you all one undeniable fact. Neither Putin, NATO or Biden gives a flying **** what anyone on this forum thinks about anything.
When we get all spun up here about an opinion that we might not agree with, who does that affec
Sure doesnt affect anything going on in Ukraine does it?
Somehow we got the wrongheaded impression that our opinions matter on global matters.
Someone mentioned an echo chamber, more like a circular firing squad and a big waste of time.
Seems to me that you’ve been right down there in the mud with the rest of us. Arguing about the best course to take.I can tell you all one undeniable fact. Neither Putin, NATO or Biden gives a flying **** what anyone on this forum thinks about anything.
When we get all spun up here about an opinion that we might not agree with, who does that affec
Sure doesnt affect anything going on in Ukraine does it?
Somehow we got the wrongheaded impression that our opinions matter on global matters.
Someone mentioned an echo chamber, more like a circular firing squad and a big waste of time.