
Jack Smith, is an overzealous rogue prosecutor who wants to be the guy that takes down the mighty Donald Trump.

Press coverage. Book deals. The ultimate ambition of being the head of the DOJ.

Look what Smith did to Virgina governor McDonnell. Ruined the mans life, ruined his marriage, and more.

Jack Smiths case against McDonnell was overturned in the Supreme court by a vote of 8-0, with 1 non vote.

Trumps case will most likely end up the same way.

This is a political hit job. Designed to create a media frenzy, and cast a dark shadow of doubt with Trump supporters.

Trump will win. Jack Smith & the DOJ goon squad can go pound sand.

Speaking of DOJ prosecutions.


Talk about the fix being in. Hunter pays a fine for the misdemeanor tax violations and essentially walks on the felony gun charge. He completes probation and the felony goes away.

Meanwhile, a poor black woman is screwed to the wall for the same crime. Yes, she should not have stored her pistol where her 6 yo could get it and use it to shoot his teacher. Charge her with improper storage as a state crime.

I should have been more complete in my harvesting comments. Mail-in balloting absolutely played a major, likely decisive role in swinging the election along with the collection box mechanism. But it was because the Democrats were prepared with a ground game to exploit it. Community organizers with systems already in place to get people to the polls found it even easier to simply gather ballots and insure the right ones were turned in to be counted. The Republican Party made absolutell no corresponding effort in rural areas.

This certainly is not how our founders envisioned an election, but generally, it was legal where it occurred. What there is no real evidence of is mysterious machine programming, boxes of midnight ballots, or legions of the dead voting. I realize that is an unpopular conclusion among the nether regions of the internet, but again, Trump‘s own consultants seem to have concluded the same. Obviously, so did Barr and Pence.

Watching Trump’s interview last night on Fox, I am not sure he actually believes the election was “stolen,” but I am certain he is more than willing to continue to play that card politically to help solidify his base - regardless what damage it does to the country.
Is the legal collection box method to include delivery of hundreds of thousands of unhandled, uncreased ballots marked by machine, filled out only for president with no down ballot votes, snuck in under guard, locked in with only democrats mixing said "ballots" into the rest of the batches, with the windows blocked out and any "observers" unable to physically see? We saw the 2 AM ballot drop on television with our own two eyes, law enforcement letting them in. What of ballots carried across state lines? Should there be no charges for that?!
What of many states troubles with the electronic counts due to dominion? The whole thing stunk to high heaven! And then the Supreme Court won't take the Texas case, with the Chief Justice screaming behind closed doors that there would be rioting if they did take it?
Don't get me started on how I and everyone else is to shut up about it and pretend it was alright. It is an open sore. I'm still angry about it.
I should have been more complete in my harvesting comments. Mail-in balloting absolutely played a major, likely decisive role in swinging the election along with the collection box mechanism. But it was because the Democrats were prepared with a ground game to exploit it. Community organizers with systems already in place to get people to the polls found it even easier to simply gather ballots and insure the right ones were turned in to be counted. The Republican Party made absolutell no corresponding effort in rural areas.

This certainly is not how our founders envisioned an election, but generally, it was legal where it occurred. What there is no real evidence of is mysterious machine programming, boxes of midnight ballots, or legions of the dead voting. I realize that is an unpopular conclusion among the nether regions of the internet, but again, Trump‘s own consultants seem to have concluded the same. Obviously, so did Barr and Pence.

Watching Trump’s interview last night on Fox, I am not sure he actually believes the election was “stolen,” but I am certain he is more than willing to continue to play that card politically to help solidify his base - regardless what damage it does to the country.
The great preponderance of 'damage being done to the country', was not and is not being done by Trump but by the current occupant of the WH.
Is the legal collection box method to include delivery of hundreds of thousands of unhandled, uncreased ballots marked by machine, filled out only for president with no down ballot votes, snuck in under guard, locked in with only democrats mixing said "ballots" into the rest of the batches, with the windows blocked out and any "observers" unable to physically see? We saw the 2 AM ballot drop on television with our own two eyes, law enforcement letting them in. What of ballots carried across state lines? Should there be no charges for that?!
What of many states troubles with the electronic counts due to dominion? The whole thing stunk to high heaven! And then the Supreme Court won't take the Texas case, with the Chief Justice screaming behind closed doors that there would be rioting if they did take it?
Don't get me started on how I and everyone else is to shut up about it and pretend it was alright. It is an open sore. I'm still angry about it.
I have a memory and I too remain more than double angry! The SCOTUS wouldn’t look at it nor would judges across the country. Standard answer was an instantaneous, “nothing to see here”. Translated… the judicial has become political, corrupt and gutless to the core. If my vote was cancelled out by just one corrupted vote, then not investigating is an injustice of major proportion. Loss of confidence in the system will destroy from within.
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Whether or not there was direct voting fraud in the 2020 election isn't an issue- it is clear that had the voting public had the information that was being withheld or falsely discredited by DOJ/FBI Pres Trump would have won the election. Some may call it stealing the election others may say the DemonRats had a better "ground game"- but it amounts to the same thing- an election with the outcome manipulated to a different outome.
The previous posting discusses sexual mores and births. Statistically the rise in births by unwed mothers correlates strongly with the increase in government subsidies. In simple terms, the government is paying single women to have babies. When the government pays for something, it gets more of it. the proponents of payments make it emotional with terms such as "safety net" while ignoring the fact that a safety net need not be a promoter of unwed births. I have posted elsewhere about such incentive-neutral policies so won't restate them here- but other options do exist.
Is the legal collection box method to include delivery of hundreds of thousands of unhandled, uncreased ballots marked by machine, filled out only for president with no down ballot votes, snuck in under guard, locked in with only democrats mixing said "ballots" into the rest of the batches, with the windows blocked out and any "observers" unable to physically see? We saw the 2 AM ballot drop on television with our own two eyes, law enforcement letting them in. What of ballots carried across state lines? Should there be no charges for that?!
What of many states troubles with the electronic counts due to dominion? The whole thing stunk to high heaven! And then the Supreme Court won't take the Texas case, with the Chief Justice screaming behind closed doors that there would be rioting if they did take it?
Don't get me started on how I and everyone else is to shut up about it and pretend it was alright. It is an open sore. I'm still angry about it.
So there was a conspiracy of every judge in the country to include the supreme court to not hear any evidence of voter fraud?

You may remember Sidney Powell vowed to "release the Kraken" with respect to Dominion. She didn't even have evidence of an angry crustacean, and is deservedly facing a very real Kraken-level lawsuit. Fox has already settled one and is facing others. The poor pillow guy is in equally bad shape.

We were indeed played by the democrat party. They did it in key states by taking advantage of the Covid voting rules. Fortunately, a number of states have tightened their voting practices. Others have not, and will not until legislative majorities change. They won't ever change if we believe the system is rigged by the swamp or whatever is the current nonsense over on Revolver.

If 2020 is any guide, it is useful for us to remember that at least half of the population likely will not vote for Donald Trump. If he wants to have a prayer, he had best figure out how to peel off an additional 15% of the female suburban voter. Bitching about the last election, one in which his own contracted consultants found no meaningful fraud, is probably not a way to sway those votes.

And Lancepeckerwood in the article above - how apropos - along with the doom and gloom populist crowd really ought to spend their time studying Florida. Six years ago it was considered a swing state. I'll simply note again that the current governor won by nearly 20% of the vote, a majority of Hispanics, and carried Miami Dade. That is the same state that Donald Trump carried by around 4%. Candidates, not demons in the machine, are what matters.

Finally, ole Lance also ought to study the 2020 runoff in Georgia following the general. Thanks to Sydney Powell, Rudy, conservative AM radio, and above all Donald Trump, more than twice the number of Trump November voters stayed home from the runoff than were necessary to beat both democrat senate candidates. They stayed home because they believed their vote wouldn't count, or because Sydney and others urged them to boycott the runoff. They were the difference in senate control. Think how different the Biden term might have been with a republican senate majority. It could be we are simply to dumb to win elections.
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I should have been more complete in my harvesting comments. Mail-in balloting absolutely played a major, likely decisive role in swinging the election along with the collection box mechanism. But it was because the Democrats were prepared with a ground game to exploit it. Community organizers with systems already in place to get people to the polls found it even easier to simply gather ballots and insure the right ones were turned in to be counted. The Republican Party made absolutell no corresponding effort in rural areas.

This certainly is not how our founders envisioned an election, but generally, it was legal where it occurred. What there is no real evidence of is mysterious machine programming, boxes of midnight ballots, or legions of the dead voting. I realize that is an unpopular conclusion among the nether regions of the internet, but again, Trump‘s own consultants seem to have concluded the same. Obviously, so did Barr and Pence.

Watching Trump’s interview last night on Fox, I am not sure he actually believes the election was “stolen,” but I am certain he is more than willing to continue to play that card politically to help solidify his base - regardless what damage it does to the country.
I would just differ with you on it being legal for County Clerk’s, Secretary’s of State and other election officials to just change the voting rules without the state legislature doing it.
Is the legal collection box method to include delivery of hundreds of thousands of unhandled, uncreased ballots marked by machine, filled out only for president with no down ballot votes, snuck in under guard, locked in with only democrats mixing said "ballots" into the rest of the batches, with the windows blocked out and any "observers" unable to physically see? We saw the 2 AM ballot drop on television with our own two eyes, law enforcement letting them in. What of ballots carried across state lines? Should there be no charges for that?!
What of many states troubles with the electronic counts due to dominion? The whole thing stunk to high heaven! And then the Supreme Court won't take the Texas case, with the Chief Justice screaming behind closed doors that there would be rioting if they did take it?
Don't get me started on how I and everyone else is to shut up about it and pretend it was alright. It is an open sore. I'm still angry about it.
I agree with your politics but where is the proof of your allegations? Reading something online doesn’t mean it really happened. If there’s proof, I’m all for exposing it and prosecution of those involved.
I have a memory and I too remain more than double angry! The SCOTUS wouldn’t look at it nor would judges across the country. Standard answer was an instantaneous, “nothing to see here”. Translated… the judicial has become political, corrupt and gutless to the core. If my vote was cancelled out by just one corrupted vote, then not investigating is an injustice of major proportion. Loss of confidence in the system will destroy from within.

I actually fully agree with the statement that the disinterested response from SCOTUS/judicial/law enforcement, concerning possible voting irregularities in one of the most contentious votes for POTUS in recent years was the absolute worst reaction possible. It destroyed the confidence of a whole chunk of the population that their grievances would be heard or taken seriously. Little pebbles like these are what starts avalanches later. The result is that a large part has no more trust in the representative system, and are one step closer to having their voices heard in a less civilised manner.
I actually fully agree with the statement that the disinterested response from SCOTUS/judicial/law enforcement, concerning possible voting irregularities in one of the most contentious votes for POTUS in recent years was the absolute worst reaction possible. It destroyed the confidence of a whole chunk of the population that their grievances would not be heard or taken seriously. Little pebbles like these are what starts avalanches later. The result is that a large part has no more trust in the representative system, and are one step closer to having their voices heard in a less civilised manner.
Courts don’t do the work for you. You have to bring the evidence and/or ask for the ability to go get it. Trump’s lawyers essentially said, “Hey judge there’s some smoke here. Please overturn the election.” The courts said no. Trump’s lawyers should have said, “Hey judge there’s some smoke here. Please allow us to investigate, get subpoenas and look into this and bring you what we find.” Then if found, ask to overturn the election. Refer back to the last few minutes of the video I posted earlier.

Even law enforcement won’t do the work sometimes. Ever had something stolen? The police about want you to prove who stole it and where it is before they will do anything.
Courts don’t do the work for you. You have to bring the evidence and/or ask for the ability to go get it. Trump’s lawyers essentially said, “Hey judge there’s some smoke here. Please overturn the election.” The courts said no. Trump’s lawyers should have said, “Hey judge there’s some smoke here. Please allow us to investigate, get subpoenas and look into this and bring you what we find.” Then if found, ask to overturn the election. Refer back to the last few minutes of the video I posted earlier.

Even law enforcement won’t do the work sometimes. Ever had something stolen? The police about want you to prove who stole it and where it is before they will do anything.

Fair point, I was not aware of the actual substeps that should have been taken to properly investigate such smoke.

My impression had more to do with the idea that when a very contentious race happens, any smoke should have been investigated with seriousness, so as not to have a part of the population feel disenfranchised.

I remember when the results came, I was following live for the most part despite the time difference, where at first Trump seemed to take the lead, then bit by bit Biden made up the difference and surpassed, with lots of (wild) stories doing the rounds of inexplicable jumps in the votes in the middle of the night, unsupervised ballot boxes under tables and what not. I immediately thought to myself, whether this is just media portrayal/political jostling or whether there are some real things to be investigated, it does not matter. The Democrats and the judicial system had better treat every complaint seriously, without immediate denigrating dismissal, because that’s how you lose the trust of a part of your population. And that is not good in the long run.

If you say that everything was investigated properly by impartial actors and due process was followed, then sure I trust your observation. But from where I was standing in Europe, it looked far from clean, nor respectful towards the typical republican voter.
Fair point, I was not aware of the actual substeps that should have been taken to properly investigate such smoke.

My impression had more to do with the idea that when a very contentious race happens, any smoke should have been investigated with seriousness, so as not to have a part of the population feel disenfranchised.

I remember when the results came, I was following live for the most part despite the time difference, where at first Trump seemed to take the lead, then bit by bit Biden made up the difference and surpassed, with lots of (wild) stories doing the rounds of inexplicable jumps in the votes in the middle of the night, unsupervised ballot boxes under tables and what not. I immediately thought to myself, whether this is just media portrayal/political jostling or whether there are some real things to be investigated, it does not matter. The Democrats and the judicial system had better treat every complaint seriously, without immediate denigrating dismissal, because that’s how you lose the trust of a part of your population. And that is not good in the long run.

If you say that everything was investigated properly by impartial actors and due process was followed, then sure I trust your observation. But from where I was standing in Europe, it looked far from clean, nor respectful towards the typical republican voter.
I’m not saying there was no fraud. Just saying that perhaps it wasn’t investigated properly and the courts are not going to do anything without evidence.

As for Biden’s gains overnight, it is common for the highly populated cities and counties to take longer to count the votes. Early leads usually evaporate or are at least reduced as the bigger population centers votes are brought in.
Hunter Biden plea deal on tax evasion, and lying on a firearm purchase application. Democrat corruption 101.

If this was Trumps kids, they woud go all out to put them behind bars.

If the Democrats cheat their way into a 2024 win, this country is truly lost forever.
If the Democrats cheat their way into a 2024 win, this country is truly lost forever.
It may already be past the point of no return- A DemonRat win may actually prolong the collapse.
If the Rs win in 11/2024 and Pres/Congress return to a tough on China policy, China will realize that their window of opportunity is closing- result: immediate confrontation. Secondly, China would also force default on US debt, causing the monetary system to collapse. A DemonRat win would give China more time to reach its goals and allow the US to dig its hole deeper making the collapse even greater.
Ray, how could China force the US into default? More importantly, why would they? A real default on the US’s debt would precipitate a global economic crisis. China loses under such a collapse far more than most nations. They put about 80% of their annual GDP on container ships to sell elsewhere. A global economic crisis means no one would have the money to buy their shit.

Militarily, they are in no position to prevail. Bluster? Yes. Bully? Depends on who is running our government. But actually winning a shooting war against the US? Only in the movies. Beating us would require several things they lack. A blue water navy, an economy based on internal consumption and finally, access to American dollars, which gets shut off the moment the bullets fly.

I‘m unimpressed with China‘s chances as an adversary….much less so if they became an enemy.

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