on a lighter note...

An elderly bachelor, a parishioner at Blessed Mother's, calls the priest and asks if he can come to the rectory and discuss some funeral arrangements. The priest says "Sure, you can come now". The old man arrives, goes in to the rectory and asks if he can have a funeral mass said for his pet, a dog he had for twenty years. He explains it's been his faithful companion and wanted to repay his love and affection. The priest shakes his head and tells him "Oh, no we can't do that at all. Funeral masses are only for people, family and friends. Maybe that Baptist or Methodist church down the street would accommodate you but definitely not here". The old man begins to walk out and says "Ok Father, I will check with them. Do you think five thousand dollars would be a suitable stipend"? The priest grabs the old man's arm and says "Hold on a minute. You didn't tell me the dog was Catholic:".
Salesman from the city takes a shortcut back through farm country. He's looking at the flora and fauna and sees something that gets his interest. He stops at a farm house, knocks on the door and an old man opens it. The salesman says "I saw some buttercups in one of your fields. Is it alright if I go down and get a couple pounds of butter"? The old man chuckles and says "Sure". A few minutes later the salesman returns, knocks on the door, the old man appears and he's handed a pound of butter. The salesman then says "While I was down there getting the butter, I saw some milkweed. Is it ok to go back and get some milk"? The old man chuckles again and says "Sure". A few minutes later he's back at the farmer's door with a couple quarts of milk. By now the farmer is scratching his head. The salesman then says "while I was down there getting the milk, I saw some pussy willow", Before he could finish, the old man says "Hold on a minute, I'm getting my shoes on and coming with you".
We call 'em Country Cadillacs. Where I live, 90% of pickup trucks never carry anything more than pets and groceries. It's a "keeping up with the Joneses" thing.
Like all the Rubicon model Jeeps here. They have no clue what the Rubicon is but it sounds tough. 99% of them never go off the blacktop.
The Rubicon is a real rough and tough offroad trail across the north end of CA. It is a real bitch.
Like all the Rubicon model Jeeps here. They have no clue what the Rubicon is but it sounds tough. 99% of them never go off the blacktop.
The Rubicon is a real rough and tough offroad trail across the north end of CA. It is a real bitch.
I thought every time I cut one off in a mall parking lot I was crossing the Rubicon.
Like all the Rubicon model Jeeps here. They have no clue what the Rubicon is but it sounds tough. 99% of them never go off the blacktop.
The Rubicon is a real rough and tough offroad trail across the north end of CA. It is a real bitch.
I thought it was just some river in Italy...
Like all the Rubicon model Jeeps here. They have no clue what the Rubicon is but it sounds tough. 99% of them never go off the blacktop.
The Rubicon is a real rough and tough offroad trail across the north end of CA. It is a real bitch.
I just had to tow a Rubicon out last weekend, lol. I think it is the 4th jeep wrangler I have had to get unstuck over the years.

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gunslinger1971 wrote on Gray Fox's profile.
Do you still have the Browning 1895 and do you want to sell it? I'm might be interested. If so please let me know and do you have any pictures?

Steve in Missouri
Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.