
Unbeatable if the American public wakes up, which may very well be the case. The big one is COVID policies. There are a lot of people, even on the blue side, that realized everyone else got it really wrong. I have several buddies who were blue and now said if DeSantis gets the nomination he's got their vote but Trump, no way.

Like I said, Trump got a raw deal. Jan 6th may not have been what it appeared to be but he got it wrong. His response was poor. He can't keep his mouth shut. This is the free-world and not a locker room or bar. I don't mind someone who is not afraid to tell you like it is. DeSantis has the talent to do that AND do it in a way that passes the smell test.

God help us if Trump doesn't get the nomination and runs as an independent. We're done.
"He can't keep his mouth shut". That was his downfall IMHO. Trump WAS the great Presidential experiment. He was not a politician and couldn't be bought. He was hated by both the Demonrats and many Republicans for that very reason. He didn't play by THEIR rules and upset THEIR corrupt applecarts. He was the most transparent President in history and one knew exactly where he stood on almost EVERYTHING via his tweets on Twitter. However, he never learned that the Presidency was not the same as being the CEO of his business(es). He had a Congress to deal with and many things he wanted to get done required more than just him demanding it. I still really like Trump for the above reasons and especially for the things he was able to accomplish as President. But the experiment has run it's course because he made the moderate Independent voters "uncomfortable" with his transparency and NOT being able to keep his mouth shut when necessary. So, they voted for the imbecile Brandon who we'll be lucky to survive financially and militarily until 2024. Brandon IS the most corrupt, opaque, incompetent President we've EVER had! I would vote for Trump again in a heartbeat if he were to be the Republican nominee, but he WILL LOSE because he can no longer get the moderate Independent vote. That's why I hope a DeSantis/Haley ticket will be forthcoming. Just my 2 centavos.
"He can't keep his mouth shut. This is the free-world and not a locker room or bar."

This, in a nutshell. As a former elementary teacher, I have often compared his behavior to a petulant kindergartner. Some folks on here have argued that his behavior is irrelevant if he gets stuff done. Maybe I'm just too idealistic but I want stuff done and done so with class. I have also heard some on here put forth an argument to the effect of "well they started it; he's just fighting back." Again... so what? You can stand your ground without being a belligerent ass about it. Anyway... that's my 2 cents. @HookMeUpII, I think you stated what a lot of us feel very well.

I have said many times my hope was always DeSantis/Noem. That's still my hope but maybe Noem won't be interested. I could/can certainly get behind DeSantis/Haley.

"He can't keep his mouth shut". That was his downfall IMHO. Trump WAS the great Presidential experiment. He was not a politician and couldn't be bought. He was hated by both the Demonrats and many Republicans for that very reason. He didn't play by THEIR rules and upset THEIR corrupt applecarts. He was the most transparent President in history and one knew exactly where he stood on almost EVERYTHING via his tweets on Twitter. However, he never learned that the Presidency was not the same as being the CEO of his business(es). He had a Congress to deal with and many things he wanted to get done required more than just him demanding it. I still really like Trump for the above reasons and especially for the things he was able to accomplish as President. But the experiment has run it's course because he made the moderate Independent voters "uncomfortable" with his transparency and NOT being able to keep his mouth shut when necessary. So, they voted for the imbecile Brandon who we'll be lucky to survive financially and militarily until 2024. Brandon IS the most corrupt, opaque, incompetent President we've EVER had! I would vote for Trump again in a heartbeat if he were to be the Republican nominee, but he WILL LOSE because he can no longer get the moderate Independent vote. That's why I hope a DeSantis/Haley ticket will be forthcoming. Just my 2 centavos.

I really can't say anything more than I agree with you both. Trump, from his mannerisms and how he speaks just brings out the worst in people. Because it's him, they won't allow him to be reelected. He at this point just needs to get out of the spotlight, move on, and let the next man/woman up take the spotlight.

Could you even IMAGINE how overwhelming of a victory it would be if Trump endorses DeSantis/Haley? He won't but could you even imagine? This country might get back on track.
I really can't say anything more than I agree with you both. Trump, from his mannerisms and how he speaks just brings out the worst in people. Because it's him, they won't allow him to be reelected. He at this point just needs to get out of the spotlight, move on, and let the next man/woman up take the spotlight.

Could you even IMAGINE how overwhelming of a victory it would be if Trump endorses DeSantis/Haley? He won't but could you even imagine? This country might get back on track.
Yes, if Trump would endorse them saying he agreed with their platform and then not say anything else and played golf the rest of the time, it would be a slam dunk election. But like you said, he won't. His ego won't let him and I fear for the worst for the 2024 election if he were to be the Republican nominee. I/WE won't survive another four years of Brandon or another useless Demonrat as President. We'll be lucky enough to survive UNTIL 2024.
@CoElkHunter I agree with your assessment for the most part. I will take a poke at the idea that we can’t survive another 4 years of this leftist nonsense. None of us want to endure it, but the Republic can and will survive. The nation survived birth by Revolution, a catastrophic civil war, 2 world wars, 2 terms of Woodrow Wilson (whose politics were a toxic blend of globalism, racism, and authoritarianism), and 4 years of Trump derangement syndrome. We’re a resilient lot. Our problems today are real. We shouldn’t underestimate the task at hand. But from a historical perspective, we’ve endured worse.
@CoElkHunter I agree with your assessment for the most part. I will take a poke at the idea that we can’t survive another 4 years of this leftist nonsense. None of us want to endure it, but the Republic can and will survive.

Survive is a subjective term. In terms of life and limb, yes. In terms of being a republic and at least somewhat united, yes. However, there is damage being done that could be irreparable. Look at the absolute disaster of the offshore windfarms in the NE and mid-Atlantic states. Once they are in, that's it. They're useless, a political play, and are just decimating ocean life. We also have an interior secretary chomping at the bit to put massive solar fields on public land. For those not knowing: Everything under a solar field dies. Grass/plants, insects, mammals, etc. Do I love fossil fuels? No. But Europe re-firing up coal plants is a stark indication of how things are going to go. So that's one aspect.

Fiscally? There are consequences there too. I didn't love Trump's SALT cap. Hated it in fact. That caused severe financial strain on many people I know. Now, 7 years later, under a democratic administration they still can't undo it. What's next on this administrations legislative calendar? They already know SS and MC is going to run out of money.

So your definition of survive is rather rudimentary. Yeah, we will all (likely) still be breathing under another under democratic administration. But do we really want to endure that? To your point, I am sure some will die. Probably from depression, suicide, lack of medical care. I don't say that in jest either.
The only complaint I have heard from any conservative Floridian about the possibility of him running for POTUS is that he would no longer be the Governor..

The Florida law regarding this is controversial.. It states that the governor must vacate his office once he becomes "officially qualified" to run for higher office. What constitutes "officially qualified" is vague and certainly up for interpretation which will likely result in multiple legal challenges if and when DeSantis officially declares for a run at POTUS..

Regardless, we would hate to lose him for his last two years..

God help us if Trump doesn't get the nomination and runs as an independent. We're done.

Hopefully that won't happen..

The only scenario where this works out is if Trump does not run as an independent and fully endorses DeSantis as the republican nominee.. Considering Trump's ego, this doesn't sound promising, but stranger things have certainly happened.. Trump mended some badly damaged fences with some of the other top republican primary candidates afterwards. The enchanges he had with Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio were particularly ugly.. "Lyin' Ted" and "Little Marco" ended up becoming two of Trump's biggest allies... Much of politics is theater and a lot can happen between now and then..
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A small but significant win against anti-gun forces in the financial industry.
An international victory largely driven by Republican State based legislation. Next step should be legislation banning discrimination directed against firearm owners/dealers/manufacturers in the banking, insurance and financial industries.
Survive is a subjective term. In terms of life and limb, yes. In terms of being a republic and at least somewhat united, yes. However, there is damage being done that could be irreparable. Look at the absolute disaster of the offshore windfarms in the NE and mid-Atlantic states. Once they are in, that's it. They're useless, a political play, and are just decimating ocean life. We also have an interior secretary chomping at the bit to put massive solar fields on public land. For those not knowing: Everything under a solar field dies. Grass/plants, insects, mammals, etc. Do I love fossil fuels? No. But Europe re-firing up coal plants is a stark indication of how things are going to go. So that's one aspect.

Fiscally? There are consequences there too. I didn't love Trump's SALT cap. Hated it in fact. That caused severe financial strain on many people I know. Now, 7 years later, under a democratic administration they still can't undo it. What's next on this administrations legislative calendar? They already know SS and MC is going to run out of money.

So your definition of survive is rather rudimentary. Yeah, we will all (likely) still be breathing under another under democratic administration. But do we really want to endure that? To your point, I am sure some will die. Probably from depression, suicide, lack of medical care. I don't say that in jest either.
I don’t think I’m being rudimentary. Americans have always had a propensity for choosing the least-best options, until the shit hits the fan. Then by the grace of God, the luxury of being nearly self-sufficient in all the important ways, I.e., food, energy, minerals, and most importantly having a population growth rate, we sidestep disaster. It is telling that the things Americans seem to be most concerned with are made up. Climate change, transgender rights, The 1619 nonsense. All made up. Germany is staring down the barrel of becoming a failed state in 10 years because they have no energy of their own and no good alternatives to getting any. They have leveraged their future on green energy, in a part of the world that is neither windy nor sunny. In essence they have chosen to deindustrialize. China is facing a population collapse, famine, and even the dissolution of China as a nation in the next decade,. I could go on. We are unbelievably blessed, but act like our world is coming to an end.
"Germany is staring down the barrel of becoming a failed state in 10 years"


Unfortunately, all of western civilization is on suicide watch. Absolutely amazing how 2500 years of history can turn in a generation.
Do YOU have the balls to be an International Woman of Courage? And no, believe it or not, this is not a Babylon Bee article...

Do YOU have the balls to be an International Woman of Courage? And no, believe it or not, this is not a Babylon Bee article...

Just more evidence that men are better at everything, including being women.
@CoElkHunter I agree with your assessment for the most part. I will take a poke at the idea that we can’t survive another 4 years of this leftist nonsense. None of us want to endure it, but the Republic can and will survive. The nation survived birth by Revolution, a catastrophic civil war, 2 world wars, 2 terms of Woodrow Wilson (whose politics were a toxic blend of globalism, racism, and authoritarianism), and 4 years of Trump derangement syndrome. We’re a resilient lot. Our problems today are real. We shouldn’t underestimate the task at hand. But from a historical perspective, we’ve endured worse.
Would you at least concede that the Brandon Presidency has been at LEAST as bad as a plague of locusts?
Do YOU have the balls to be an International Woman of Courage? And no, believe it or not, this is not a Babylon Bee article...

That has to be great encouragement and feel-good moment for the runner-ups.

Come on man!!
I don’t think I’m being rudimentary. Americans have always had a propensity for choosing the least-best options, until the shit hits the fan. Then by the grace of God, the luxury of being nearly self-sufficient in all the important ways, I.e., food, energy, minerals, and most importantly having a population growth rate, we sidestep disaster. It is telling that the things Americans seem to be most concerned with are made up. Climate change, transgender rights, The 1619 nonsense. All made up. Germany is staring down the barrel of becoming a failed state in 10 years because they have no energy of their own and no good alternatives to getting any. They have leveraged their future on green energy, in a part of the world that is neither windy nor sunny. In essence they have chosen to deindustrialize. China is facing a population collapse, famine, and even the dissolution of China as a nation in the next decade,. I could go on. We are unbelievably blessed, but act like our world is coming to an end.

I agree and disagree with some of your points. It seems like we feel the same way. However, I personally don't want my life to get any harder. I feel in this day and age I get little for what I pay in taxes. My wife asked me one day what we paid in 2021. When I told her she was in shock and her response was "That's more than most people I know make in a year." My response: "Yup. And look at how much we get in return!" She picked up on my sarcasm. Working 50-60 hour weeks, dealing with constant problems, I'm sorry...I really don't care what other countries do or don't deal with. You're right. I don't want a president who panders to special interest groups, "woke demographics" and just generally pussifies American males and leads everyone to believe "We will all be OK." How about a president for ALL the people? I think DeSantis and Haley are that combo.

Do you REALLY think we are that far off Germany? We barely use any of our own energy. It all gets shipped off to other nations. Yesterday, higher taxes proposed on oil and gas companies. Oils around $80 a barrel and gas is $3.25-$3.50 depending where you are? I don't love the oil companies but does anyone think this is going to get better? This green deal nonsense with EVs, we don't have the grid capacity to charge these things. So lets install garbage windmills and solar fields that destroy the natural habitat and kill wildlife...and don't work. Do yourself a favor and educate yourself if you have not on "Pebble Mine" in Alaska. Largest proposed open-pit cyanide strip mine. Conveniently proposed at the largest spawning ground headwaters of salmon in the world. Trump shut it down but do we really think this won't continue? Where does everyone think these rare earth metals/minerals for the batteries come from? This is an absolutely dumpster fire.

Lets talk about another nation who doesn't use any of their energy, elected a leader who promised "modern day socialism", successfully disarmed their population, and now residents can't even find a loaf of bread to eat. Venezuela. Oh...and lets not forget they were the richest country in the southern hemisphere in the 1990's.

I'm sure we will "survive" another democrat president/administration but do we really think that's a good idea to even allow ourselves to think that?
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I don’t think I’m being rudimentary. Americans have always had a propensity for choosing the least-best options, until the shit hits the fan. Then by the grace of God, the luxury of being nearly self-sufficient in all the important ways, I.e., food, energy, minerals, and most importantly having a population growth rate, we sidestep disaster. It is telling that the things Americans seem to be most concerned with are made up. Climate change, transgender rights, The 1619 nonsense. All made up. Germany is staring down the barrel of becoming a failed state in 10 years because they have no energy of their own and no good alternatives to getting any. They have leveraged their future on green energy, in a part of the world that is neither windy nor sunny. In essence they have chosen to deindustrialize. China is facing a population collapse, famine, and even the dissolution of China as a nation in the next decade,. I could go on. We are unbelievably blessed, but act like our world is coming to an end.
Germany's and Europe's present energy crisis really shows the dangers of green politics. You would thin given Germany's geographic constraints that they would opt for a combination of fossil fuels and nuclear- with the goal of nuclear phasing out fossil fuels. But no the greenies hate both nuclear and fossil fuels. In nuclear, especially nuclear fusion reactors (when they become a reality), are the perfect energy source- not only is it energy dense but it also has a small footprint and can be built in areas that are neither windy nor sunny. Nuclear is the only energy source i see that can and should replace fossil fuels... The greenies really highlight the danger of ignorance in politics...

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!