Returning the shopping cart is only the first test. Deciding where to abandon the cart once the decision to not return it is made shows a deeper level of that person. An out of the way place is next followed by blocking a open space or directly behind another shoppers vehicle. In other words, forcing someone else to deal with the cart they used.
That’s why I’ve changed my passwords to incorrect!
I still have my 177cal Benjiman co2 pistol and my Pump 22 cal Crosman from my pre teen yearsThe first gun I ever shot (not including my cap gun) was a pellet gun. I will have to ask my Dad what kind. But it takes one pellet at a time. There is still a carton of pellets on the hot water heater by their back door. The pellet gun is next to the door too. Same place it has been since I can remember!
I'll take mine black!
I wonder if three strikes and you are out? notice the two ear tags.......