Overpriced Reloading Components?

Nice to know that there are no arrogant, self-righteous, it's your own fault blamers posting on this site.
@Ray B
If people didn't see it coming and do something about it,it's their problem. I can understand some couldn't stock up for financial reasons.
I told people what was coming and got told by quite a few that I was full of shit and didn't know what I was talking about. Some of these are now crying over near empty reloading benches but hey they were warned.
I have helped some close friends out with primers and powder and expect nothing in return as that is what friends do.
When ammo was in short supply, a lot of new reloaders entered the market. Can't really blame them for having their pants down. Have noticed some so called "sales" and discounts on powders and bullets. Primer prices are still high.
Well, nobody could have predicted the "trifecta" of disasters that created this unprecedented shortage of ammo and components. There has always been a shortage when a left wing anti 2nd Amendment President gets elected. This time around, we had the pandemic and lock downs starting in March 2020 and then the nationwide riots in June. Then Brandon got elected (the disaster that keeps on giving). When you have tens of (maybe hundreds) thousands FIRST TIME gun buyers buying everything with a trigger and the subsequent ammo for those firearms because they fear armageddon, there's nothing left for the folks that in previous shortages already owned firearms. We've never seen anything like it before. Many of us had a QUANTITY of ammo and components, but could not have foreseen the STILL continuing shortage of ammo and components due to the 2020 combined disasters.
Well, nobody could have predicted the "trifecta" of disasters that created this unprecedented shortage of ammo and components. There has always been a shortage when a left wing anti 2nd Amendment President gets elected. This time around, we had the pandemic and lock downs starting in March 2020 and then the nationwide riots in June. Then Brandon got elected (the disaster that keeps on giving). When you have tens of (maybe hundreds) thousands FIRST TIME gun buyers buying everything with a trigger and the subsequent ammo for those firearms because they fear armageddon, there's nothing left for the folks that in previous shortages already owned firearms. We've never seen anything like it before. Many of us had a QUANTITY of ammo and components, but could not have foreseen the STILL continuing shortage of ammo and components due to the 2020 combined disasters.
I believe these so called disasters are all part of a woke left wing plan of a fear based plot to control the population that are gullible enough to believe it . the y2k bug, climate change, the virus, monkey pox ect . Jack up the price of fuel, electricity, gas & food . blame the war in the Ukraine. climate change . there are a lot of stupid people out there, look at the fools we have running the USA, Canada , Australia. how did they get elected?
I believe these so called disasters are all part of a woke left wing plan of a fear based plot to control the population that are gullible enough to believe it . the y2k bug, climate change, the virus, monkey pox ect . Jack up the price of fuel, electricity, gas & food . blame the war in the Ukraine. climate change . there are a lot of stupid people out there, look at the fools we have running the USA, Canada , Australia. how did they get elected?
"how did they get elected?" "Free is for me!" They got elected because Socialists/Marxists Governments promised the do nothing, non working slugs every possible Government free programs financed by those that work for a living and pay taxes to finance those programs. We have 10 MILLION jobs available here right now, and only 5 million people working or even looking for a job. The slugs are living better on Government programs than having to work!
"how did they get elected?" "Free is for me!" They got elected because Socialists/Marxists Governments promised the do nothing, non working slugs every possible Government free programs financed by those that work for a living and pay taxes to finance those programs. We have 10 MILLION jobs available here right now, and only 5 million people working or even looking for a job. The slugs are living better on Government programs than having to work!
What happens when we run out of tax payers? i think China & Russia must be laughing watching us self destruct. enough of political, talk lets get on with hunting & shooting as long as we can. I have enough supplies stashed away to see me out.
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the do nothing, non working slugs
People who are responding to economic incentives does not make them slugs. As noted, many people are better off financially by not working and being eligible for "safety net" programs. The problem is in the disincentives for earning income. the qustion that needs to be answered is: Does the US as a country want to provide for those who for whatever reason are not able to provide for themselves? If no, then you are fine with letting someone starve. If yes, then have a system where there is no disincentive to earning a living. The present system does not do this. In previous comments on this site I have given my thoughts on a preferred system.
The full cost of recent inflation is still being realized, in my opinion. The shop I work in carries components, but we don't really make all that much on the stuff. It's more to keep customers in the hobby, and it brings customers in the door.

Earlier today we placed an order with a distributor. One sku of primers was restocked at the old price of the last time it was in stock with them, but shortly after more than doubled in price. (Essentially more than doubling between restocks.)Then add shipping/hazmat. Yes, some LGSs are gouging the snot out of their customers, but the cost from distributors is also climbing. This isn't the only component to increase, and there's no rhyme or reason to the timing. It's not an across the board increase, nor are the increases the same amount or percentage.

We try very hard to source the components our customers want, and to sell to the users and not GB accounts or gun show flippers. A little bit of effort tends to go a long way in making customers happy with this particular department.
i feel for those that didn,t stock up when supplies were available and do help out some friends who have run short on things to reload with. but i will not run my self short with the supplies i need for my own shooting. the supplies i give to friends are to be given back when supplies become available again. to those i have given supplies to i say be sure to stock up when you can as i will not be giving any more because your to short sighted or lazy to.
I fully agree with your opinion on building a viable stockage in the good times to last you through the bad times. "Buy it cheap and stack it deep" as they say. It's a good strategy and works well ... until it doesn't.

Perfect example is loading for a new cartridge. Not going to purchase more than the minimum necessary components until I've worked up a load that is accurate in that specific rifle. Been down that road before.

In my case, I purchased a double rifle at auction and sent it off for an inspection and deep-clean. That was in late 2019, before the world changed. By the time JJ was finished up and I had the rifle back in hand again, COVID had hit, and with it came the shortages. He had suggested a starting load using Reloder 15; a powder that I wasn't using prior to purchasing that rifle. The gun shop that I frequented at the time placed some on backorder, but went out of business without receiving any. I was able to source a partial can, but those large powder charges went through it pretty quickly.

So you look around for what you need, hopefully at a price which is not exorbitant. It's all part of the game.
if its arrogont(because i looked ahead), self-righteous(yes because i stocked up) and its your own fault( for not keeping up with current trends), then i resemble those remarks and will not be bailing you out when your supplies run out.
I Stocked up from experience. In the 90s during the Clinton administration there was a primer shortage because of rumors of government regulation etc. At the time I thought the local gun shop had an unending supply of components and I didn’t need to keep much supply on hand and have my money tied up. After going through several years of scrounging for primers etc I thought never again will I be caught this short so I have a resonable supply today. I guess they say that good judgement comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgement.
People who are responding to economic incentives does not make them slugs. As noted, many people are better off financially by not working and being eligible for "safety net" programs. The problem is in the disincentives for earning income. the qustion that needs to be answered is: Does the US as a country want to provide for those who for whatever reason are not able to provide for themselves? If no, then you are fine with letting someone starve. If yes, then have a system where there is no disincentive to earning a living. The present system does not do this. In previous comments on this site I have given my thoughts on a preferred system.
Well Ray,
In my post, I was not and/or did not mean to insinuate that people who are retired, disabled for any reason, etc., and aren't working, are included in my definition of a "slug". Our social financial "safety net" was indeed meant for those people who cannot physically/mentally work and contribute to society. However, in way too many instances, the safety net has become a career choice for those people who refuse to work because they are better off financially on Government programs. Many of our programs (food stamps, medicaid, etc.) were designed to help the "working poor". Those that worked but their wages weren't enough to support themselves or their families. As per one of my previous posts on this topic, when WE in the US have 48% of our 18-29 year olds living with their parents and only 20% of them paying any rent, WHILE being the LARGEST age group buying/supporting the higher end purchase of LUXURY items, that's a HUGE problem in my opinion of how our economy is supposed to be working.
Settle down fellas, we will all survive. I was able to help some fellow AH members because I had extra of some things-A Frame bullets for example that others ran short of. And I know that happens on here all the time. This is a place of support, not bragging because we have more than some of the others. . .
I am 25, I started reloading when I was 14. For a long time I couldn’t afford to buy two of something when I needed one. A brick of primers would last me 4 years. So why buy two. When all this started I was glad I had a spare box. Now I have 10 years of stuff on hand at any given moment.
Some people did not have the experience to stock up. I got lucky and will help those who aren’t.
Case in point: While I attended school in Chicago my wife helped with support by working for the school in the business office. there were other girls employed by the school who worked "part-time". They worked part-time because if they worked full-time they would be ineligible for various aid programs. The girls were acting in their best interest, at least their best short-term interest, which is the viewpoint perpetuated by the Democrat party. Change the system and the behaviors will change.
I had a couple of old Lee Loaders for .257 Roberts that just sat under my reloading bench for years. I decided to list one on GB just to move it on to someone who might use it. I was hoping to get $50-$60 dollars for it. I just about tipped over when the auction ended at $174! I guess something is worth what they are willing to pay.

Kind of like when I sold my 68' big block (428) Mercury Cougar XR-7...I told the guy it wasn't for sale, but that everything has a price. He came back at me with a number and I walked in the house and grabbed the title out of the safe. Everything can be had...including me apparently. HAHA!
I am seeing a continuing "shortage" of reloading brass in MANY cartridges. I just browsed Midway (again) and .25-06 and .338WM CONTINUE to be unobtanium. They have LOTS of bullets (even cheap), powder and some primers, but the in stock brass for many cartridges is still MIA. And of course, if some is found ANYWHERE, the prices are still through the roof, where many powders, primers and especially bullets have come down in price quite a bit. A rhetorical WHY?
I am seeing a continuing "shortage" of reloading brass in MANY cartridges. I just browsed Midway (again) and .25-06 and .338WM CONTINUE to be unobtanium. They have LOTS of bullets (even cheap), powder and some primers, but the in stock brass for many cartridges is still MIA. And of course, if some is found ANYWHERE, the prices are still through the roof, where many powders, primers and especially bullets have come down in price quite a bit. A rhetorical WHY?

...where many powders, primers and especially bullets have come down in price quite a bit.

Is this local to you? I ask because I have not seen this happening in my locale and have not taken note of the online retailers I frequent dropping prices quite a bit. Powder and bullets are the two items I tend to look for. Primers not as much as I had a decent supply prior to all this BS. Not arguing with you, CoElkHunter, I just haven't seen the same when I'm looking.

IMO, Nosler has really taken advantage of these times as an opportunity for major increases. Considerably more so than any other component/ammo manufacturer.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?