I'm finally retired - Another Chapter Closes

Excellent! You and your family deserve it. I am certain they are so very proud.
Congratulations :D Beers:
Congrats on your retirement from 40+ years of federal service, @PARA45. Enjoy your retirement in good health for many years and decades to come.
Congratulations Oscar! Enjoy the upcoming adventures in this new stage of your life!
Congratulations and thanks for your service to our country.
Congratulations bigman!

Thank you for your service!

Enjoy life to the fullest!
Thank you for a career of serving your nation and training others. It's nice to see someone do that and have some gas left in the tank! Go out and slay the beast! I just got back and left a few on the mountain for you...
Congrats and thank you for your service!
@PARA45 good thing you didn't stick around longer in the Air Force (active duty or civilian job). Some guys just don't know when to say when.

Congrats on your retirement. Thanks for your years of service. Now it's time to really start living. Hope you Buffalo hunt is a great one!
I was enlisted, retired from the Air Force, then Civil Service, and that is my new retirement. :)
Already Double Dipping!

Did you get your VA benefits and disability ratings?

For my Dad (retired Air Force Reserve, pilot in Vietnam) his monthly VA benefits pay as much as his monthly retirement check!

Also the nice thing IMO is that you are guaranteed money from all those for the rest of your life! No real need to “save” any of it so Go hunting!
You da man Oscar! Blessings for a fabulous retirement full of successful hunts and copious amounts of cigar smoke!
Already Double Dipping!

Did you get your VA benefits and disability ratings?

For my Dad (retired Air Force Reserve, pilot in Vietnam) his monthly VA benefits pay as much as his monthly retirement check!

Also the nice thing IMO is that you are guaranteed money from all those for the rest of your life! No real need to “save” any of it so Go hunting!

Yes sir, getting some VA benefits, working on some other issues. Hopefully, I’ll get a bit more (y)
Conrats on your retirement and a big thankyou for your service.

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expoB wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Total con artist! Bradley Joseph Clemens!
expoB wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Regarding Senga Senga. Brad Clemens. Do your research with him. He owes people money…took deposits, no hunt! Two words, for anyone who wants to hire him…..background check. His character shows and this character follows every aspect of his life. Not to be trusted at all!
Grandpa Moose wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Thanks for the advice/help. Hope the kids get a good plug from my mis post. Rain like crazy here
swag05 wrote on Inline6's profile.
Is the Americas still available? Does it have wheels? I am interested
matt2H wrote on matt vejar's profile.
Hey there Matt - i would love to understand some more about your bringing trophies home from South Africa in your checked luggage. My PH is holding onto a bushbuck euro and flatskin for me - and i am due back in South Africa in just over a week. He does have the export permit provided by the taxidermist for me. When you have a moment - could we go through the EDC Form and App? Looking forward to hearing from you.