No more Yeti's for me


I have encountered gun owners who believed in gun ownership for self defense but were anti hunting so your feelings on black rifles do go both ways. The wood and steel gun owners can offer up the black rifles as a sacrifice to the Brady Campaign but when PETA and HSUS come asking to ban all "trophy" hunting, do you think the majority of the black rifle owners who were thrown under the bus will care?

This has happened quite a bit in California. We had groups that helped get our "safe handgun" roster passed in exchange for a single action exemption. We've had police unions support more gun control for exemptions (and now after some high profile police shootings, there are some efforts to disarm the police). When the latest restrictions on lead ammunition for hunting or using dogs for bear and bobcat came along, we had people on our CA gun forums saying that it wasn't a 2A issue or that they didn't care as they didn't hunt.

My point is that we are all in this together and pursuing our own individual interests is not working and will not work long term. The people who oppose private gun ownership are fixated on the AR-15 right now but when those are banned they will not go away thinking their work is done, they will wait until the next tragedy and find another aspect of gun ownership to push. The same goes for hunting as PETA doesn't just oppose long range "sniper" hunting (which has come up here before), or hunting over bait, or trophy hunting. PETA opposes all hunting and when they get the low hanging fruit banned they will move onto the next thing.

The NRA is the largest gun rights organization in the US. They are also one of the largest hunting advocacy organizations as well. By uniting gun owners of all kinds both politically and financially, they have managed to expand gun rights throughout the nation for the last few decades, including a US Supreme Court ruling that the 2A is a personal right.

I do not believe that we have become more hated in the US. Perhaps more publicly vilified by the media and our political opponents. But that has only galvanized us and increased membership as people have begun to see the true colors of those demanding more gun control. I live in California and I am seeing more NRA bumper stickers than ever.

I am proud to support the NRA and I believe that it is in the best interest of all hunters to do so regardless of any personal antipathy to black rifles or tactical gun culture. If we do not hang together, we shall surely hang separately.
Very well said and I agree. People are absolutely delusional if they think that the two aren’t linked. They are even more so if they think that throwing black guns under the buss will make them go away. The goal of the left is to completely disarm us. Just like the goal of the antis to to completely shut down hunting in every form. The fact that people don’t see this is amazing to me. I see more people cutting off their noses in spite of their faces now than ever before.
I am a lifetime NRA supporter. I spent a career as a policeman and have seen the good and bad of black guns. Hell we got in a huge shooting a few years back with a dude with an AK. Not fun I promise but.... I absolutely support citizens owning AK’s and AR’s. To say that that we need to ban blk guns because people don’t need them is like saying we should ban elephants, giraffe, lions, etc... because we “shouldn’t” hunt them. I got news for you, a hellava lot more people die from car accidents than from gun violence in the US. Statistically blk guns are responsible for very few gun incidents.
As far as the yeti thing goes I don’t know what really happened and truly don’t care. If they wanna drop the NRA that’s fine I just won’t buy any more of their products. This whole thing has gone nuts and while I’m glad people are finally taking a stand wow are they picking the wrong battle. How bout taking all of this energy and patriotism and voting out these ass bag politicians that are try to destroy this country. How bout starting a huge campaign to write letters to USFW as well as both houses and the White House and say we’re not going to stand for this shit anymore. How bout writing to the same folks and telling them if they give 1 mm on the 2A we’ll vote their asses out.
We as hunter conservationists and 2 A constitutionists are great at winning all the battles but loosing the whole damned war. Our collective heads are shoved so far up our own asses it’s ridiculous. Hell we can’t agree on anything other than now the Yeti company is the devil. WTF how bout taking a stand where it counts.
Let’s say Yeti did drop the NRA and are a bunch of leftist douche canoes. Great, they go out of business then now what? Maybe other companies won’t take a political stand but that does nothing in the long run. The politicians don’t give a shit and your fooling yourself if you think it will send a message to them. They know we’re a bunch or unorganized grabastic nimrods. Why? Because we can’t agree on a damned thing and sure as shit can’t organize and rally to get their asses defeated in an election. Hell the Republican Party can’t even organize and agree on anything other than they don’t like Trump. WTF like him or hate him we’ve had an opportunity since November to kick some ass and nothing but a bunch of bickering has gone on.
Someday, when a post-melinial generation studies the social media phenomenon, Yeti and its ilk will be case studies at Wharton.


The NFL’s response to players kneeling for the national anthem will be another case study in the self destruction of a high end product.
Very well said and I agree. People are absolutely delusional if they think that the two aren’t linked. They are even more so if they think that throwing black guns under the buss will make them go away. The goal of the left is to completely disarm us. Just like the goal of the antis to to completely shut down hunting in every form. The fact that people don’t see this is amazing to me. I see more people cutting off their noses in spite of their faces now than ever before.
I am a lifetime NRA supporter. I spent a career as a policeman and have seen the good and bad of black guns. Hell we got in a huge shooting a few years back with a dude with an AK. Not fun I promise but.... I absolutely support citizens owning AK’s and AR’s. To say that that we need to ban blk guns because people don’t need them is like saying we should ban elephants, giraffe, lions, etc... because we “shouldn’t” hunt them. I got news for you, a hellava lot more people die from car accidents than from gun violence in the US. Statistically blk guns are responsible for very few gun incidents.
As far as the yeti thing goes I don’t know what really happened and truly don’t care. If they wanna drop the NRA that’s fine I just won’t buy any more of their products. This whole thing has gone nuts and while I’m glad people are finally taking a stand wow are they picking the wrong battle. How bout taking all of this energy and patriotism and voting out these ass bag politicians that are try to destroy this country. How bout starting a huge campaign to write letters to USFW as well as both houses and the White House and say we’re not going to stand for this shit anymore. How bout writing to the same folks and telling them if they give 1 mm on the 2A we’ll vote their asses out.
We as hunter conservationists and 2 A constitutionists are great at winning all the battles but loosing the whole damned war. Our collective heads are shoved so far up our own asses it’s ridiculous. Hell we can’t agree on anything other than now the Yeti company is the devil. WTF how bout taking a stand where it counts.
Let’s say Yeti did drop the NRA and are a bunch of leftist douche canoes. Great, they go out of business then now what? Maybe other companies won’t take a political stand but that does nothing in the long run. The politicians don’t give a shit and your fooling yourself if you think it will send a message to them. They know we’re a bunch or unorganized grabastic nimrods. Why? Because we can’t agree on a damned thing and sure as shit can’t organize and rally to get their asses defeated in an election. Hell the Republican Party can’t even organize and agree on anything other than they don’t like Trump. WTF like him or hate him we’ve had an opportunity since November to kick some ass and nothing but a bunch of bickering has gone on.

I apologize for my reply going somewhat off-topic but you raised a really good point here respecting black guns, or actually guns in general, and how opposed antis are to them. This is really well illustrated by an incident that happened in Toronto a few days ago. Some idiot decided, that since he couldn't get laid, he would get his "revenge" by mowing down people with a van. He ended up killing 10 or so people and wounding dozens. All the talk in the media is about how he was crazy, how some marginal internet cultures, incels, can be destructive etc... But there is zero talk of the need for more regulations respecting van rentals, the vast majority of adults can rent a van or truck all you need is a drivers license and a credit card, "van control", suing the van manufacturer or the rental company etc... All discussion virtually revolves around the perpetrator and not the object or weapon he used to cause this tragedy.

A van or truck in wrong or malicious hands rivals the destructive potential of "black guns" or guns in general in those same hands.

Now if a shooting had occurred the majority of discussion would be around guns or gun control. What type of gun was used, how it needs to be"regulated" or banned. Even if the perp had obtained the gun illegally and had completely ignored or circumvented Canadian gun laws. It would be the fault of gun manufacturers, sellers, gun owners bla bla bla
I apologize for my reply going somewhat off-topic but you raised a really good point here respecting black guns, or actually guns in general, and how opposed antis are to them. This is really well illustrated by an incident that happened in Toronto a few days ago. Some idiot decided, that since he couldn't get laid, he would get his "revenge" by mowing down people with a van. He ended up killing 10 or so people and wounding dozens. All the talk in the media is about how he was crazy, how some marginal internet cultures, incels, can be destructive etc... But there is zero talk of the need for more regulations respecting van rentals, the vast majority of adults can rent a van or truck all you need is a drivers license and a credit card, "van control", suing the van manufacturer or the rental company etc... All discussion virtually revolves around the perpetrator and not the object or weapon he used to cause this tragedy.

A van or truck in wrong or malicious hands rivals the destructive potential of "black guns" or guns in general in those same hands.

Now if a shooting had occurred the majority of discussion would be around guns or gun control. What type of gun was used, how it needs to be"regulated" or banned. Even if the perp had obtained the gun illegally and had completely ignored or circumvented Canadian gun laws. It would be the fault of gun manufacturers, sellers, gun owners bla bla bla
Actually, there is a World-wide alert on van/truck rentals as a result of terroristic uses of said vehicles to run over pedestrians.
Actually, there is a World-wide alert on van/truck rentals as a result of terroristic uses of said vehicles to run over pedestrians.

But not an outcry for their restriction, modification, or outright ban.
But not an outcry for their restriction, modification, or outright ban.
Right, if I walk into u-haul, sweating profusely and pissed off they are going to rent me the truck. If I walk into the LGS in the same state of mind, even the guy behind the counter that has known me for years ain’t gonna sell me the gun! We police ourselves much better than we can be policed!
This sign has been up for a while at Collector's Firearms in Houston. I wonder if they will add another for Yeti?

Actually, there is a World-wide alert on van/truck rentals as a result of terroristic uses of said vehicles to run over pedestrians.

Thank you I stand corrected then. I'm just curious what does this alert entail though ? Does this mean that when you go to a U-Haul, home depot or some small "mom and pop" type of rental shop and when they ask for your drivers license they will be able to search a terror list database and then not rent to you or ? Will this now be a mandatory background check or ?

Right, if I walk into u-haul, sweating profusely and pissed off they are going to rent me the truck. If I walk into the LGS in the same state of mind, even the guy behind the counter that has known me for years ain’t gonna sell me the gun! We police ourselves much better than we can be policed!

Yeah exactly. And plus even if they asked what was up and you said im in the process of moving and just really stressed out-its totally believable. People often rent rucks/vans when moving and moves can be quite stressful for people.

There is absolute zero, and then there is so close to zero that it is not relevant.
To state that people care close to zero about the individuals who have died in deliberate attacks with trucks plowing through pedestrians is just blind to the facts.
To state that people care close to zero about the individuals who have died in deliberate attacks with trucks plowing through pedestrians is just blind to the facts.

I would agree. You need to read the original statement again as no one said that people care close to zero about the tragedy I don't have any idea where you got that from? Here, I will quote the zero line for you even.

But there is zero talk of the need for more regulations respecting van rentals, the vast majority of adults can rent a van or truck all you need is a drivers license and a credit card, "van control", suing the van manufacturer or the rental company etc... All discussion virtually revolves around the perpetrator and not the object or weapon he used to cause this tragedy.

It's all about blaming the person who committed the heinous crime, and not about blaming the tool, because the tool wasn't a gun. I thought it was stated pretty clearly.
Hell a Camry from hertz can do damn near the same damage. It’s always the person behind the wheel/trigger/blade etc. at least guns and knives take more skill and interaction to be as effective.
I would agree. You need to read the original statement again as no one said that people care close to zero about the tragedy I don't have any idea where you got that from? Here, I will quote the zero line for you even.

It's all about blaming the person who committed the heinous crime, and not about blaming the tool, because the tool wasn't a gun. I thought it was stated pretty clearly.
I had written a longer response that I chose not to post...which I thought you were responding to...which you could not have as it was not bad!
CTDoland I have always had a lot of respect for your posts, but I have no idea what you are talking about in your last couple and the final sentence of this one. What I read is that "we should voluntarily give up on the 2d amendment as an individual right" - In part because you believe it isn't what the founders intended? Thus far, fortunately, the courts and most constitutional scholars think otherwise. Sure a liberal court could change that - just like a truly socialist majority could destroy the economic engine which makes this great national experiment of ours go.

I assume, though I may be wrong, you are suggesting we hunters and gun owners should sit down and reason with our opponents - perhaps offer up black guns or high capacity semi-automatic handguns? With whom exactly will that discussion take place? And who assures us the terms of that agreement will survive more than a week or until the next political campaign?

I think I am as aware as anyone about the current political and social trends. I choose to fight them as long as I am able. I personally believe that is the opposite of burying my head in the sand. I feel that way because in the current polarized environment, I do not believe there is a realistic alternative. Of course, I am guilty of reading of reading A. E. Van Vogt's "The Weapon Shops of Isher" for the first time when I was around 12.

With regard to Yeti, I also have some experience with corporate decisions. They are all too often made in isolation, or with the wrong information, or because of an incomplete or mistaken assessment of trends or motivations - often with disastrous effects on employees and shareholders. In this case, I remain convinced that Yeti was a victim of its owners' post-Parkland corporate culture. Cortec made this call, and I suspect they have ruined what was one of the more brilliant non-tech start-ups of this century. A shame.

Very well said Red Leg!
Actually, there is a World-wide alert on van/truck rentals as a result of terroristic uses of said vehicles to run over pedestrians.

World wide alert on truck rentals? Man, lets limit the discussion to the USA. How exactly does that work? What is the criteria for Bob the U-Haul guy to raise the alert?
World wide alert on truck rentals? Man, lets limit the discussion to the USA. How exactly does that work? What is the criteria for Bob the U-Haul guy to raise the alert?
....yeah because Toronto is what star is Toronto in?
It appears that some think the world wide terrorist alert (and U.S.) on truck rentals are someone's imagination. Sorry to inform you, but they are real and have been for more than a year. France, Italy, England and more recently several in the U.S. Depending on where and when they occurred, the State Department, Homeland Security or the TSA could have issued the alert. Related to the U.S. specifically would be Homeland or TSA. State Dept would issue alerts on incidents in other countries. but for American consumption.
It appears that some think the world wide terrorist alert (and U.S.) on truck rentals are someone's imagination. Sorry to inform you, but they are real and have been for more than a year. France, Italy, England and more recently several in the U.S. Depending on where and when they occurred, the State Department, Homeland Security or the TSA could have issued the alert. Related to the U.S. specifically would be Homeland or TSA. State Dept would issue alerts on incidents in other countries. but for American consumption.

I'm just wondering how that works not that it exists.

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mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)
Spending a few years hunting out west then back to Africa!