I have come to the conclusion that "New Guys" are welcome, BUT......


AH member
Aug 25, 2024
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life time NRA member, Life Time Alaska Trappers Association Member
I am new on this site. I joined for several reasons.
1. I had decided to go on safari when I retire.
2. In support of decision one, I decided to build a rifle (which after chatting with member here has turned into, two rifles).
3. I prefer to gather as much knowledge as possible when planning a hunt.

I had settled on a CZ 550 (mostly because my first 458 win mag was a CZ, not because it is going to result in an erloom quality firearm) to build a 505 Gibbs on, but parts and actions are not abundant. I have figured out that part, but had looked into your classifieds to see what was available (I managed to purchase a trigger guard assembly, but did not make an offer on the 505 gibbs brass and dies as the seller would not deal with new members, then asked about a firearm and was given the same dismissive "newguy" rhetoric) Long story made short. I am really not sure I have ended up in the right spot. New member appear to be held in a very untrustworthy light, and long standing members appear to have license to dismiss new members with an elitist attitude that I find a bit off putting.

I recommend implementing a probationary period (or cap your membership).Where new member are not allowed to access the classified section (or any other portions your veteran members dont want to share) Until they have interacted with other member a reasonable number of times. I do not appreciate being accused of shoplifting in any store, simply because I walked into it (and that is exact how I have felt since I started interacting here). I have been a Security professional for 20 years and was in the military before that. I fully understand the need to be safe and secure, but I submit there is a professional way to vet your transactions that is less offensive.

Please, someone explain how in such a short duration of time I have gotten the wrong impression. There must be a ridiculous amount a scammers or I have just had poor exposure.
Not really. New members when they list items as soon as they sign up, people hesitate due to numerous scamming took place. Buying on the classified for a new member shouldn't be that difficult. After all the product will be shiped only after funds are realized.
Very sorry you have had a bad impression of us. Unfortunately some very clever scammers took a significant amount of money from certain members. It has understandably made folks jumpy, but as you note, there are polite ways to vette a transaction.
There are a number of established members whose opinion I really value, a lot in the middle, and several I completely disregard. I do start to notice new members with valuable posts but it takes some time to build confidence in what they write. I see many new members who have unrealistic ideas or beliefs as well.

For your particular situation, I can’t blame the member for not wanting to give out personal information although I wouldn’t be so suspicious. Depending who he is giving out personal information ties his name and information to every posts he’s ever made and photos posted. There are individuals who have a lot to lose in their careers. There has been at least one negative media incident for a uk member where AH was referenced. People seem to forget this is a fully public forum and results are visible with a google search. It brings in as many anti hunters as hunters even if they mostly read silently. I don’t post my face in photos and I only give my information out to certain individuals. I am suspicious of new members depending on the situation but there are numerous participating members I’d choose not to have dealings with as well. Give it some thought from that perspective.
Not sure why that is. I think there is a time out for posting a classified but it a member agrees to sell and you send the money it’s an easy transaction. Different if you are offering a bargain and demanding money asap.
Welcome to AH @teklanika_ray.

In short new members are welcomed.

Unfortunately the forum has received it's share of trolls, and "misguided" "unsavory" individuals that have: scammed members, accepted Pay It Forward Free items and left without reciprocating an item, or sold or purchased item(s) and left the forum, and new members that suddenly join by degrading an outfitter's practice, providing some but not all the evidence, to offer their perspective on a questionable original post and when the new member is challenged to provide additional information the new member refuses, starts repeating theirself, posts "word salads", etc..

It's not so much as:
New member appear to be held in a very untrustworthy light, and long standing members appear to have license to dismiss new members with an elitist attitude that I find a bit off putting

AH is a respected/respectful, good, clean, forum and as such "long time" members and those of us that aren't as "long time" members, but have been members for a good while want to protect and keep the AH forum free from becoming another hypocrites anonymous forum filled with obnoxious shaming members.

Again, All new members are indeed welcomed.
It's just some new members lately have instantly worn out their welcome for various/numerous reasons and by their aggressively hostile negative attitude.

Hope this helps to explain things to you.
I joined a couple years ago, and everyone has been warm and nice. Never regret to have joined. It's a Club, with his rules (written and not I guess ) so I you have to do your part, going step by step, be kind, and mantein a gentleman behaviour. Having something interesting to tell, without looking swagger or a know-it-all.
And remember that you can't please everyone.
So, enter the Club, and enjoy it.
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First let me welcome you to the community. Your experience so far is most likely more to do with what you are looking for. The CZ 550 being recently discontinued, it is becoming a collectors piece. Plus in this community they are very well regarded. Don’t take it personally.
I am new on this site. I joined for several reasons.
1. I had decided to go on safari when I retire.
2. In support of decision one, I decided to build a rifle (which after chatting with member here has turned into, two rifles).
3. I prefer to gather as much knowledge as possible when planning a hunt.

I had settled on a CZ 550 (mostly because my first 458 win mag was a CZ, not because it is going to result in an erloom quality firearm) to build a 505 Gibbs on, but parts and actions are not abundant. I have figured out that part, but had looked into your classifieds to see what was available (I managed to purchase a trigger guard assembly, but did not make an offer on the 505 gibbs brass and dies as the seller would not deal with new members, then asked about a firearm and was given the same dismissive "newguy" rhetoric) Long story made short. I am really not sure I have ended up in the right spot. New member appear to be held in a very untrustworthy light, and long standing members appear to have license to dismiss new members with an elitist attitude that I find a bit off putting.

I recommend implementing a probationary period (or cap your membership).Where new member are not allowed to access the classified section (or any other portions your veteran members dont want to share) Until they have interacted with other member a reasonable number of times. I do not appreciate being accused of shoplifting in any store, simply because I walked into it (and that is exact how I have felt since I started interacting here). I have been a Security professional for 20 years and was in the military before that. I fully understand the need to be safe and secure, but I submit there is a professional way to vet your transactions that is less offensive.

Please, someone explain how in such a short duration of time I have gotten the wrong impression. There must be a ridiculous amount a scammers or I have just had poor exposure.

I don't know what was involved in buying or selling rifles parts or rifles and therefore cannot comment.

As far as the untrustworthy light in that new members can appear is concerned, some people have already written why that is the case. Something like that is for a lot of reasons completely understandable and must be accepted.

When it comes to the manner of long standing members with elitist attitude and license to dismiss, that does not just affect new members. Sometimes older members are also affected of that, especially when one write something that goes against the world they have built and are convinced that it is the only real one. You have to get used to something like that.
Welcome to the forum, you are in the right place!

Sorry that you have that impression. Reading through the threads it appears many of our senior members jumped right in to help you in your quest on the 505 Gibbs. I can't find an introduction thread for you. Most of us posted an intro about what we hunt, why we went to or are thinking about Africa, region we live (we have members worldwide you might find out someone is close by), etc. I am not on any other hunting or firearms website and have found no need to be. Stick around. Come join us at DSC or SCI if you can. We're a good group.

Not really. New members when they list items as soon as they sign up, people hesitate due to numerous scamming took place. Buying on the classified for a new member shouldn't be that difficult. After all the product will be shiped only after funds are realized.

I am new on this site. I joined for several reasons.
1. I had decided to go on safari when I retire.
2. In support of decision one, I decided to build a rifle (which after chatting with member here has turned into, two rifles).
3. I prefer to gather as much knowledge as possible when planning a hunt.

I had settled on a CZ 550 (mostly because my first 458 win mag was a CZ, not because it is going to result in an erloom quality firearm) to build a 505 Gibbs on, but parts and actions are not abundant. I have figured out that part, but had looked into your classifieds to see what was available (I managed to purchase a trigger guard assembly, but did not make an offer on the 505 gibbs brass and dies as the seller would not deal with new members, then asked about a firearm and was given the same dismissive "newguy" rhetoric) Long story made short. I am really not sure I have ended up in the right spot. New member appear to be held in a very untrustworthy light, and long standing members appear to have license to dismiss new members with an elitist attitude that I find a bit off putting.

I recommend implementing a probationary period (or cap your membership).Where new member are not allowed to access the classified section (or any other portions your veteran members dont want to share) Until they have interacted with other member a reasonable number of times. I do not appreciate being accused of shoplifting in any store, simply because I walked into it (and that is exact how I have felt since I started interacting here). I have been a Security professional for 20 years and was in the military before that. I fully understand the need to be safe and secure, but I submit there is a professional way to vet your transactions that is less offensive.

Please, someone explain how in such a short duration of time I have gotten the wrong impression. There must be a ridiculous amount a scammers or I have just had poor exposure.
I understand your concern being a newbie and having your integrity questioned. You either put up with or find another forum.

What I am concerned about is when a first time member doing a posting accuses a company of dishonest business practices. Or the worse post was when the owner of a legitimate business is accused of stealing money from him. My opinion was that posting should have been immediately removed. Google the resolved incident and see what you find.

As the resident cybersecurity pro on this forum, new guys (with fewer than 5 or 10 posts) trying to sell things raises alarm bells with everybody. We don't have a lot of scammers show up here, but still far too many of them; and most of the stuff sold here via the classifieds is of fairly high monetary value.

Stick around. There are lots of guys here who will be more than happy to help you in your quest to build your 505.
By your opening post in this thread you are sending all the right signals.

My educated guess is by the time you retire, you will already be respected, trustworthy senior member, ie, you have enough time to collect spare parts. ;)

The rest about scammers, is already described by others in above posts.

All that being said, I suggest dont wait to retire, go to Africa to hunt now.
You will have time to tune and polish your big game rifle later, for big retirement safari.

Welcome to the forum!
I am new on this site. I joined for several reasons.
1. I had decided to go on safari when I retire.
2. In support of decision one, I decided to build a rifle (which after chatting with member here has turned into, two rifles).
3. I prefer to gather as much knowledge as possible when planning a hunt.

I had settled on a CZ 550 (mostly because my first 458 win mag was a CZ, not because it is going to result in an erloom quality firearm) to build a 505 Gibbs on, but parts and actions are not abundant. I have figured out that part, but had looked into your classifieds to see what was available (I managed to purchase a trigger guard assembly, but did not make an offer on the 505 gibbs brass and dies as the seller would not deal with new members, then asked about a firearm and was given the same dismissive "newguy" rhetoric) Long story made short. I am really not sure I have ended up in the right spot. New member appear to be held in a very untrustworthy light, and long standing members appear to have license to dismiss new members with an elitist attitude that I find a bit off putting.

I recommend implementing a probationary period (or cap your membership).Where new member are not allowed to access the classified section (or any other portions your veteran members dont want to share) Until they have interacted with other member a reasonable number of times. I do not appreciate being accused of shoplifting in any store, simply because I walked into it (and that is exact how I have felt since I started interacting here). I have been a Security professional for 20 years and was in the military before that. I fully understand the need to be safe and secure, but I submit there is a professional way to vet your transactions that is less offensive.

Please, someone explain how in such a short duration of time I have gotten the wrong impression. There must be a ridiculous amount a scammers or I have just had poor exposure.
Teklanikak_ray: you may be correct - New members are treated differently but it’s for a reason (Scammer History frequently involves New Members). I understand why it might be frustrating for you but be patient and allow other members to explain, read more & learn vs making suggestions to change Forum habits before you have a full understanding of why-they-exist. I’ve not read many posts complaining about this Forum, members post & read because they Want too —- sit tight for a few months and then decide. After that, if you still feel you are In The Wrong Place maybe it’s just not for you. I’ve benefited from reading many posts the past 18 months and I’m fairly New also….lots of good guys here
As a operator we have about 10 to 15 scams attempted each a year. It is the way the world is today. Requesting pictures especially of valuable firearms.


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