My Covid vaccination experience

I had 4 shots because my mom (92) told me about the polio epidemics and I remember victims of that terrible disease,

All 4 of those covid shots made me sicker than all hell. Each and everyone of them.

I'm immunized but I aged at least 10 years......
The problem with that is they are not just choosing for themselves. COVID WAS/IS HIGHLY CONTAGEOUS AND POTENTIALLY FATAL. COVID killed more people in the US over just ONE WEEKEND during 2020 than the flu did in the two YEARS prior to 2019. And the flu is usually pretty good at killing folks. Except during the pandemic ... when everyone was masking up and keeping their distance.

You choose to take risks, you're putting everyone else at risk too. No one should have the "freedom" to drive 70 mph through a school zone. Or sell drugs in a school zone. Or smoke in public places. Or block fire lanes.
If the “vaccine” does not keep you from getting or transmitting Covid, how in the world does not getting the vaccine “put everyone else” at risk? I’m not on Facebook, but my wife would show me every time one of my kid’s friend’s parents post about how proud they were getting their kid vaccinated (with obligatory picture). Oooof. Pretty small sample and two of them developed myocarditis and never tested positive for Covid. Not for lack of testing by their parents. :-)
If you got vaccinated then congratulations. If you didn’t then congratulations too. I really don’t care and I’m over people talking/ complaining about it.

stuffed if I know why I’m wasting my time posting on this thread……I blame boredom Trump .
It was the first time MnRA technology was used in a vaccine, but this was the first time the world encountered a lethal pandemic coronavirus. The bugs are getting more sophisticated and innovative. That's evolution at work. We just need to be equally innovative and sophisticated to defeat them. Evolve ... or we can just keep drawing on cave walls.

Of course the vaccines and boosters were tested. Another myth ... like the vax made people magnetic ... or subject to govt surveillance from injected microchips.

Yes tested on you
COVID and the so called "vaccination" are some of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated on the public. The "vaccination" isn't a vaccination, doesn't work as promised, doesn't keep you from transmitting it, the vax and jab can make you deathly ill or kill you. It's a freaking farce.

Those that stood in line to get the jab and boosters are likely the same ones who will stand in line giving up their guns when Uncle Sam says so.
COVID and the so called "vaccination" are some of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated on the public. The "vaccination" isn't a vaccination, doesn't work as promised, doesn't keep you from transmitting it, the vax and jab can make you deathly ill or kill you. It's a freaking farce.

Those that stood in line to get the jab and boosters are likely the same ones who will stand in line giving up their guns when Uncle Sam says so.
I don't have a clue as to what the WHO did or does. But here in the USA, the CDC was/is running the show. And the government was/is definitely paying hospitals and doctors, i don't know through which path, the CDC or otherwise.

As I was recovering and on track to go home Gina and I had a couple hour conversation with one of my doctors. He had plenty of time because they had lost so many patients he had nothing better to do with his afternoon! He had just lost a woman in her 40's. It still gives me chills the amount of people dying all around me while I was in there and the first doctor with his completely flat uncaring attitude. Gina tells me he had some emotion when she called him an arrogant son of a bitch! But all I was to him was a paycheck....

I digress, back to the doctor with a personality. He explained to us how at that point, 2 years ago now. The doctors and hospitals are in reality (in the US) working for the government. They were recieving over 50% of their income directly from the government. He made the statement, "Do you think we listen to the single biggest source of our income? Of course we do!"

I came as close to dying as one could from Covid and the hospitalization for it. I know I only survived because of the intervention by @Just Gina

Yes I had the little blood clots in my lungs, it was miserable. It was a struggle to breath, it would have been easier to just give up like too many did. The entire program laid out by the CDC leads exactly to that. I had Gina to keep me fighting and to fight the establishment. She was one of them so she knew how it worked and how they worked. Fortunately while I was still lucid enough I got my entire medical directive signed over to her. That is when they went from Arrogant Son of a Bitch to legally having to listen to her. That is also the day they stopped pushing me to agree to be intibated. That is the day all the medical staff started to tell me i looked better and was doing better..... Unfortunately it was not soon enough, they had allready given me Remdesiviere. That made me WAY worse. That then leads to putting you on a ventilator which means you no longer bother anyone AND the hospital gets a nice fat check. In fact the way it was explained to us, they get payments for each level of care you are escalated to. You get blood clots so the CDC chart says administer a blood thinner. They start out with the cheapest crap and devil may care what side-effects or how effective. The hospitals are paid for that treatment level. So why use anything expensive? You get put on a steroid. First choice is Dexamethazone.... for God's sake we stopped using that 20 years ago on our cattle because there are better options AND because administering it shuts down the immune system. But it's very cheap! We do still use it to abort an unwanted pregnancy in cattle.....

As for the "vaccine" my mother and step father got it, both got covid and both continue to have issues they did not have before. My baby sister got it and it killed her. Actually on her death certificate that cause of death was due to complications from the Covid-19 vaccine. She would very likely be alive and well today if she had not taken that.I get it about how a small percentage will have fatal reactions to almost any vaccine. The cattle division of Pfizer has paid me several times for cattle dying from reactions to their products. But this was my sister!!! I'm so angry over this i cannot even explain it. Did they ever conduct animal safety trials on this stuff? If this is really an mRNA virus and vaccine, wouldn't the same technology work on AIDS? Why is there not a vaccine for that? Where is the true science?
God bless you and Gina, and deep condolences for your sister.
This photo is at last 18th month old.
I've saved it as I knew it will happen.
Not too long ago Trudeau came out stating exactly the same thing.
COVID and the so called "vaccination" are some of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated on the public. The "vaccination" isn't a vaccination, doesn't work as promised, doesn't keep you from transmitting it, the vax and jab can make you deathly ill or kill you. It's a freaking farce.

Those that stood in line to get the jab and boosters are likely the same ones who will stand in line giving up their guns when Uncle Sam says so.
Just like lemmings. Don't think, do what they're told and follow blindly.
I took the vaccines and 1 booster. The first two gave me headaches and the booster sick like the flu. I only took them because I want to travel internationally, and could not without it. Even with that I managed to get Covid, and was very sick from Covid. My O2 levels were in the mid 80’s. I called a physician friend of mine who very conservative and told him I need the “secret recipe” within about 4 hours my O2 level was up into the low 90’s and was better in a couple of days. It’s a very treatable disease, but the press, CDC, and others kept pushing vaccines and not treatment. IMO a big mistake.

My father who is it 96, took the J&J single dose only, and has never had Covid, while my wife and daughter have all had Covid with the Moderna vaccine. My daughter had Covid both pre-vaccine and post-vaccine.

And I agree with @Red Leg, my plaintiffs bar brothers will have the waiver of liability stripped and it will make the cigarette litigation look nothing.
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I had to 5 Days, without Notification to become "Fully" vaccinated. Mandatory if I wanted to keep my job.
The only option I had @ that point was the J&J/Jansen. Only requires one shot to be fully vaccinated.

Without any prior medical/neurological Hx. .. I had a Complex Seizure that night/am.
Sweet weeping Mary , don’t you old whales have anything else to do?
1/2 the stuff blamed on the jab , was going to happen to the people anyway
its like parents With kids with genetic diseases blame it on something else
every one looks for a excuse to naturally occurng diasases
I don't have a clue as to what the WHO did or does. But here in the USA, the CDC was/is running the show. And the government was/is definitely paying hospitals and doctors, i don't know through which path, the CDC or otherwise.

As I was recovering and on track to go home Gina and I had a couple hour conversation with one of my doctors. He had plenty of time because they had lost so many patients he had nothing better to do with his afternoon! He had just lost a woman in her 40's. It still gives me chills the amount of people dying all around me while I was in there and the first doctor with his completely flat uncaring attitude. Gina tells me he had some emotion when she called him an arrogant son of a bitch! But all I was to him was a paycheck....

I digress, back to the doctor with a personality. He explained to us how at that point, 2 years ago now. The doctors and hospitals are in reality (in the US) working for the government. They were recieving over 50% of their income directly from the government. He made the statement, "Do you think we listen to the single biggest source of our income? Of course we do!"

I came as close to dying as one could from Covid and the hospitalization for it. I know I only survived because of the intervention by @Just Gina

Yes I had the little blood clots in my lungs, it was miserable. It was a struggle to breath, it would have been easier to just give up like too many did. The entire program laid out by the CDC leads exactly to that. I had Gina to keep me fighting and to fight the establishment. She was one of them so she knew how it worked and how they worked. Fortunately while I was still lucid enough I got my entire medical directive signed over to her. That is when they went from Arrogant Son of a Bitch to legally having to listen to her. That is also the day they stopped pushing me to agree to be intibated. That is the day all the medical staff started to tell me i looked better and was doing better..... Unfortunately it was not soon enough, they had allready given me Remdesiviere. That made me WAY worse. That then leads to putting you on a ventilator which means you no longer bother anyone AND the hospital gets a nice fat check. In fact the way it was explained to us, they get payments for each level of care you are escalated to. You get blood clots so the CDC chart says administer a blood thinner. They start out with the cheapest crap and devil may care what side-effects or how effective. The hospitals are paid for that treatment level. So why use anything expensive? You get put on a steroid. First choice is Dexamethazone.... for God's sake we stopped using that 20 years ago on our cattle because there are better options AND because administering it shuts down the immune system. But it's very cheap! We do still use it to abort an unwanted pregnancy in cattle.....

As for the "vaccine" my mother and step father got it, both got covid and both continue to have issues they did not have before. My baby sister got it and it killed her. Actually on her death certificate that cause of death was due to complications from the Covid-19 vaccine. She would very likely be alive and well today if she had not taken that.I get it about how a small percentage will have fatal reactions to almost any vaccine. The cattle division of Pfizer has paid me several times for cattle dying from reactions to their products. But this was my sister!!! I'm so angry over this i cannot even explain it. Did they ever conduct animal safety trials on this stuff? If this is really an mRNA virus and vaccine, wouldn't the same technology work on AIDS? Why is there not a vaccine for that? Where is the true science?

I'm saddened to read of the untimely loss of your sister but glad to learn you had the advocate you did in Gina, Bob.
I posted this is Dec 2021 shortly after my 1st Pfizer booster:

I got vaccinated with Pfizer and received the Pfizer booster. Shortly after the booster, I received an uncontrollable desire to acquire a Rigby Big Game in 416. Driving to Cabela's in Fort Worth, I felt like I was not in control and my truck seemed to be on auto pilot. Like a zombie, I went directly to the fine gun room and asked to see the Rigby. Moments later, I was filling out the paperwork and handing them my credit card.

Pfizer: German company. Rigby: owned by Germans. Coincidence? I think not!

Since that time, I have received 2 more Pfizer boosters. Within days of each booster, I found myself searching the Rigby website store and making purchases. Even worse, I am seriously considering selling my Winchester M70 375H&H to help with the purchase of a Blaser in the same caliber.

Again: Pfizer: German company. Rigby and Blaser: owned by Germans. Coincidence? I think not! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

On a serious note, the wife and I are both fully vaccinated (whatever that means today) with no issues. We only wore a mask when it was mandatory. Where we live in Colombia, the town of slightly over 10,000 in the municipality claims 100% vaccinated minus the local indigenous groups (that will never get vaccinated). We have not heard of any issues, and on any morning in the plaza, you will get all the local gossip!

Do what is best for you and enjoy life.

Safe travels
I took the vaccines and 1 booster. The first two gave me headaches and the booster sick like the flu. I only took them because I want to travel internationally, and could not without it. Even with that I managed to get Covid, and was very sick from Covid. My O2 levels were in the mid 80’s. I called a physician friend of mine who very conservative and told him I need the “secret recipe” within about 4 hours my O2 level was up into the low 90’s and was better in a couple of days. It’s a very treatable disease, but the press, CDC, and others kept pushing vaccines and not treatment. IMO a big mistake.

My father who is it 96, took the J&J single dose only, and has never had Covid, while my wife and daughter have all had Covid with the Moderna vaccine. My daughter had Covid both pre-vaccine and post-vaccine.

And I agree with @Red Leg, my plaintiffs bar brothers will have the waiver of liability stripped and it will make the cigarette litigation look nothing.
I've always found it curious that the J&J single dose completely disappeared from the "news" reports on the virus a long time ago, and to my knowledge, is no longer available. Perhaps that segment of the largest human clinical trial in history proved itself less profitable quickly; or maybe it was actually effective, thus didn't fit the narrative being pushed by the WHO and the CDC.
The waiver of liability was a huge red flag. I doubt it will take a decade before we see the ads on TV similar to the asbestos lawsuits.
Wonder when the information about how many different variations of the vaccine were actually being injected, who got a real vaccine, and who got the placebo will be released?

Sweet weeping Mary , don’t you old whales have anything else to do?
1/2 the stuff blamed on the jab , was going to happen to the people anyway
its like parents With kids with genetic diseases blame it on something else
every one looks for a excuse to naturally occurng diasases
"Naturally occurring diseases" would not include this one. Perhaps you haven't paid attention for the last few years.....
Why is there something for asbestos and lead paint. I slept in both when I was in the Navy. Most likely worst than the easy Civil shots. Doesn't lead make you insane.
I called a physician friend of mine who very conservative and told him I need the “secret recipe” within about 4 hours my O2 level was up into the low 90’s and was better in a couple of days. It’s a very treatable disease, but the press, CDC, and others kept pushing vaccines and not treatment. IMO a big mistake.
Ha. So what was the "secret recipe" then????
Why is there something for asbestos and lead paint. I slept in both when I was in the Navy. Most likely worst than the easy Civil shots. Doesn't lead make you insane.

You have to breath in the disturbed fibers from asbestos and eat the lead paint to have problems with either. I've been around more asbestos in my lifetime than I would like to think with zero ill effects. My mom taught me not to eat paint way back in the 50's.
I got my first Covid vaccination on Jan. 15. (I'm 71) Moderna vaccine administered by Dallas Parkland hospital at a drive through location. No issues and I was in and out in about 30 minutes. My second vaccination was on Wednesday Feb. 10. Much longer lines at the drive through location and the wait was about an hour and a half.
Some soreness in my shoulder where she injected the Moderna. I went home, took some Tylenol on the recommendation of a couple of medical professionals. Got up Thursday and went to the office for a couple of hours but by noon I was starting to ache all over. Went home and felt really lousy and had a slight fever. Took Tylenol every 5 hours or so and by 9pm Thursday night I started to feel better. Today I'm back to 100%.
Just a word to the wise, the second injection of vaccine is much more likely to have some side effects, but everyone's experience is a little different and the side effects seem to pass within 24 to 48 hours
I haven’t gotten the vaccine yet. But I did get covid in December and if sucked. I’m back to 100%. A business friend of mine just died from covid yesterday. I will get the vaccine when available.

I remain hopeful my July family Safari will happen. Life without an adventure to plan for is dull.
Check your titers for antibodies first. Natural immunity has longer duration. I am reminded that all of these "vaccines" are still experimental. As time has gone by, the complications from the injections that were labeled conspiratorial have proved out..... pericarditis, myocarditis, menstrual issues, clots, bleeding dysorders ... and concern for blunted immune system with each injection and ... acceleration of cancer...i.e. "turbo-cancers. No injection is without risks... due diligence is always needed.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?