Red Leg, do you think Putin’s ultimate goal is rebuilding the Soviet Union? Or would he be satisfied with Ukraine? I believe at first it was the former but now it seems he is trying to figure out a way to save face. Very interested in your thoughts and insights on the subject.
He has stated several times that the collapse of the Soviet Union was one of the greatest tragedies of history. However, I personally think his vison is more closely allied to Imperial Russia than the Soviet Union. In either case, control of the Baltic and Eastern Europe was a dominating goal.
In February of '22, Putin was in a position where he had cowed Georgia and neutered Finland and Sweden. He had taken the Crimea and moved troops into the Donbas without any serious protest from the US or its NATO partners. His forces even shot down an airliner over Ukraine - Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 - with no meaningful reaction from the West. He had just sealed a pact, however ambiguous, with China, and he believed he exercised economic control over Western Europe due to its dependency on Russian natural gas.
In one of the great miscalculations in recent history, Putin ordered the invasion with the full expectation that any Ukrainian resistance would quickly collapse. I believe his intelligence services had convinced him the incursion would resemble the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia of August 1968 which ended the Prague Spring. As evidence, senior officers and members of elite units like the VDV had their dress uniforms packed in their gear for their eventual victory parade in Kyiv. I suspect the minimal operational goal was seizure of everything east of the Dnieper River. The Russian Army had been modernizing for more than two decades for just such a mission.
That would have been followed by an operational pause and then he would have begun pressuring what remained of Ukraine and Eastern Europe. The lack of NATO response would perhaps have encouraged him to seize the Baltic States in a coup de main that would have left us the choice of nuclear war or appeasement and the likely collapse of NATO.
What Putin, and for a time, this administration and NATO forgot was that the Ukrainian people had a voice with respect to Russian goals. Because of their heroic resistance, things haven't worked out exactly to plan. It is why I find the "Ukraine is losing crowd" at best so incredibly uninformed or at worst deliberate stooges of Russian propaganda. Lets review the reality.
1. The modernized Russian Army that invaded in February literally no longer exists. Along with massive materiel losses among its modernized formations and weapon systems, the 300k casualties it has suffered include a huge swath of its battalion and regimental leadership. HIMARS and Storm Shadow strikes have also taken out fifteen Russian general officers and inflicted serious losses among the staffs supporting them. The US and British armies take fifteen years just to produce a battalion commander. Russia will be decades recovering its leadership cadres alone.
2. The Russian Air Force has proven a paper tiger. After a year and a half of war not only has it not achieved air superiority, it can not even operate in Ukrainian airspace. Its new hypersonic missiles have proven easy targets for the American Patriot system.
3. Rather than taking a bold step in gaining control of the Baltic, Putin has managed to drive both Sweden and Finland into the NATO Alliance. As result the Baltic has become a NATO lake; Kaliningrad is totally isolated and at the mercy of NATO; and the Baltic States have never been more secure. Rather than enlarging a Russian buffer zone, he has added over 800 miles of shared NATO border thanks to Finland.
4. Economically, he has succeeded in making Europe independent of Russian natural gas, and as I type, the Ruble is worth less than a penny. That puts it on par with economies like Argentina. The measures taken by the Federation's central bank to protect the economy from Western sanctions are coming home to roost and hyper inflation, currently running at 12%, is likely just around the corner.
To date the Special Military Operation has proven a catastrophe for Russia. The strategy now seems to be one of hanging on until the US political situation changes in Russia's favor. With more and more Republicans believing "no more spending on Ukraine" will enhance their standing with the Trump base, that strategy may well bear fruit. Any negotiated settlement that rewards Russia with new territorial gains can and will be spun as a victory for Putin and loss of prestige for the US and NATO.