AH legend
in this country we dont have to need it,we just have to want it,and thats good enough for me,and the hell with the corrupt politicians who use every excuse they get to try and milk as many votes as they can get for their behalf.this world was conquered 6 or 7 times in the far past and millions of people were killed,not ONE was killed with a fire arm,no bullet holes in any body.PEOPLE have been killing PEOPLE forever and will continue to do so until the last man or woman is standing.Christ was not killed in a drive by shooting by a bunch of gang bangers using ak47s with 30 round mags,just a plain ole hammer and nails.dont want a gun?your choice,but dont try to force me in to your way of thinking.it aint going to happen!!!!!!This gripping poem ( of the submarine-commander in the 1st World War) and later Pastor Niemöller is well known to me.
A miracle that he survived the concentration camp.
But if crazy or overly dangerous stuff is to be controlled, then I am definitely for it and see no totalitarian desire of the state to forbid some things.
If I'm not a soldier, I don't need a assault rifle.
If I'm not a doctor or a pain patient, I don't need morphine in my bedside-table.
Just my 2cents
Sorry for highjacking this thread.