AH ambassador
Yup. And not the least bit surprising.
Kinda like finding out Iran's been cheating...
Yup. And not the least bit surprising.
Kinda like finding out Iran's been cheating...
I always wanted to bend Mary Ann over, uh I mean throw, throw Mary Ann over my shoulder too!I always wanted to throw Mary Ann over my shoulder, and carry her off to the other side of the island.
What happens on the other side of the Island, stays on the other side of the island!I always wanted to bend Mary Ann over, uh I mean throw, throw Mary Ann over my shoulder too!
I finally figured it out, Ginger now looks like Steve Buscemi in drag.Ginger started strong... but didn’t hold up too well to the test of time
Mary Ann on the other hand kept things together over the years...
Not all New Yorkers are from the city or are bad. I and my friends and family will refuse to buy Yeti products anymore as well.It appears that Yeti was bought by a bunch of New Yorkers, that explains everything.
I have already sent them an e-mail, I expect the typical corporate BS answer.
In other news, they might want to wait on the IPO they are planning. I know I will not be buying one share.
I'm a life member of the NRA and I buy yetis coolers and will continue to do so. Yeti builds the best cooler on the market, when someone makes one better I'll buy that one.
It's total BS that the NRA is using strong arm tactics to force anyone to do business with them.
Do you realize that all the people on this web site are gun owners ? Though I think the NRA could/should be more aggressive on gun rights, they really are "big dog" when it comes to Washington representation.Personally, were I in such a position I'd drop the NRA, also. They're doing more harm than good in my opinion and, when the pendulum swings the other way (and it will), it's going to swing hard. By the way, Trump isn't helping any, either. 2018 could be a blood bath for the GOP, and 2020 even worse. Then, let's see what the NRA does when they've lost all power because they have alienated a massive portion of the general population with their rhetoric and tactics, and their puppets no longer hold a majority in Washington.
When I was young the NRA was more geared toward sportsmen (and women). Today, it's completely in the pockets of the manufacturing sector, pushing black crap left and right. There has been a sea change in the culture and the average person looking in from the outside only sees one thing, and they don't like it one bit (misinterpretation of the Second Amendment doesn't help any, either...people aren't ignorant, they can read, they can research the history, they can come to understand its reason for being, America not having had a standing army at the time and all).
In brief, provided enough force, when something refuses to bend it will break. It's as simple as that.
Be thankful for the NRA. Despite some of the questionable aspects of the NRA, they are one of our last line of defense's, to having the jackboot thugs...aka....Democrats ...heels placed firmly on the neck of our 2nd amendment rights.Do you realize that all the people on this web site are gun owners ? Though I think the NRA could/should be more aggressive on gun rights, they really are "big dog" when it comes to Washington representation.
There is no talking to Tide pod chewing millennials. Ill informed school children do not direct national debate. And those from Florida with a mother who works for CNN with an agenda are not bargained with. We do not, should not compromise. I don't own a black gun because I currently live under the rule of Comrade Cuomo. But I support everybody who does own one, hence, no more patronage at Dick's/ Field & Stream.
You come come across with a lot of venom for the NRA, but who's there to replace them, to represent gun owners ? I belong to many organizations, but none have the impact of the NRA. I wish they did.
Need I remind you that other people in other countries envy the United States because of the 2nd amendment? Funny note is that in Russia, they are trying to form an NRA.
There is, many times, contention with any organization. Not everyone is happy with every decision. From what I hear, the salary given to someone in the NRA is one million a year. To me, that's outrageous, but that's my opinion.
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I'm a life member of the NRA and I buy yetis coolers and will continue to do so. Yeti builds the best cooler on the market, when someone makes one better I'll buy that one. BUT............ thats beside the point, what is my major concern is that the NRA is using weight and too quick to act support base to strong arm Yeti into still giving them coolers. Yeti isn't anti gun or hunting, except in the info the NRA has sent out.
It's total BS that the NRA is using strong arm tactics to force anyone to do business with them.