
But, as of two nights ago, fully 98% of the country had power. This was largely due to the heroic efforts of civilian utility workers who have taken serious casualties restoring substations almost as quick as the Russians have managed to hit them.
Listening to my family recounting events, I don't know whether the world has seen such individual determination since the Battle of Britain. It's incredible what levels of heroism ordinary folks have risen to in Ukraine.
The palace where Z hosted President Crapshispants as seen on tv this morning is immaculate!! If we didn’t know better we could think the tail is wagging the dog……. As in the article posted by another member there is a great deal of corruption in ukraines government we’re paying one thug to beat up another thug. In other words mi enemigo Por mi enemigo es mi amigo……. Americans are getting the shaft once again.
Long read but interesting how deep the corruption goes in Ukraine.
No doubt. But it is a false equivalency to compare the Ukranian democracy with the Russian mob-state. This is looking like the crucible for change. I cannot imagine this country will not emerge transformed. The individual sacrifice will not tolerate business as usual in a democracy. Note how the government elite was exposed by the press. And it seems the west has more leverage to create change.
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We can only hope more corruption is exposed and dealt with.
I can not imagine any western politician wanting their brand linked to a fulminating kleptocracy. It makes me wonder what discussions are happening. Otherwise, the constrained flow of support is a calculation I don't understand. I suppose it could just be incompetence. There is always that!
Red Leg, correct me if I am wrong, but don’t advanced armaments like the Abrams/Challenger/Leopard 2s require a certain level of training in order to turn them into something more than steel pillboxes? Likewise, the request for F-16s to go into action “right now” is ludicrous. Even experienced pilots have to be re-trained when they switch platforms.
Red Leg, correct me if I am wrong, but don’t advanced armaments like the Abrams/Challenger/Leopard 2s require a certain level of training in order to turn them into something more than steel pillboxes? Likewise, the request for F-16s to go into action “right now” is ludicrous. Even experienced pilots have to be re-trained when they switch platforms.
Of course. However, Ukraine has a large number of troops with armor training. As I noted above, 90 days should be more than adequate to create highly proficient tank crews. The only job that is fundamentally different is the loader. The T72 has an auto loader. Yes the sighting and surveillance systems are different (and far more effective), but the fundamentals are the same. Also, crew level maintenance will be different but not dramatically so. We spend 22 weeks taking a civilian and making him a tanker (basic and AIT). 90 days would be more than adequate for trained soldiers.

The challenge will be using them as a combined arms team. To do so effectively, the infantry has to accompany the attack in armored fighting vehicles. Artillery will have to maintain pace with the advance to provide supporting fires (difficult for some of the wheeled artillery provided by European allies), and commanders, from company through brigade must orchestrate all that effectively. Normally, air support would be a critical component, but neither Russia nor Ukraine can exercise even local air superiority.

The Ukrainian Army leadership has been actively participating with NATO in exercises and even in Afghanistan since 2014. Obviously, they will no perform as well as a US combined arms team - no one else in the world can. But they do not have to do so. They only have to perform better than the Russians.
The palace where Z hosted President Crapshispants as seen on tv this morning is immaculate!! If we didn’t know better we could think the tail is wagging the dog……. As in the article posted by another member there is a great deal of corruption in ukraines government we’re paying one thug to beat up another thug. In other words mi enemigo Por mi enemigo es mi amigo……. Americans are getting the shaft once again.
All of the pictures I’ve seen of Buckingham Palace during the time of the blitz showed an immaculate place too. The blitz however destroyed many London homes and businesses and killed over 40,000 people.
While I applaud Biden for going to Ukraine (and not getting lost), I am reading a lot of reports that suggest the air raid sirens were staged for dramatic effect.
All of the pictures I’ve seen of Buckingham Palace during the time of the blitz showed an immaculate place too. The blitz however destroyed many London homes and businesses and killed over 40,000 people.
Buckingham palace was hit too.
I like her. Nicky and Desanti would make a great team.

Buckingham palace was hit too.
My knowledge of WWII has increased greatly this morning! Thanks to you and Marc for the correction.

I stand by my analogy though. At a point earlier in the blitz, the palace was unscathed. So the same false assumption could have been made then too. The war in Ukraine is far from over and there’s no telling if Russia will continue to be thwarted in their obvious desire to flatten the place.
War with Russia started on May 9, 1945 (or maybe even in 1917) and has continued unabated since. Like any hostility there have been lulls in the fighting over the years but the one constant has been Russian efforts to undermine and subvert western influence around the world and corrupt politicians and organizations within the United States.

Now we have the opportunity to cripple our long time adversary without an expenditure of blood on our part and we have those who have seemingly switched sides and parrot the Russian talking points on a daily basis. Evidently they don't know or have forgotten that the one consistency in Russia foreign policy is and always has been a willingness to lie and to sign agreements which they have no intent of keeping. Furthermore the idea of the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, turning its back on a country invaded and fighting for it's right to self determination is repugnant to me and many others.

There two alternatives to the situation with Russia
1. We provide Ukraine with the weapons to fight them now and cripple them militarily for a decade or more.
2. We let Ukraine fall, putting Russia on the border with Poland and in a couple years when Putin decides to expand into Poland or retake the Baltic states we fight them with American troops.
The Russians have not struck the presidential buildings in Kiyv. This isn't through altruism. Rather, I suspect they are nervous about Ukraine's ability to retaliate with a drone over the Kremlin.

However, the Russians are doing a great job laying waste to anything in range of their artillery where they indiscriminately shell apartments and homes as readily as "infrastructure." It will be years before the full extent of civilian deaths are known.

My knowledge of WWII has increased greatly this morning! Thanks to you and Marc for the correction.

I stand by my analogy though. At a point earlier in the blitz, the palace was unscathed. So the same false assumption could have been made then too. The war in Ukraine is far from over and there’s no telling if Russia will continue to be thwarted in their obvious desire to flatten the place.
When Buckingham Palace was bombed during the Blitz (September 14, 1940), Queen Mary said "I am glad we have been bombed. Now we can look the East End in the eye."

Four members of the Palace staff were injured in the bombing and one later died. The King and Queen were both at the palace when it was hit.

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