Vashper - you still aren't mobilized! I am enjoying a rather good single malt this evening and happily offer you "За здоровье!" ...
Real story near fireplace.
I probably told you that our main hunting for moose (1-2 licenses a year) and wild boar is a roundup. The line of shooters is about 10 people, and 3-4 beaters. The beast enters the line randomly, someone is lucky, someone is not. There are people who have been going on such hunts for decades, but they already see only killed moose.
And now we have a young man in our team, by the way - a lawyer, he's only had a rifle for four years - and the beast comes out at him all the time. This season - two bulls. In the end, we made a remark to him that it was impossible. In response , he told this story:
"One provincial came to a big city, on business. And so he walks down the street, sees a bar, and thinks, "I'll go in, get a beer, and at the same time I'll pee." He went in, sat down at a table, looked around - and saw something strange. There are only men in the bar, and two are sitting, and one is stroking the other on the shoulder. "No, I'm not going to drink beer here, I'll go to the toilet and go on." He goes into the toilet and sees three men having sex. He runs out in horror and runs past the counter towards the exit. The bartender calls out to him, "Sir, is something wrong?".
"Yes! There, in the toilet, three men are having sex!".
"Yes? And tell me, in the middle - is he by any chance bald, with a red beard?".
"Yes! With a red beard!".
"Damn," the bartender says in frustration, "and he's lucky at poker too."