It may already be past the point of no return- A DemonRat win may actually prolong the collapse.
If the Rs win in 11/2024 and Pres/Congress return to a tough on China policy, China will realize that their window of opportunity is closing- result: immediate confrontation. Secondly, China would also force default on US debt, causing the monetary system to collapse. A DemonRat win would give China more time to reach its goals and allow the US to dig its hole deeper making the collapse even greater.
I started to reply and you beat me to it. The last thing that the Chinese economy could absorb would be a US default - whatever its causes. China's debt level is currently running 300% of GDP. Infrastructure is substantially overbuilt. Moreover, the foreign holdings of Chinese government bonds are one twentieth that of the US government. They could not begin to step in and attempt to manage the international monetary system. Finally, they have no economy without the US and Western European markets. Any significant disruption of that trade would pose an economic disaster for China.Ray, how could China force the US into default? More importantly, why would they? A real default on the US’s debt would precipitate a global economic crisis. China loses under such a collapse far more than most nations. They put about 80% of their annual GDP on container ships to sell elsewhere. A global economic crisis means no one would have the money to buy their shit.
Militarily, they are in no position to prevail. Bluster? Yes. Bully? Depends on who is running our government. But actually winning a shooting war against the US? Only in the movies. Beating us would require several things they lack. A blue water navy, an economy based on internal consumption and finally, access to American dollars, which gets shut off the moment the bullets fly.
I‘m unimpressed with China‘s chances as an adversary….much less so if they became an enemy.
A pretty good primer on the limitations of Chinese economic power.
Is it a Risk for America that China Holds over $1 Trillion in U.S. Debt? | ChinaPower Project
Many worry that China’s ownership of American debt affords the Chinese leverage over the US, but this worry stems from a misunderstanding of sovereign debt.