Thank you sir+1 on the above advice from a fellow China flu survivor. Keep the crap from settling in your lungs. Wishing you tge best.
Thank you sir+1 on the above advice from a fellow China flu survivor. Keep the crap from settling in your lungs. Wishing you tge best.
Thank you sir! I’m a walking pharmacy at the moment lolThis does suck. I'm very sorry to hear. Hopefully it's the Omnicron version and not Delta. In any case, take extra zinc, vitamin D, Vitamin C in several times the normal dose. I think the Z Pak helps, and preferably a double run of it. Even though antibiotics don't kill a virus, peope who take it seem to recover more quickly, at least it wards off a secondary infection.
But deep breath, fully inhale and fully exhale extra a few times per hour. Lots of hot liquids. All the stuff they wouldn't bother with if you ended up in the hospital. But please don't end up there!
And have as Merry a Christmas as you can!
Thank you sirWishing you a fast recovery
Well it did work for me because I didn’t get it. No vaccine is 100%.
Which vaccine was the minister referring to exactly? Was it Moderna? I will take 40% over 0%. The shots are easy to get.Like maybe 39% effective according to the Israeli health minister.
"Historically, the vaccine has been effective in preventing smallpox infection in 95% of those vaccinated. In addition, the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure."
So the Israeli minister wasn't talking about the Moderna vaccine. Yes, there is separation and a difference between vaccines. They are each different, as a PROFESSIONAL mentioned above.Not sure there was a separation. With a 99 % plus survival rate I'm not taking an unproven vaccine that isn't very effective. Some state have higher rates of break through case than unvaccinated cases.
Sorry to hear this, Mark. I do wonder if the doctors are taking their best guess since they have tried several things to no avail. It's hard to prove such things. I hope the psoriasis goes away soon. I can certainly understand that you won't take any more shots/boosters. I would definitely contact Pfizer and let them know about your situation to see if they have had other reports such as yours.I have been waiting to post this as what my particular experience has been with the Pfizer vaccine. I had my firm first dose in April, second dose in May. Took the shots ahead of my June Safari as precaution. Seven months later I wish I had never taken the shots. About 20 days after the second dose I started having a rash break out in several places. Doctor thought just a mild fungal skin infection. Prescribed meds and off to Africa I went.
After returning and seeing more doctors and having some other health issues that I have never had before and the rash is still present and had several biopsy’s and all come back as same results a form of psoriasis. Which I have never had before. All the medicines they have tried have not worked. There is one pill that was suggested to try but I declined as the side effects and damages it can do to kidneys and liver are not worth it at this time.
The doctors I am seeing,which are some of the best at Baylor Collage of Medicine in Houston, determined the vaccine did something to my immune system and has caused the issues. They have advised me NOT to take any boosters as it could cause more issues.
At this point I wish I had not taken the shots. I have a 2022 safari planned as of now.
If a booster is required to fly or travel to Africa I guess I will not be going. As I refuse to take a booster.
I just wanted to let you all know what issues that I have been having from the shot!!
Sorry to hear this, Mark. I do wonder if the doctors are taking their best guess since they have tried several things to no avail. It's hard to prove such things. I hope the psoriasis goes away soon. I can certainly understand that you won't take any more shots/boosters. I would definitely contact Pfizer and let them know about your situation to see if they have had other reports such as yours.
Yes Moderna is better according to my daughter’s experience at our hospital.UK agency: Pfizer booster’s ability to prevent symptomatic COVID wanes within weeks
Data shows 3rd shot 70% effective in preventing illness after 2 weeks but only 45% after 10 weeks; Moderna seems to offer more durable protection, staying at 70% after 10 weeks
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