So, you’re implying, yet again, the majority of RSA Outfitters and PH’s operate this way? What rubbish.
To join your trolling with a blanket generalization:
…. since the protagonists in these videos are typically American, as a rule, Americans hunt this way?
There are slob hunters and there are slob PH’s and I have seen evidence from various nationalities in a variety of locations around the world. The fact that videos of this ilk make it to YouTube merely demonstrates that these slobs are clueless. They obviously think there is nothing wrong with what they have done and thus join the rest of the worlds narcissists and share their “incredible feats” on YouTube.
In an attempt to be rational, why don’t you count the number of hunters depicted in these horror films and divide that by the number of hunters headed to South Africa annually. The actual facts will not support your feeling. These slobs are a very small minority.
To avoid the slobs, do your research. If not, ……