Muzzle break or no?

Oh my!!

We going to build a 10 lb, 577 NE 3" and then fit a brake and a contraption on the back that resembles a blade runners leg and then use it on the range to impress people with wimpy loads.

If ever we then later decide to use it on elephant in Africa we will not be able to step it up to factory loads because the rifle cannot handle the recoil neither can the shooter!!

What a waste of time and money.

If you gonna build a 577 NE do it right or stay away.

Build it right and you can shoot wimpy loads all the way up to factory loads.

If not rather just build a blackpowder version and not waste time and money or build the rifle with any one of the other available NE cartridges.

Below is what the OP wants in his own words:

500NE vs 577NE

For all intents and purposes, which one would be the better choice of caliber? From hunting to plinking. Collectors value or resale value. Stopping vs first shot? Ease of reloading? Wow factor?

My advice would be the 500 NE 3 1/4" or 3" in a classic looking falling block using the Ruger nr 1 action.
And no, I have not. And the OP never stated this gun was for factory full power loads. Open your mind a bit and read, remember shooting is supposed to be fun, not just for the purpose of hunting DG

That explains a lot.
Good Lord how many times does he have to say this rifle is NOT BEING BUILT FOR AFRICA AND GUIDED HUNTS before every one jumps to respond without reading?!


The OP wants a toy, this toy, and wants it built this way. He wants a gun built for an ELEPHANT CARTRIDGE, he is NOT building an ELEPHANT GUN for hunting elephant!

Go ahead with the brake, SSK knows their stuff extremely well, they are a fine outfit and do amazing work, especially in the large-bordering-on-silly rounds. For your intended purpose with the rifle, a brake is just fine.

Perhaps you should also first read what the the intended purpose of the rifle is before going off the top.
Sorry but I hunted SA with a rifle brake and the PH-Outfiter didn’t say a word about it. I used a rubber ear plug in my left ear for the six shots I took at the five animal on the hunt.
I would say it isn’t a problem. You are paying for the hunt.
I have two rifles that I Shoot at the range that have brakes on them and since everyone’s got ear devices on not a person says a word.
It is a shame you do not care for your Safari Staffs hearing ....... very disingenuous - I book and organise safaris and have one rule for my clients - no suppressor no hunting - We have a duty of care for our PH's and indeed the trackers skinners after all your life could depend on them ........... " you are paying for the hunt " what an amazing attitude - "I used a rubber ear plug in my left ear for the six shots" You clearly have some basic care for your own hearing which indeed makes your previous statement all the more disingenuous.

For American clients who say suppressors are a hassle to get - I organise for one to be at the lodge for them threeaded for their rifle - All I ask is to free float the barrel and bed the action prior to arrival - then wandering zero is not a problem -

Anyhow 2 cents poorer but hopefully have enlightened ................
My point is you instantly assume brake with hunting. And everyone else in the thread went off on HUNTING with a brake. He said maybe some day far off he might be able to hunt DG. But, the replies saw "brake" in the title and went straight to posting instead of trying to get a feel for what the OP wants. Who gives 2 poops about a brake at a range??
You are missing the larger point obviously. It isn't about the this or the that, its the fact that the OP asked for input into his project, whether for hunting or fun doesn't matter. As to who gives two poops about a BRAKE at the range? I DO! They are horrible to be around in any kind of range bench situation, just totally obnoxious, hate them!
My point is you instantly assume brake with hunting. And everyone else in the thread went off on HUNTING with a brake. He said maybe some day far off he might be able to hunt DG. But, the replies saw "brake" in the title and went straight to posting instead of trying to get a feel for what the OP wants. Who gives 2 poops about a brake at a range??

Let's see, in two parallel threads the OP asked a group of people, many of whom have some small experience with both brakes and the .577NE, their thoughts on this project rifle. More importantly he asked it on a forum called - wait for it - - where the audience contains an unsurprisingly large number of folks with some meaningful DG and DG caliber experience in Africa. Finally, in the other thread he claims it will be a hunting platform as well as something I assume to impress the great unwashed at the range. Since he asked, I gave him my honest opinion that I thought it was essentially a silly concept rifle. Also, because of the massive brake required to keep him from maiming himself with a 10lb rifle, I also offered the opinion it was a terrible rifle to eventually take to Africa (or any other guided hunt for that matter). That did elicit some replies by some who seemed offended many PH's, trackers, and other hunters really are offended by the use of muzzle brakes. I loathe being around them, and I know of no single PH anywhere who is happy seeing one arrive in camp. I am only surprised that is surprising to some.

With respect to this thread, I simply would urge you to consider what it would be like having this ridiculous thing go off next to you at a rifle range (or in the field).
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I simply would urge you to consider what it would be like having this ridiculous thing go off next to you at a rifle range (or in the field).

This is actually my main thought...

I could care less if the rifle is practical or the dumbest idea ever to enter a mans head.. its your money, waste it on whatever your vice is.. me personally, I burn more money than I should on building guns and restoring guns that I know the day I finish them will just be another "safe queen".. its a waste.. I know its a waste.. and it serves no practical purpose other than I enjoy it.. so.. I continue to do it..

But I sure do hate brakes..

It amazes me how many brakes I see on "precision" AR15's (something of an oxymoron) at the range.. those little 5.56's make sitting next to members of the tacti-cool club an irritating, if not actually painful experience..

When I see a lane next to a guy with a typical "hunting" caliber medium bore shooting with a brake, I very intentionally just wait until a lane MUCH further down the line is available.. I have no desire to sit next to a guy firing a 270 or a 30-06 with a browning BOSS or anything else like it.. frankly, it makes everyone elses range experience within about a 20 foot radius of the brake shooter suck..

I sure as hell dont even want to be on the line at all with someone shooting multiple rounds of 375 or larger with a brake...

I dont get upset with people that use them.. its their prerogative.. I just do my thing and let them do theirs (taking the above steps so I have some chance of actually enjoying my range day).. but.. a little common courtesy and consideration from those who chose to use those things would certainly be appreciated (and sadly is rarely ever experienced)..
This is actually my main thought...

I could care less if the rifle is practical or the dumbest idea ever to enter a mans head.. its your money, waste it on whatever your vice is.. me personally, I burn more money than I should on building guns and restoring guns that I know the day I finish them will just be another "safe queen".. its a waste.. I know its a waste.. and it serves no practical purpose other than I enjoy it.. so.. I continue to do it..

But I sure do hate brakes..

It amazes me how many brakes I see on "precision" AR15's (something of an oxymoron) at the range.. those little 5.56's make sitting next to members of the tacti-cool club an irritating, if not actually painful experience..

When I see a lane next to a guy with a typical "hunting" caliber medium bore shooting with a brake, I very intentionally just wait until a lane MUCH further down the line is available.. I have no desire to sit next to a guy firing a 270 or a 30-06 with a browning BOSS or anything else like it.. frankly, it makes everyone elses range experience within about a 20 foot radius of the brake shooter suck..

I sure as hell dont even want to be on the line at all with someone shooting multiple rounds of 375 or larger with a brake...

I dont get upset with people that use them.. its their prerogative.. I just do my thing and let them do theirs (taking the above steps so I have some chance of actually enjoying my range day).. but.. a little common courtesy and consideration from those who chose to use those things would certainly be appreciated (and sadly is rarely ever experienced)..
EXACTLY! Unfortunately at my local range benches are assigned so its not always easy to get another bench. I figure if I am already planted and shooting, and some nimrod sits down with a brake, I am within my rights to ask them to move if its bad and it usually is. I did this recently when a couple of young bucks with obviously little range time sat next to me and assaulted me with muzzle blast. I thought their rifle blew up when it went off! I firmly told them to move to the other end of the range, which they did after consultation with the range master. I know they thought I was being a jerk, and frankly I didn't care what they thought, I was shooting already when they got there, and to my mind, its up to them to move, not me. They were totally clueless about the effects from their brake.
EXACTLY! Unfortunately at my local range benches are assigned so its not always easy to get another bench. I figure if I am already planted and shooting, and some nimrod sits down with a brake, I am within my rights to ask them to move if its bad and it usually is. I did this recently when a couple of young bucks with obviously little range time sat next to me and assaulted me with muzzle blast. I thought their rifle blew up when it went off! I firmly told them to move to the other end of the range, which they did after consultation with the range master. I know they thought I was being a jerk, and frankly I didn't care what they thought, I was shooting already when they got there, and to my mind, its up to them to move, not me. They were totally clueless about the effects from their brake.
I've never used a brake myself, hence the question in the original post, though i have used a ported barrel once. But pestering other shooters isnt really an issue i worry about too often due to the fact that i generally go to a range far enough out of the way that i am usually the only person there. And even when i go to the range where others are, i tend to try getting as far away from other people as possible due to muzzle brakes on their weapons and i dont trust most people at public ranges
I too have a Number 1 in .458 Lott. I can't imagine shooting it in .577. Besides if JD says it needs a brake, it needs a brake!
I've shot several Encore and Contender handguns equipped with Mr. Jones' brakes and they work. I've only seen one rifle with one of his brakes, but didn't shoot it.
Personally, I don't like brakes due to their noise but there is no argument that they reduce recoil.
I too have a Number 1 in .458 Lott. I can't imagine shooting it in .577. Besides if JD says it needs a brake, it needs a brake!
I've shot several Encore and Contender handguns equipped with Mr. Jones' brakes and they work. I've only seen one rifle with one of his brakes, but didn't shoot it.
Personally, I don't like brakes due to their noise but there is no argument that they reduce recoil.
My no1 in 458 lott is almost enjoyable
The muzzle break on my 338 can be turned off and on, dont know bt might that be an option?
mine is factory from savage?
Personally, I don't like muzzle brakes. I find that the noise from a brake causes way more flinching (for me) than the actual recoil. I have a .458 Lott that I shoot (fairly) comfortably, but when my buddy pulls out his .30-06 Kimber with a muzzle brake, I find that the sight of that thing causes me to flinch because I've shot next to him too many times. My humble 2c.
The muzzle break on my 338 can be turned off and on, dont know bt might that be an option?
mine is factory from savage?
Maybe you should "break" o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oin your muzzle "BRAKE"!!!!!!! ;);););)on something smaller, LOL.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Maybe you should "break" o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oin your muzzle "BRAKE"!!!!!!! ;);););)on something smaller, LOL.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

You got me, Grammatical error.LOL, everybody loves a smart ASS!
:S Oops::S Lol::S Troll:
Not like we haven't made note of it before in this thread, LOL.;););););):D:D:eek::eek::rolleyes::rolleyes:o_Oo_O Its not vital but we may as well get it right.
It is a shame you do not care for your Safari Staffs hearing ....... very disingenuous - I book and organise safaris and have one rule for my clients - no suppressor no hunting - We have a duty of care for our PH's and indeed the trackers skinners after all your life could depend on them ........... " you are paying for the hunt " what an amazing attitude - "I used a rubber ear plug in my left ear for the six shots" You clearly have some basic care for your own hearing which indeed makes your previous statement all the more disingenuous.

For American clients who say suppressors are a hassle to get - I organise for one to be at the lodge for them threeaded for their rifle - All I ask is to free float the barrel and bed the action prior to arrival - then wandering zero is not a problem -

Anyhow 2 cents poorer but hopefully have enlightened ................
Suppressors are more than a hassle to get in the states, they are subject to the same regulations as a M2 heavy machine gun.
Hanging that much metal, no matter if your barrel is free floated, or how well it is bedded changes your POI. That means all of your ballistic data is now off, and some rifles that shoot very tight groups with one ammo shoot the same ammunition terribly with a suppressor on. You do not know until you screw it on what ammunition shoots well.

That is why I am not even bothering to put one round down my new rifle until I get my tax stamp back.
If you are worried about your hearing, you can buy the entire hunting party mid range electronic hearing muffs for less than the tax stamp on a suppressor in the US.
More on topic, only muzzle break I own is on my 20” A2 AR15.
I have never shot anything bigger than my .375 so my opinion is worthless on if they are needed for some of the largest big game cartridges.
Just not needed for all of my shooting. If I am going to add length to my barrel, I would rather it be solid length and ge a few more FPS for free.
Not like we haven't made note of it before in this thread, LOL.;););););):D:D:eek::eek::rolleyes::rolleyes:o_Oo_O Its not vital but we may as well get it right.

You need some midol and a beer! When my wife is acting childish I walk away, guess I'll move on to another
thread. I have really enjoyed AH and all the helpful people but some @$#%#$@!$%&#$'s just don't get it!

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Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)
Spending a few years hunting out west then back to Africa!
mebawana wrote on MB_GP42's profile.
Hello. If you haven't already sold this rifle then I will purchase. Please advise. Thank you.
jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

Jaye Birdwell