Tundra Tiger
AH legend
TOTALLY off topic from EVs... Nice new profile photo @shootist~
This is the politics thread. We don't do nuance or rationale here. We might as well just type in all caps from here on out.@Woodcarver you've taken the extraordinary case and made it the normative case. You've created strawman arguments to shoot down as well.
I'm aware of no car company that is suggesting an EV or hybrid to provide an alternative to a 1-ton pickup with a V8 diesel engine capable of hauling 15,000 pound trailers.
Except that is exactly what they are trying to do by banning the sale of ICE vehicles. Those pushing that ban ARE saying the EV will do it all, with no real concept of what "all" encompasses. My sister and her husband live at 8500', it's 15 miles to the nearest town (read grocery store), and nothing is flat. If either worked in Denver, the nearest actual city, the commute is 25 miles, one way, to the edge.@Woodcarver you've taken the extraordinary case and made it the normative case. You've created strawman arguments to shoot down as well.
I'm aware of no car company that is suggesting an EV or hybrid to provide an alternative to a 1-ton pickup with a V8 diesel engine capable of hauling 15,000 pound trailers.
I feel exactly the same way about the vaccinesRemember way back when (like 2 years ago) so many of us were saying this exact thing, but in regard to vaccines?
Now a WI resident. Suppressors are legal. CCW training for a permit requires only hunter safety and they turn around your permit in 30 days. This is what easy access to 2nd amendment rights looks like.
Compare to:
Illinois gun ownership is a privilege. You must apply for a FOID card which is unconstitutional. You may wait 6-12 months to receive it to use your 2A rights. Home made guns are illegal. I can't even keep track of their bans on magazines and AR-like platforms. CCW requires an in person class that runs you $500. NFA items are prohibited. No suppressors. No normal gun rifle seasons. They also have a lower State credit rating than Romania.
In conclusion:
Wisconsin is great. Illinois sucks. Change my mind.
200k Km is a shade over 124k miles, that's not a lot. Considering 15k miles/year is considered the norm, that only takes a little over 8 years for the average driver in the US (I was averaging closer to 20k miles/year prior to retiring and becoming a recluse). I would guess that would be uncommon in Europe. My understanding is battery life for the EVs is considered 10 years. Then you're faced with replacement battery cost that exceeds the vehicle value."A limited use vehicle, with a (more) limited lifespan doesn't fit in the budget for the regular folk, living their regular lives, outside of town."
Tesla provides a 200,000 KM warranty on the battery and drive:
That's a lot.
Kia 7 years.
It's not for nothing that Tesla was once the most valuable car company, because the conventional manufacturers were asleep for 100 years.
One must also not look into the future from today's point of view.
They are working hard on the batteries so that they have a storage capacity of 700-1,000 KM.
Solar cells on the roofs of cars and houses with a storage system make many things possible today that were unthinkable 5 years ago.
Or Texas.Sounds like a vast improvement but your gun laws are still strict by Bama standards.
you might want to review the Doctrine of the Conservation of Mass and Energy before you bet your life on getting enough from your roof solar panel to power your home and car.Solar cells on the roofs of cars and houses with a storage system make many things possible today that were unthinkable 5 years ago.
you might want to review the Doctrine of the Conservation of Mass and Energy before you bet your life on getting enough from your roof solar panel to power your home and car.
Ukraine should have a vote in how long it takes? Sure, OK, but on whose nickel?This isn't Afghanistan. It - is - Ukraine - doing - the - fighting. It strikes me that they should have a vote in the length of time they are willing to sacrifice to preserve their right to exist. Either Ukraine or Russia will decide this war is no longer worth the cost and seek a negotiated settlement. I think it would be counter our national interests were we to support Russia in such a conclusion to the conflict.
Well first of all let me express my immense sorrow that you have to continue to mansplain things to people who dont agree with your position. Insert sarcasm here.I am so bored with hearing this, but I'll go over it one last time. RedLeg provided a precis of the Eisenhower speech, but if you scroll back I have a more detailed review of that. Enough.
US interests? Try this:
We all speak of a chip shortage. You know we need neon to etch chips, right? And where (at least two years ago) does a large part of the world's neon production originate?
See if you can find where the wiring harness in your car was made.
Then there are little things like "worldwide food supply", specifically grain. Remember back in the 80s, when US family farms were being foreclosed? Do you remember the real reason for that? Long story, but it starts with shortages in Ukraine.
That's just the start...