
While I applaud Biden for going to Ukraine (and not getting lost), I am reading a lot of reports that suggest the air raid sirens were staged for dramatic effect.
Yep! POS in chief has a long history of lying and deception. And some will say that observation about the staged air raid effects is just another right wing conspiracy. Notice how all the entourage just casually strolled along through that open area while the sirens were blaring. Not dissimilar from Hi Larry claiming she landed in a war zone while taking incoming fire.
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Yep! POS in chief has a long history of lying and deception. And some will say that observation about the staged air raid effects is just another right wing conspiracy. Notice how all the entourage just casually strolled along through that open area while the sirens were blaring. Not dissimilar from Hi Larry claiming she landed in a war zone while taking incoming fire.
Staged goat roping and FJB……
I must have missed the introduction of US troops.

I am absolutely certain that Russian ambitions, under the current Russian government, pose a serious threat to US interests worldwide and to Western Europe with whom we have treaty obligations, specifically. In 1938, Europe and the United States acquiesced to another dictator's territorial ambitions. He was eventually stopped only after an enormous expenditure of American blood and treasure. Giving Ukraine the means to stop those ambitions now seems far wiser than trying to do it five years from now in Poland or the Baltics.

And who is praying for the use of nuclear weapons and World War III?

Do I wish Biden and his administration would focus on securing our porous borders? Absolutely. Do I wish they would worry about teaching our children rather than indoctrinating them? Of course. Do I pray they we nominate a candidate capable of beating Biden in '24. You bet I do. But none of those things have anything to do with Ukraine or the threat posed by a resurgent Russia allied to China.
Yes, some people missed history class or didn’t learn it I guess.
Red leg it must have been the mention of M1A2 tanks which im pretty sure US troops could operate more efficiently and with fewer losses than the Ukraine military. My apologies. The fact still remains that we are dumping billions into a corrupt government that just wants more and more at someone else’s expense.
I gotta give credit to the Ukrainians though, for a country that’s fighting such a horrible war they sure know how to maintain all the shiny stuff in the capital….. you could hardly see the “Billions “ of dollars of destruction anywhere around….
Most of the military hardware can’t really be stolen. In addition, show me a country that’s not corrupt. Yeah, I didn’t think you could! Corrupt or not, they are killing Russians.
Yes, some people missed history class or didn’t learn it I guess.

Please don’t take offense, it is not intended, but I seriously think that we learned more US history in Canadian schools than is taught in US schools.
Now I am not being rude or anything else like that....but as you know I live in Zambia.....and this woman doesn't look black in any way whatsoever to me .....regardless of how long I look.....

Of course. However, Ukraine has a large number of troops with armor training. As I noted above, 90 days should be more than adequate to create highly proficient tank crews. The only job that is fundamentally different is the loader. The T72 has an auto loader. Yes the sighting and surveillance systems are different (and far more effective), but the fundamentals are the same. Also, crew level maintenance will be different but not dramatically so. We spend 22 weeks taking a civilian and making him a tanker (basic and AIT). 90 days would be more than adequate for trained soldiers.

The challenge will be using them as a combined arms team. To do so effectively, the infantry has to accompany the attack in armored fighting vehicles. Artillery will have to maintain pace with the advance to provide supporting fires (difficult for some of the wheeled artillery provided by European allies), and commanders, from company through brigade must orchestrate all that effectively. Normally, air support would be a critical component, but neither Russia nor Ukraine can exercise even local air superiority.

The Ukrainian Army leadership has been actively participating with NATO in exercises and even in Afghanistan since 2014. Obviously, they will no perform as well as a US combined arms team - no one else in the world can. But they do not have to do so. They only have to perform better than the Russians.

As an ex-tanker I will argue that you are quite right....a tank crew trained on T-64/72/80 will master a modern western tank with ease...a computer will automatically calculate the shot from the main gun and the main gun is stabilized so shots can be fired while driving during attack. The general quality of machinery and optics are also far better..

I see a logistic problem with the british Challenger, it does not use the same ammo as the Abrams and Leo2...and Ukraine will have to boost their logistics to be able to refuel the Abrams if used on a large scale, that gas turbine is a gas guzzler..

In battle the 3 western tanks are probably very equal..perhaps the brit and Abrams is a bit better protected with upgraded Chobham armour..

The Leo2 is built to provide an engine change under 1 hour in the field...changing turbine on an Abrams is much more complicated, such thing matter on the battlefield..
Most of the military hardware can’t really be stolen. In addition, show me a country that’s not corrupt. Yeah, I didn’t think you could! Corrupt or not, they are killing Russians.
Just out of curiosity, how much corruption is ok? A little? A lot? And if it can be moved, it can be stolen. To think otherwise would be most naive……….
Please don’t take offense, it is not intended, but I seriously think that we learned more US history in Canadian schools than is taught in US schools.
Canada is like an honor student that always follows the rules and makes top scores on all the tests. The U. S. Is like that delinquent student who got suspended permanently from school. Thus we kind of make it up as we go. :A Thumbs Up:
Canada is like an honor student that always follows the rules and makes top scores on all the tests. The U. S. Is like that delinquent student who got suspended permanently from school. Thus we kind of make it up as we go. :A Thumbs Up:
Canada is that friendly kid, who is often seen starting out the window during math class.
Brandon fell down the stairs in Poland. :oops::oops:

When is it time for the Secret Service to install one of these?


Just out of curiosity, how much corruption is ok? A little? A lot? And if it can be moved, it can be stolen. To think otherwise would be most naive……….
Pretty hard to steal an Abrams tank, a Bradley or an MRS system. A rifle, sure. An anti tank shoulder fired Javelin, harder. I get that you’re against the US helping Ukraine but some corruption isn’t the issue I am most concerned about. Putin rebuilding the Soviet empire is a much bigger worry. I’d rather the Ukrainians stop him now than my sons and daughters later.

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