ExactlyAnd had access to one! They were in a very short supply.
ExactlyAnd had access to one! They were in a very short supply.
The first rule in the Dictator's Handbook (available at your local library!) is "Get the Guns." If you trust government, I am happy for you, but a little surprised that some of the most difficult lessons of history have been lost on you. Be that as it may, I believe that firearms ownership can provide the basis for a free and democratic society.
When those who agree with restricting gun ownership in fundamental ways (I'm not talking about RPG's here) can show me that these are rational reactions logically connected to the expected outcome, without material unintended consequences, then I will consider coming on board. Until then, I will understand these emotional reactions, but I will not agree with them.
There were indeed many more troops in the region, but they were awaiting an expected Soviet offensive which Stalin cynically halted until the ghetto could be liquidated.
Stalin dragged his feet on any coordination just as he did renewing the general offensive.
Of course a dictator needs a manual, Kim in North Korea leafs through it every day, otherwise it won't work. What would have happened to Hitler or Stalin without their manual? Nothing.
People,I'm not against gun ownership.
My closet is full of rifles
But I imagine myself to be a law-abiding citizen, who gets up every morning and does his duty,so that my chimney will smoke.
If I would hang on the needle or on the bottle,
could someone then agree to my possession of guns?
But perhaps one sees also dangers for the society in too liberal handling .Lawyers would say negligently to it.
Hard to imagine that the Second Amendment was created for guys like Marilyn Manson + Co.
Whether such guys had the founding fathers in mind?
"Assault rifle/weapon" is the most over used imaginary term I've ever heard in my life. Drives me crazy.. Hearing the MSM try to define it is depressingly comical.Guys, just a point of clarification. The guy in New Zealand didn't use an "Assault Rifle!" Have you forgotten what that is? I.e. a rifle capable of fully automatic fire, one pull of the trigger will empty the magazine. Any time we as gun owners and hunters refer to a semi automatic as an Assault Rifle just because it is black and looks like one plays into the hands of those that wish to ban them. I hope that the investigation into the "perp's" background yields information that should have forewarned "authorities" that this guy was a potential threat and that they should have intervened prior to the mass shooting.
.... and inevitably the contagion has spread to Australian shores!! The idiots at GCA - now grandstanding on the graves of the 50 victims - want to ban bolt action rifles!! Further, they specifically want "pro-gun lobbies" to be excluded from any gun law reviews. Put this in a search engine:
Sorry I have been disappointed with the idea of hunting with an A? and a clip attached in case of a second/more shots needed to finish off the animal.
I hunt with a bow or a single shot Ruger. Still don’t understand why we need the banned gun to hunt. Check out my avatar I did ok in NZ with an old fashion 7mm mag.
So cause you don't need it, the rest of us don't. Got it. i don't user a 7MM mag, never have, have no need for it so let's ban that round. I've done pretty well without it......
"Assault rifle/weapon" is the most over used imaginary term I've ever heard in my life. Drives me crazy.. Hearing the MSM try to define it is depressingly comical.
The term for a fully automatic firearm, one that will fire multiple rounds with a single trigger pull, is machine gun. I don't know who coined the term "assault rifle", but I'd like to kick him square in the butt..
I assume you mean Charles Manson.
There are processes in the US in place to deal with those deemed unable to possess a firearm. The list of prohibited individuals is clear, but due process must run its course first. I believe firmly strict scrutiny should apply to the Second Amendment, it is my hope, we will soon see a Supreme Court agree.
I would also add, I have killed a truck load of deer with an AR. I even use the real scary kind, all black, with a suppressor and adjustable stock.
An M-16 capable of fully automatic fire is an Assault Rifle by definition. An AR -15 which is semiautomatic is not. The media makes this misrepresentation about 999.99% of the time. I believe that the origination of the term Assault Rifle came from the German Sturmgewehr used in WWII. That rifle was the "parent" from which the AK -47 also an Assault Rifle was designed.