I have encountered gun owners who believed in gun ownership for self defense but were anti hunting so your feelings on black rifles do go both ways. The wood and steel gun owners can offer up the black rifles as a sacrifice to the Brady Campaign but when PETA and HSUS come asking to ban all "trophy" hunting, do you think the majority of the black rifle owners who were thrown under the bus will care?
This has happened quite a bit in California. We had groups that helped get our "safe handgun" roster passed in exchange for a single action exemption. We've had police unions support more gun control for exemptions (and now after some high profile police shootings, there are some efforts to disarm the police). When the latest restrictions on lead ammunition for hunting or using dogs for bear and bobcat came along, we had people on our CA gun forums saying that it wasn't a 2A issue or that they didn't care as they didn't hunt.
My point is that we are all in this together and pursuing our own individual interests is not working and will not work long term. The people who oppose private gun ownership are fixated on the AR-15 right now but when those are banned they will not go away thinking their work is done, they will wait until the next tragedy and find another aspect of gun ownership to push. The same goes for hunting as PETA doesn't just oppose long range "sniper" hunting (which has come up here before), or hunting over bait, or trophy hunting. PETA opposes
all hunting and when they get the low hanging fruit banned they will move onto the next thing.
The NRA is the largest gun rights organization in the US. They are also one of the largest hunting advocacy organizations as well. By uniting gun owners of all kinds both politically and financially, they have managed to expand gun rights throughout the nation for the last few decades, including a US Supreme Court ruling that the 2A is a personal right.
I do not believe that we have become more hated in the US. Perhaps more publicly vilified by the media and our political opponents. But that has only galvanized us and increased membership as people have begun to see the true colors of those demanding more gun control. I live in California and I am seeing more NRA bumper stickers than ever.
I am proud to support the NRA and I believe that it is in the best interest of all hunters to do so regardless of any personal antipathy to black rifles or tactical gun culture.
If we do not hang together, we shall surely hang separately.