@3chunter - your observation on the “Quail” is the very reason that introducing ANY invasive species involves risk. In just the last 30 to 50 years the US has lost 95% of it’s Native Bobwhite Quail population on the East Coast and one “theory” is a virus introduced by releasing PEN RAISED quail & pheasant — the fact that they really aren’t certain is cause for concern. Native Ruffed Grouse populations have declined significantly also - NJ closed the Grouse season 3 years ago, closed quail season 6 years ago and the wild pheasant that I saw and hunted in the 1970s-early 80s also GONE. It’s NOT related to habitat - “something” more subtle has caused the decline>
Also, previously successful introduction of Pheasants is now FAILING - Kansas pheasant population down over 80% and the Wild pheasant that were plentiful in NJ, PA, NY, VA and other States into the 1990s - is also Gone or greatly reduced. Today, if you want to hunt wild bobwhite quail - Texas & Mexico is the last good area and maybe parts of Oklahoma. For pheasant - South Dakota has the largest population and even there many places “release” birds onto their hunting operations and “claim” they do well.
With so many great Native animals and birds to hunt in America, I’m more interested in protecting them or increasing their populations than “introducing” Non native species. If someone wants to keep a pet, or fenced population - I don’t have a problem with that, as long as they don’t ever mix with wild animals and cannot spread disease etc.. Just my opinion.