OH SH!T!! Just Gina ran out of coffee and Action Bob hasn't returned from the store yet.
(15 seconds later) Neighbors have lined the streets between Just Gina's house and Starbucks with 8,16, 20, and 32 ounce size styrofoam cups of coffee to cheer Just Gina on.
(30 seconds later, arriving home from the opposite) Action Bob arrives home with Just Gina's coffee.
Stay Tuned for the Next Chapter.
Same time. Same ActionBob and Just Gina channel.
Does Just Gina enjoy her coffee and the neighbors thoughtfulness?
Does Just Gina leave Action Bob at home for a solo 20 day DG and PG safari in Africa?
Tune in Next Week. When we hear: (fluttering her eyelids) Aahhh....ActionBob you brought home 5 pounds my favorite brand of coffee.

DISCLAIMER; CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF Just Gina is Not Addicted to Coffee. Therefore No Interdiction is Warranted.
FYI, the Disclaimer, in fear for my life, I had to say this just in case
@Just Gina or
@ActionBob seen me before I seen her at the next SCI Convention (2025) in Nashville.