PETA is after a guy in CA - article mentions AH

Dogs and Cats killed by PETA
YearReceived †TransferredAdoptedKilled
* figures represent the second half of 1998 only
† Other than spay/neuter animals
» Skeptical? Click here to see the proof.

Visit PETA’s “Shelter”


The lunatics are indeed running the asylum. We definitely can't try to stay quiet and under the radar as hunters. I've lived in a very rural town my entire life and have travelled to hunt a lot and have been fortunate to have never met an anti hunter. But they must be out there in increasing numbers. So called "hunters" on YouTube give us all a bad name.
That's me...

The video was obtained under false pretenses and then posted without permission. This was my hunt from this past December. My report is here on the site. I voiced my opinion on the bill 1175 being passed in California and this is what it was spun into... a hit piece on me to drum up more donations and pulling at straws to get people to push this bill through.
I feel for you, that is horrible. Has it caused any financial or personal hardships? I hate to hear of another member suffering at the hands of the antis.

I see that you are in the UK. Your press is certainly very hostile and downright vindictive to hunters so I am not surprised that they went after you.
I almost lost my job and it caused me LOADS of problems with my partner. But I think that's what the antis wanted. And your right about the UK press they never write about all the free game meat we as hunters in the UK give to homeless kitchens.
That's me...

The video was obtained under false pretenses and then posted without permission. This was my hunt from this past December. My report is here on the site. I voiced my opinion on the bill 1175 being passed in California and this is what it was spun into... a hit piece on me to drum up more donations and pulling at straws to get people to push this bill through.
Bro you feel fowl of the same thing I did. Some other cockpilot putting our shit out there to gain from it. Keep up the fight we all must
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too bad we can hunt here !!!
those dickless pussy's need to get a job - peta punkassssssssssssssssss
I take it most have not seen the actual video footage of this hunt.

A disgrace for hunting as a whole, so much ammunition for the antis it is stupid, the hunter, videographer, outfitter and anybody else who was part of this hunt to allow this footage to be published on social media is beyond comprehension....yes shit happens and things do not always work out as planned but for God's sake have common sense before allowing footage such as this to be spread on social just shoot, hunting, yourself and all other hunters in the foot....

Why published footage was not restricted to after the first shot only these idiots will know, period....

Bunch of idiots all who where involved in this hunt.....
I'm sorry, who exactly are you to make false claims as if you know exactly what happened? I know for a fact you weren't there and I know for a fact you have no clue what you're even talking about. I'm sure you know what happens to those who ASSUME.

But since you're catching me in a decent mood today, I'll enlighten you on the issue here so the next time you will think about what you say before spewing garbage from your mouth.

This video was NEVER post to ANY social media outlets! It was obtained under false pretenses by a "possible hunting client" looking to hunt elephant in the same area as I did.

Sure, maybe the video didn't need to be shown as a reference but also why does PeTa and others feel the need to dupe and deceive people... because they need a means to push an agenda. Which is exactly what's going on here, more specifically SB 1175 in California, where I reside.

Not to mention they posted that video, which isnt ANYWHERE else online, without my permission!

You're an embassment to our community if you really think we would willingly post stuff like that to be ridiculed. Your comments are of those coming from PeTa themselves making false claims in an area you know nothing about.
I'm sorry, who exactly are you to make false claims as if you know exactly what happened? I know for a fact you weren't there and I know for a fact you have no clue what you're even talking about. I'm sure you know what happens to those who ASSUME.

But since you're catching me in a decent mood today, I'll enlighten you on the issue here so the next time you will think about what you say before spewing garbage from your mouth.

This video was NEVER post to ANY social media outlets! It was obtained under false pretenses by a "possible hunting client" looking to hunt elephant in the same area as I did.

Sure, maybe the video didn't need to be shown as a reference but also why does PeTa and others feel the need to dupe and deceive people... because they need a means to push an agenda. Which is exactly what's going on here, more specifically SB 1175 in California, where I reside.

Not to mention they posted that video, which isnt ANYWHERE else online, without my permission!

You're an embassment to our community if you really think we would willingly post stuff like that to be ridiculed. Your comments are of those coming from PeTa themselves making false claims in an area you know nothing about.

You could always lawyer up. Unsure if your claim for $10m+ would go against the outfitter or against PETA. Probably the outfitter. (no chance of collecting a cent)

You have to keep custody of your information. That's the lesson here. Sorry that didn't happen in your case. Or Don and Eric Trumps. Or Walter Palmers. Or the go-daddy CEOs. Or, Or. Or.
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This is really bad.

But, if I may add from my personal perspective:
All these anti hunting organisations are getting their arguments based on public posts with photos from hunters themselves. We give them the food.

Photo of hunter with trophy - is the only argument they continuously (and successfully) use against us, and it gets back to us in hard way, influencing the legislative system and public opinions.

This is another example, when sponsor of this forum was targeted by one of UK tabloids:

(photos again?)

Then we can all remember all other cases, notable one being - Cecil the lion saga, etc.

In my country, one of our prominent politicians was accused and charged for corruption and missuse of funds, and guess, what - media found his photos on web site of his African outfitter - sponsor of this web site, and blasted the photos all over local media - with dead elephant, etc.
I am not mentioning the names, the court proceedings are still in progress, but it was 100k plus, hunt - including DG, and 10 - 12 various species of other game.


My way of thinking is this:
Problem mitigation measures can be reactive or proactive.

1. Reactive means, after SHTF situation, and generally too late.

What remains after public attack is possible suing, or legal actions, but if photo is posted on public media, I dont think much can be done. Damage is done, as per above illustrations, and it cannot be undone.

2. Proactive means, mitigating negative factors and risks in advance, before the problem happens, which means in some way to control what we download on facebook, and other platforms.

Based on all above, in my simple mind, the only real risk and negative factor, is public photo of hunter and trophy.
(Am I right?)

What we need to reconsider, is public posting of hunters with trophies in public media, and make some (restrictive) rules integrated in each hunting organisation code of ethics about posting or not posting public pictures with trophies.

In closing, this problem is more present in highly developed countries, like USA, or UK, and at this moment less present in other countries, but it is growing on daily basis.

Scientific and economic arguments, facts and statistics - are all on legally regulated hunting side and game management programs, but the influence of ignorant, and emotional anti hunting organisation is at least 90% powered by our own photos posted on public media.
And problem is growing on daily basis. And thats the fact.

You want to post picture with your trophy?
Think again.

Think again.
Your choice.
I dont.

The outfitters perspective:
Commercial hunting outfitters the perspective is a bit different.
Posting pictures of hunters with trophies is part of advertising campaign - this brings the clients in. (or at least we think so)

So in this respect, they will have to develop their own strategy of how they will proceed, but my way of thinking is that posting photos of rich game herds, game populations on grasslands, open savanah, or waterholes is good enough.
For example, if I see on outfitters web site, a rich, dense, numerous, self sustaining herd of buffalo - in their natural range - nobody needs to tell me, what I might be doing there, and why I should go there!
@ mark_hunter
Boris girl friend is correct when she says a trophy is awarded for great skill and talent.
The become a skilled and proficient hunter takes a lot of time to acquire those skill needed to harvest an animal cleanly with minimal suffering.
It also takes time and practice to become a talented shooter and marksman. Without this talent we can't become a skilled and proficient hunter.
The prize of hunting an animal on its own terms is the animal itself and the products it provides for the hunter. Meat for their families or others. The skin to remember that magnificent animal and the sacrifice it made to sustain us.
Hunting also provide economic support to communities. We have to purchase the firearm and ammunition and don't forget hunting permits and firearm licensing.
Very few of us can walk to our hunting grounds. We need to drive or fly. More money to communities for fuel for our drive to and from said area, food we purchase along the way.
The trophy fee that goes into conservation and breeding of healthier animals and jobs provided during the hunt.
We don't hunt naked like our ancestors of your so we spend a bucket load of money on hunting apparel. I could rave on more but I'm preaching to the choir.
In Australia one state worked out that hunters bring in over 100 million dollars to the state before they even shoot an animal.
Just my personal thoughts on the matter and thank you to Boris's girlfriend for unwittingly recognising me and the skills a have acquired.
Bob Nelson proud HUNTER.
What I am saying is that your point doesn't logically make sense. They will use something else, in fact the LA times story that I read didn't have any photos of the hunter. They have just a story.

Also you point about being able to hunt 100% of African is misleading at best and really has nothing to do with anti hunting sentiment. For example, the reason you can't hunt CAR has nothing to do anti hunting. The only one that has had anti hunting sentiment is Kenya (which you can still bird hunt) There has been more pro hunting movements, Uganda, Zambia and Botswana opening back up.

Regarding politicians it is still pretty local in the US. But as a case in point, here is a photo from Bill Clinton in 1993. So yes, the past is a foreign place and they do things differently, but the more we give in the more different that past will be. It isn't the photo that is the problem it is the narrative around the photo we are losing.

Everything else as far as the results we pretty much agree upon. It is going to happen and part of the reason it is happening is because we keep giving in and not wanting to offend or hurt someone's feelings.
@ living the dream.
I'm an old school type of person that believes I am entitled to my opinion the same as you are. If you don't like my answers to your questions or are offended by them don't ask the bloody question in the first place.
I have a T-shirt that says caution opinion contained within may offend. If you don't like my answers you were warned.
I ain't in politics so I don't have to be politically correct.
I view all of this just like I view tattoos. (hear me out here)

What you post on the Internet are like tattoos. It's your life and you are able to make permanent decisions with your own life. However, if that tattoo (or hunting photo) injures your ability to go to a particular club to close a business deal or prevents you from getting a job to improve the quality of life of your family, then that becomes a problem.

Unlike a tattoo that only follows you in your life and is your 100% right as an American, there is a bit of a difference.

The hunting photos are going to end up being like pictures of you wearing a white robe and burning a cross, or goose-stepping to the songs of Wagner. This isn't just your life you're playing with at that point, its something that may haunt your children in the future. That's the problem if you have kids, the "sins of the father" may haunt them in the future. EVERYTHING on the Internet is forever. (go to the It's what can happen to your progeny in the future for your choices that may live on after you die.

It's not that I agree with the antis, nor that I've given up my values, its that I don't want pictures to be my Internet legacy in 500 years. I want my words to be my legacy. I try to make reasoned arguments and thoughtful comments so that what I say is what must be quoted rather than a picture that is sensationalized to harm my heirs for things they did not do.

Please understand that I'm not judging anyone, or even judging tattoos. I'm a libertarian-leaning freedom lover that relishes that people have the right to do whatever they want provided it doesn't hurt anyone. My point is that we have to be careful when exercising our rights injures our families. Be careful. Be thoughtful.
Thank God my sins are my son's sins and hopefully he will pass these sins onto his progeny. I am a HUNTER my 15 year old son is a HUNTER and we both believe in social justice.
My son in year one want to talk about hunting in show and tell because I had written an article about it in a national hunting magazine. His teacher objected. We saw the school principal and had her descission overturned.
He gave his talk showed the pictures and the Whole class loved it and asked heaps of questions that he confidently answered.
We need more kids like him promoting our sport before these young minds are corrupted by stupidity.
Whether it’s right or wrong to post hunting pictures on Fakebook, I do not do it. The risks are huge and the benefits are very low. Better are the subsequent photos of the food bank donation, the family pot roast, etc. Whether right or wrong, many Americans have become intolerant, soft, shallow weenies. Don’t make it easy for them. Don’t bait them.
Both my son and i posted our pictures on Facebook of our hunt in Namibia. Neither of us have had a negative comments.
In fact they were the opposite with the photos of my son with his animals bringing comments like well done young man and bet you are proud of your son to how lucky he was to hunt Namibia with his family at his age.
Like many hunters, I will not post any pictures related to hunting on the internet. I will also not post firearms pictures but that is about the government. I fear losing business if someone were to find out that I am a hunter. I do not bring it up unless someone else does first. That is why I so value having access to these forums. With that said, I do think that sharing hunting pictures should be relegated to dedicated hunting sites. There really is no point posting something all over social media that you know will stir up opposition and potential real world consequences for you and your family.
I keep photos of my hunt on my phone and have shown them to fellow hunters and NON HUNTERS. It gives me great pleasure explaining to the bone hunters what happened to the meat, the amount of work that went into getting the animals.
Yes a few are pissed off but the majority when it is explained properly understand my passion. They may still disagree but at least they understand. Some have even asked to come hunting with me or try shooting at a range.
Don't hide in the dark but shine a knowledge and passion of what you do and why. Most are TOLLERANT and will actually listen.
Woah, I respectfully disagree. Check out this photo:

Yep, I killed those fish. No apologies. Really, please, don't we all "kill"?
@Rum Runner
Nah mate we don't all kill.
Some are to lazy to, others
abhor it and the majority don't have the skill.
@ living the dream.
I'm an old school type of person that believes I am entitled to my opinion the same as you are. If you don't like my answers to your questions or are offended by them don't ask the bloody question in the first place.
I have a T-shirt that says caution opinion contained within may offend. If you don't like my answers you were warned.
I ain't in politics so I don't have to be politically correct.

@Bob Nelson 35Whelen I have given some thought on this as I am not offended by pretty much anything. I think I am too busy to be offended. I think that is part of the problem, we have made life too easy, too convenient, that people have time to get worked up and offended about issues that had nothing to do with them.
Being the only living person on African Hunting Forums , who has actually experienced a complete hunting ban in his country ... I would strongly encourage all of my dear fellow forum members to give this a read :

Based on my personal experiences , I have dissected the entire methodology of how anti hunters manage to successfully get a country to ban hunting .
It is actually rather surprising that fishing has not come to enjoy even a similar level of infamy as hunting in the general public. It could partly be because people believe that as less intelligent, non-mammalians, fish are incapable of the same physical and emotional responses as other animals. That could also be why there is such opposition to the killing of whales, dolphins, and, more recently, octopus.
Believe it or not young man there are actually dickheads out there that think vegetables feel pain as well and who say they have actually recorded vegetables screaming in pain when they are cut during harvest or pulled out of the ground.
Yes there are such people in the world.
I am continually amazed at what idiotic things people come up with.
Don't be surprised if people say bullets feel pain when they are deformed hitting an object or hitting a primer with a fireing pin is a form of physical assault on the primer.
There's some real nut cases out there.
I personally believe that the worst thing you can do as hunters is hide away and pretend it doesn't happen.

As long as hunting is visible, people you know do it and it's out in the light as a legitimate pursuit, it's normalised. It's difficult as the casual, uninterested person to agree with PETA that hunting is evil and should be banned if 'Uncle Phil' does it, your next door neighbour brings vension to your BBQs and you see that the mainstream media will quite calmly talk about taking a deer or a rabbit for meat on a cooking show. How can this visible activity, widely accepted by people that you know and trust, be that bad?

This is also true if you're a politician. Do you ostracise a wide and outspoken group of voters? I think not.

The issue arises when it becomes niche, marginalised. It's a lot easier to make a snap judgment on hunting if you've never seen it done, none of your friends or family do it, you've never eaten game and the only exposure you have is through PETAs agenda.

In the US, hunting is still a 'normal' pass time. In Europe, it's not. Thus (IMO) stems many of our issues.
In Australia on the ABC we had a cooking show called from paddock to plate.
It documented from the harvesting of the animal they to the recipe to cook the game be it rabbits, hare or deer.
It was sponsored by the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia from memory and got rave reviews. There was another show as well I think called beyond the divide.
One of our current affairs programs filled a FAMILY on a deer hunt and actually highlighted the benefits to the family of hunting and the benefits to the land. It actually showed a young 12 or 13 year old shooting the deer and thru to them even the reporter eating it.
A very well done and unbiased program that also got good reviews.
Both my son and i posted our pictures on Facebook of our hunt in Namibia. Neither of us have had a negative comments.
In fact they were the opposite with the photos of my son with his animals bringing comments like well done young man and bet you are proud of your son to how lucky he was to hunt Namibia with his family at his age.
you have better Fakebook friends than I do

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?