AH ambassador
We have a govt that is left leaning (our democraps) so there will be no fairness about anything they do but I believe that COLFO has the best understanding of what can be done and will be determined on doing all that is legally possible to put the interests of law abiding gun owners to the crown. There will be no public pressure to "do the right thing" as has been the case in the past when gun laws have been in the limelight with COLFO having a very positive effect in keeping them in the sensible range so have a good knowedge of the laws that stand and what they are able to do within that law.Von Gruff and all other AH members residing in New Zealand. Can't your COLFO request a "stay" of the current changes to your Firearms Law and reclassification? At least till a fair and impartial hearing has been conducted. If not done immediately I fear you will loose the right to have what we call a Modern Sporting Rifle. I'd be happy to donate $100.00 to help fund such an effort.