
I read something today that escaped my attention, but if true, is as chilling as it is puzzling. Trump reportedly said that DeSantis is somehow suspect because “he used to be a Reagan Republican.” If he said it, that means Republicans who appeal to anyone accept Trump’s base are weak. Ronald Reagan? Ronaldus Maximus, as the late Rush Limbaugh used to call him? If those of us who admire Ronald Reagan are too weak to matter, then the Republican party is doomed…..and Trump will have killed it.
Trump did good things as President. His problem was, and still is that he is too immature to know when to STFU.

Note: If you do not know what STUF means it's: "Shut the Fxxk Up"
Trump did good things as President. His problem was, and still is that he is too immature to know when to STFU.

Note: If you do not know what STUF means it's: "Shut the Fxxk Up"

Seldom have I heard it put as succinctly or as accurately. Well stated sir.
I did not say the US military lost Afghanistan I said that it failed to defeat the Taliban insurgency, even at the height of the surge. Given that 100,000 NATO soldiers could not defeat the Taliban insurgency, I merely stated that it was absurd to think that the Afghan army could do it on its own. So leaving all that military hardware for the Afghan army to fight the Taliban was kind of pointless. Once the US withdrew from Afghanistan, I would say it was pretty obvious that it was a matter of time before the Afghan government collapsed.

Now obviously the American military was not defeated militarily in Afghanistan. America lost the Afghan War for political reasons.

I think we can look at Afghanistan through a different aperture other than failure or success. Generally speaking no one wakes up and deliberately makes a bad decision in regards to our national security. If everyone recalls during the Trump presidency there was a push to achieve a negotiated settlement between the US, Afghan Government, and the Taliban. In Doha and Pakistan meetings took place and a "conditions based" glide path was set. The US and our allies had done a great job but Afghan problems can only be solved with Afghan solutions. If all went well, the US and its allies withdrawal, peace is achieved between the Taliban and Afghanistan that included their integration into the legitimate government. While all this was happening there is the ISIS fight in Eastern Afghanistan which was spreading. The Taliban do not wish to conduct operations external to their country but ISIS does. ISIS is our priority. If we yanked out all lethal aid the Afghans would be hampered in the ISIS fight. So what do we do? Do we stay 20 more years? Or did we as a nation hope peace would be achieved and together the combined government would contain ISIS. The Taliban do not like ISIS. I feel there was no right answer and it did turn out pretty bad. It could have been worse. Hopefully the Taliban use our military equipment to contain ISIS. That would be a win.


A side deal that comes to mind between Bidet and Ukraine- unless the prosecutor is fired there will be no billion dollars coming your way from the US. Or, Hunter's job on the energy company's board with ZERO experience. Or that the war could be ended with very little money going to Ukraine if Bidet would return energy policy to pre-Bidet status reducing the worldwide price of oil to about $40/bbl.
If Trump wins the GOP nomination, I hope Joe Manchin is the Dem candidate.

I voted twice for Trump. Won't vote for him a third time.
I recall being upset during George Bush Sr presidency. After some unconstitutional activities by the BATF the NRA referred to the BATF as a bootjack agency unworthy of any respect. In response Bush renounced his life membership in the NRA. In addition, he promised "no new taxes" and his famous line "read my lips" after which he yielded to the Communists and signed in new taxes. Many Republicans were betrayed and chose to vote for Ross Perot. So instead of being elected to a second term, taking the Republican voter for granted penalized the nation by giving the presidency to a serial rapist.
After the primaries are done and the Republican national committee selects a candidate, regardless of whom it is, I plan on voting for the Republican candidate. Enough of this splitting the vote nonsense.
I recall being upset during George Bush Sr presidency. After some unconstitutional activities by the BATF the NRA referred to the BATF as a bootjack agency unworthy of any respect. In response Bush renounced his life membership in the NRA. In addition, he promised "no new taxes" and his famous line "read my lips" after which he yielded to the Communists and signed in new taxes. Many Republicans were betrayed and chose to vote for Ross Perot. So instead of being elected to a second term, taking the Republican voter for granted penalized the nation by giving the presidency to a serial rapist.
After the primaries are done and the Republican national committee selects a candidate, regardless of whom it is, I plan on voting for the Republican candidate. Enough of this splitting the vote nonsense.
And it seems the gop hasn’t learned a thing since then about taking voters for granted.
I recall being upset during George Bush Sr presidency. After some unconstitutional activities by the BATF the NRA referred to the BATF as a bootjack agency unworthy of any respect. In response Bush renounced his life membership in the NRA. In addition, he promised "no new taxes" and his famous line "read my lips" after which he yielded to the Communists and signed in new taxes. Many Republicans were betrayed and chose to vote for Ross Perot. So instead of being elected to a second term, taking the Republican voter for granted penalized the nation by giving the presidency to a serial rapist.
After the primaries are done and the Republican national committee selects a candidate, regardless of whom it is, I plan on voting for the Republican candidate. Enough of this splitting the vote nonsense.
That little quitter Perot--what, did someone have some real dirt on him or WHY did he just pull out?!
Or is it the president's flamboyant method of presenting drama?
I am afraid, you may have a point.
Presidents first trade was acting, and showbusiness.

This does not mean much, but is indication.

For example, successful president mr Ronald Reagan was actor too, and (western) history records him in very positive light, with one aircraft carrier named after him.

How history, will remember Zelensky, we will see.

As he was quoting incomparable Winston Churchill in congress: I may add following - Neville Chamberlain (who believed in peace agreement with Hitler, till last moment) declared war to Germany, but history remembers Winston Churchill, as THE pm of the empire in that historical moment.

Zelenskyis comparing himself witth Churchill by such speech. (but it worked, media followed the idea till now)

However there are some minor historical differences between the two.
While Zelensky was actor and comedian till suddenly finding himself in presidential role, Churchill was preparing himself from young age for what the history will bring him in next century, and then he excelled in statesman's role.

Churchill, whose family traditionally was political, graduated in Sandhurst, military school not with idea of military carrier, but with genuine belief that one day he will lead the country, but to have moral background for this, he first must serve the country in the army, see all the empire and its colonies, and only then to seek a position in parliament elected from his constituency.
His family pulled the strings to get him in the army, he then joined the army on his own expense. and he made extra money as war correspondent.

He personally fought wars in Afghanistan, Sudan, and South Africa - Boer wars.
He pushed for campaign in Gallipoli in 1914 as first lord of admiralty, which led to disaster in turkey. and his resignation in 1915
In 1916, on his request he took lower command position on battlefield in Belgium, surviving the experience by pure luck, and after 6 months returned to Uk, to run war campaign in house of commons having very good idea what the war is. (I am not aware of any politician today, ready to leave the chair, and volunteer for war duty)

He travelled the collonies in peace time between the wars.
His eventual failures in ww1 in Turkey, made him loose political popularity at that moment, but he kept to his beliefs, and worked hard to become statesman during the worlds truly darkest moment, of ww2, twenty years later.

I am pretty much sure, Zelensky never fired a weapon in his private life, and he had anti gun political agenda before the war.
Thus, biography of Zelensky is incomparable to Churchills, and speech in congress at least without taste. But, it worked, on daily news.

What Zelensky is actually doing is excellent PR and propaganda campaign.

As a result, of such efforts, the country is now on good infusion from west.
Is it enough?
We will see.

The main question remains: who will win this war?

What winning the war means, to each side?
I am afraid, you may have a point.
Presidents first trade was acting, and showbusiness.

This does not mean much, but is indication.

For example, successful president mr Ronald Reagan was actor too, and (western) history records him in very positive light, with one aircraft carrier named after him.

How history, will remember Zelensky, we will see.

As he was quoting incomparable Winston Churchill in congress: I may add following - Neville Chamberlain (who believed in peace agreement with Hitler, till last moment) declared war to Germany, but history remembers Winston Churchill, as THE pm of the empire in that historical moment.

Zelenskyis comparing himself witth Churchill by such speech. (but it worked, media followed the idea till now)

However there are some minor historical differences between the two.
While Zelensky was actor and comedian till suddenly finding himself in presidential role, Churchill was preparing himself from young age for what the history will bring him in next century, and then he excelled in statesman's role.

Churchill, whose family traditionally was political, graduated in Sandhurst, military school not with idea of military carrier, but with genuine belief that one day he will lead the country, but to have moral background for this, he first must serve the country in the army, see all the empire and its colonies, and only then to seek a position in parliament elected from his constituency.
His family pulled the strings to get him in the army, he then joined the army on his own expense. and he made extra money as war correspondent.

He personally fought wars in Afghanistan, Sudan, and South Africa - Boer wars.
He pushed for campaign in Gallipoli in 1914 as first lord of admiralty, which led to disaster in turkey. and his resignation in 1915
In 1916, on his request he took lower command position on battlefield in Belgium, surviving the experience by pure luck, and after 6 months returned to Uk, to run war campaign in house of commons having very good idea what the war is. (I am not aware of any politician today, ready to leave the chair, and volunteer for war duty)

He travelled the collonies in peace time between the wars.
His eventual failures in ww1 in Turkey, made him loose political popularity at that moment, but he kept to his beliefs, and worked hard to become statesman during the worlds truly darkest moment, of ww2, twenty years later.

I am pretty much sure, Zelensky never fired a weapon in his private life, and he had anti gun political agenda before the war.
Thus, biography of Zelensky is incomparable to Churchills, and speech in congress at least without taste. But, it worked, on daily news.

What Zelensky is actually doing is excellent PR and propaganda campaign.

As a result, of such efforts, the country is now on good infusion from west.
Is it enough?
We will see.

The main question remains: who will win this war?

What winning the war means, to each side?
Your description of Churchill and his preparation to eventually lead Great Britain, and frankly all the effort against Hitler for the first three years of the war, is exactly accurate.

However, another way to look at Zelensky is to realize just what he has accomplished in rising to the demands of this existential war with Russia. After all, he only has almost single handedly united his own country and NATO in a stand against further Russian territorial expansion in Europe. He has largely been the catalyst for weaning Western Europe from economic dependence upon Russia, and his stature has continued to grow as the war has progressed. Obviously, in the modern age, being comfortable in front of a camera is a great asset.

His "speech" that will be written about by historians is not one where he quoted Churchill. It is this Telegram post to the Russian government and people.

Do you still think that we are ‘one nation?’ Do you still think that you can scare us, break us, make us make concessions?”

“You really did not understand anything? Don’t understand who we are? What are we for? What are we talking about?”

“Read my lips: Without gas or without you? Without you. Without light or without you? Without you. Without water or without you? Without you. Without food or without you? Without you,”

“Cold, hunger, darkness and thirst are not as scary and deadly for us as your ‘friendship and brotherhood,’” “But history will put everything in its place. And we will be with gas, light, water and food … and WITHOUT you!”
If Trump wins the GOP nomination, I hope Joe Manchin is the Dem candidate.

I voted twice for Trump. Won't vote for him a third time.
This is why the GOP can’t win. We have trump supporters who won’t vote for anyone else if trump doesn’t get the nomination and we have others who won’t vote for trump if he does get the nomination.

Meanwhile the democrats will vote for anyone who gets their nomination.
This is why the GOP can’t win. We have trump supporters who won’t vote for anyone else if trump doesn’t get the nomination and we have others who won’t vote for trump if he does get the nomination.
I disagree- It all depends on how the nomination of candidate goes. If each primary is considered a fair and accurate outcome of the voters in each district and those that aren't the winner coalesce around the winner- regardless as to if the winner is Trump or someone else, then the Republicans will win.
If the Republicans focus on the future and the policies that would put the American family back on top then the Republicans will win by a landslide approaching 1984.
The problem with that thought is this: Trump's ego will never allow him to believe it was fair and accurate unless it is him. Trump's ego will never allow his followers to coalesce around anyone other than him. I dearly wish I was wrong, but his words and actions have not shown anything that would suggest I am.
Mind-Readers and those that see the future- what's next for AH political comments?
I disagree- It all depends on how the nomination of candidate goes. If each primary is considered a fair and accurate outcome of the voters in each district and those that aren't the winner coalesce around the winner- regardless as to if the winner is Trump or someone else, then the Republicans will win.
If the Republicans focus on the future and the policies that would put the American family back on top then the Republicans will win by a landslide approaching 1984.
That’s certainly what I would like to see happen but lately I’ve heard from too many people in either the “only trump” and “never trump” camps to be hopeful.

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akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia
TAG SAFARI wrote on mvalden's profile.
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