AH ambassador
...the Coalition assault on Iraq in Desert Storm.
First rate leadership.

...the Coalition assault on Iraq in Desert Storm.
Johnson’s a total freaking moron.I doubt anyone believes that Biden will suffer any real legal consequences over this, one could only hope he might.
My primary hope is that it dissuades him from running for re election. That would be a major gift to the country no matter who else may run or win.
I see that literal idiot Rep. Hank Johnson says the documents "could have been planted conveniently"
Sure, I guess anything is possible, Mr. "if they keep putting all those tanks and stuff on Guam, it might tip over" Johnson.
Biden left highly sensitive doc in his garage where his corvette is, apparently his corvette is safe so are the doc.
The docs were not there legally, been getting moved around in a whack a mole manner since before the last election.Biden left highly sensitive doc in his garage where his corvette is, apparently his corvette is safe so are the doc.
I don't trust anyone of them, all these crimes and no one get arrested all the time.The docs were not there legally, been getting moved around in a whack a mole manner since before the last election.
The AG also knew of this whole charade before the election as well. He had no choice but to go public and begin an "investigation".
Giant coverup of criminality in progress.
Mischievous.4-1 in whose favor?
I’ll bet ‘ol Brandon can’t remember where the keys to the Vette are? If you were to take a ride with him, you’d probably end up lost in the Mojave desert. Bring a canteen. LOLI have no interest in the docs, but when Joe pops his clogs I wouldn't mind a ride in the corvette.
Ha! That moron couldn’t remember what his favorite ice cream flavor is let alone ANY statistic without a teleprompter! God help us when the SHTF! And it’s coming soon to a South China Sea theatre near you .
Watch the vid Jack!
Joe is a world class ahole! No two ways around it.
Fair enough, apologies.Huh?? I was just wanting to confirm what I figured to be the case. Assumptions are a bad thing in my world.
They're commucrats so nothing is going to happen just like the clintons and obumma. It's already swept under the rug. A few squawks here and there to make people think they're doing something and that's it. They are all too dirty and know if they say anything they will go down, too.I don't trust anyone of them, all these crimes and no one get arrested all the time.