I guess you and I are watching a different governor named DeSantis. Given an opportunity, I'll gladly vote for the articulate debater and MSM nemesis who won Florida by nearly 20% than the New Yorker who can't carry his own state and barely won Florida by 2.
I take no issues with your opinion as I have my own. I spent a bit of time in Afghanistan. I was there during 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013, 20117, 2018, 2019. The gaps were filled with other countries tied to GWOT or what ever our nation asked of me. I personally do not see it as a failure. I hope the Afghans whose lives were made better and those exposed to a different and less extreme ideology can steer the country in the right direction. Global powers has been meddling in their business since the dawn of time. Thanks for your thoughts.I think its very important to look at Afghanistan through the lens of success or failure because this is a conflict that has cost 2.3 TRILLION dollars: https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar...etary-costs-date-us-war-afghanistan-2001-2022
It has resulted in the Taliban not only returning to power but also expanding their control over Afghanistan. The 15% of Afghanistan that was held by the Northern Alliance pre-9/11 is now more or less under Taliban control.
I do not know if anyone makes a deliberately bad choice regarding national security but the way that the withdrawal from Afghanistan happened defies logic. Not only did it take place during the Afghan fighting season but it also resulted in large amounts of equipment getting left behind. The whole withdrawal also appeared rather rushed and chaotic.
This is slightly off topic, but another foreign policy decision that is mind boggling is the decision to invade Iraq. Hussein was a little splinter in America's pinky finger. However if you were an Islamic nutcase who even dreamed of forming an organization like ISIS in Saddam's Iraq you would wind up 6 feet under. Not to mention that Saddam's Iraq represented a pretty serious threat to Iran... So trillions of dollars later you now have an Iraq that's Shiite run and far friendlier to Iran than Saddam ever was and further this country is also now a rather fertile breeding ground for militant Islamists...
While NATO troops were in Afghanistan the Taliban and coalition forces where in a stalmate. With NATO in the country the Taliban could not sieze control of the country. But at the same time coalition forces where unable to defeat the Taliban insurgency. Once NATO forces left Afghanistan it was rather obvious that the balance of power would shift in the Taliban's favor. So them wanting to engage in a power sharing agreement, in good faith, really does not make any sense. Why engage in a power sharing agreement when you are the side that has the upper hand??
The Taliban may not have aims that extend beyond their borders, but they never really did. The problem with them is that they are a bunch of Islamic nutcases who are presiding over a country that was always on the verge of being a failed state. These conditions created and probably will continue to create fertile breeding grounds for all sorts of Islamic terrorist movements.
But getting to the question of the equipment. First of all most of the equipment that NATO left behind will probably turn into fancy desert ornaments. For instance, I doubt the Taliban have the know how to operate the western aircraft that were left behind. However they certainly do not have the technical know how or the requisite supply chains to maintain and service this aircraft. So in a few years they will probably be inoperable. However, I am sure China is interested in getting their hands on a few of these aircraft and examining them and even maybe copying or reverse engineering them. Given that the Taliban are eager to establish relations with other countries, I do not think that it is far fetched to think that at least some of this tech will fall into Chinese or say Iranian hands...
There are already reports that some of this equipment has shown up in Kashmir and in other parts of Pakistan...
I think this is a very important point. The United States of America is based on an idea expressed in our Declaration of Independence.I hope the Afghans whose lives were made better and those exposed to a different and less extreme ideology can steer the country in the right direction.
Who thinks Trump won't make it through the primaries? He has hugely more support that Desantis, who among other things is not a good debater, doesn't have a personality, and has a curiously "deep" CV.
What criteria are you basing your opinion of Governor DeSantis exactly?? I could not disagree more with your assessment of him..
DeSantis is an formidable debater, extremely sharp, and is an excellent overall speaker. I encourage you to watch some more video of his past debates, and press conferences. He has particular talent for his ability to systematically dismantle the MSM every time they try him..
He's also a very engaging individual who is very well liked by his constituency. The sane people of this state love him..The only people who don't like him are the ones who he has humiliated by exposing their lies and bullshit narratives.
BBC News - Covid-19 origin debate 'squashed', ex-CDC chief Dr Robert Redfield claims
Covid-19 origin debate 'squashed', ex-CDC chief Dr Robert Redfield claims
Dr Robert Redfield makes the claim at a US congressional panel's first hearing into Covid's origins.www.bbc.co.uk
Unless something changes between now and next March, Trump is the R nominee. (And that a lifetime of time.) Today, Trump stated that the D states are not going to stop ballot harvesting, and the R need to start now preparing to ballot harvest in those states. I could agree 100%.
I love the thought of a DeSantis/Haley card. Unbeatable!I liked Trump, voted for him, and was a fan of all the policies he enacted during his term. With that being said, the WORST possible thing to happen for the GOP would be he gets the nod for 2024. He will lose, terribly. And we will endure another 4 years of pure hell. If he's our nominee I will still vote for him because I will die before I ever vote blue. However, I am not voting for him in the primary.
There's a lot of talk about DeSantis and "who will be governor" if he wins. Who cares? Sorry Florida, your interests don't supersede the needs of our nation. They will figure it out. Period. I personally think a DeSantis/Haley card is our best chance. Lets work through this:
1) He's well-spoken. A better and more polished version of Trump.
2) He has an outstanding approval rating in his state.
3) He is hugely supported by immigrants. My wife's Colombian family flipped blue to red, just because of him.
4) He has a military service background.
5) The big one: His COVID policies. There are a LOT of people crossing party lines that may vote for him just because of that.
Trump's day is done. He didn't get a fair deal but that's life. Now, the GOP has to get together and figure this out the right way.
I love the thought of a DeSantis/Haley card. Unbeatable!