Huntress posing with bloody HEART

This is totally taken out of context she knew she was going to get reaction from the greenies and she was ready for it. But now hunters are taking this overboard did you guys see what a neat throphy black bull giraffe it is? Have a look at the link posted I would love to hunt a stink bull like this one day.

So what if she shot it from a vehicle looking at how she is dressed you are telling me that all hunters on this forums as taken all their game from foot? Or never stopped and climbed off to take a quick 2 minute stalk to shoot an animal I call that BullSh#t.

Fred let us Africans take care of our own game as we have done so and very succesfully for quite sometime. One less trophy hunter who slanders other hunters can stay home and away from Africa.
She was indeed spoiling for a fight. And accurate in what she was quoted as saying.

The article was definitely written by a bunny hugger. The quotes from the doc at born free and from peta are typical. And if those quoted truly believe what they said, their ignorance in who funds wildlife conservation is glaring. But most involved with those 2 organizations, and others like HSUS, don't want to hear the facts. They are operating in their own little version of utopic vision.

As most reading this know, without hunters and their wallets, there would be no wildlife for anyone to enjoy.
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Attention seeking...... 100%

Public Figure. on FB. Goes with the territory.

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Hey, I've shot giraffe on a farm where one of them almost trampled the farmer's daughter in law to death..... but they are so cute....

The game park reference is most likely a buggered up translation. In Afrikaans a "Park" is probably the biggest wild area around eg Kruger National Park...

And just for interest sake, there are many people out there who have no idea how big a giraffe's heart actually is.... like it or not...
Is that the penis to the left? I am having a hard time focusing here......

Certainly does appear to be.

Don't want to see that part of the photo session. Thanks.
Agreed a dumb thing to post, and frankly none to respectful to that old warrior gitaffe, not my favourite I must say. Please delete it Jerome, to at least a few it has proven to be offensive and we are not about that. Then cut Fred some slack guys, he is genuinely upset and just expressed it. We dont condemn people for that, heck have a metaphirical drink with the guy to ease his unease.
Fred............admire your passion, willingness to stand by your convictions, and open a thread that you know will garner serious flak. I am often very confrontational with anti-hunters. Still uncertain how to handle them, but learned a lot from this thread....................FWB
@Fred Gunner I tried to send you a PM but your settings won't allow it.
I wasn't wanting to send you a message to engage you in any type of conflict or argument. I am just very curious as to where your information about her shooting it in a pen came from. I would agree that that would be shooting and not hunting. However, I don't have any evidence one way or another as to where it was shot.
I would suspect that if it was indeed shot in a small enclosure or pen the anties would have certainly found that information and published it by now. So if I assume that it wasn't a penned/caged animal that she shot, then I have no issues with her doing a legal giraffe hunt.
As far as her posting pictures, what I would choose to do, what some of you on here would choose to do, and what she chose to do may all be different things, but I do believe that they should be our own personal choice. Perhaps it wasn't the best idea, but it is certainly not my place to condemn her for it. As far as her disrespecting the animal by showing the heart, I didn't get that. I think it is interesting to find out all different tidbits of information on these animals. When I was first told that a giraffe heart can be 2 ft and 17 kilos I was pretty surprised! Perhaps the picture was put up more as an item of interest then it was intended to be disrespectful.
That being said, I find it apparent that she has no issues facing some controversy from the anties, and wouldn't be surprised at all if she were one who kind of likes to stir the pot!
All in all, I think I will choose to support her rather than condemn her. If it turns out that she did shoot this giraffe in a pen, then I won't really consider it a "hunted" animal, but rather one that was killed for culling purposes. I would personally feel that the old bull deserved a more respectful or dignified death that a true hunt may have given, but again.... Only my opinion, and as long as it was legal I don't feel I have the right to impose my beliefs on someone else.
I suppose this article came from UK tabloids?
(I see £ 1.5k)

This has to be seen from perspective of latest witch hunt ongoing in UK, which started just before covid 19 pandemics, with intention to ban import of trophies to UK.

In this campaign all UK tabloids participate enthusiastically: The Sun, guardian, mirror, etc. All of them, united... against trophy hunting.
So media frenzy is still ongoing, keeping idea alive, for post covid, parliamentary proceedings.

In the beginning of this campaign there was direct attack against UK hunters having a hunt with one of the outfitters sponsors of the forum. (based on their photos posted on internet)

So, nothing really is new, under the sun.

My opinion in general, is that in today mass media World, I am becoming opposed to posting hunting photos on any internet social platform. I did make few posts about that earlier on the forum.

Simply put, I cannot see a single common benefit from this publicly posted photos, that hunting community can benefit from.
On the other hand, we can loose a lot.

In this case of mass tabloid campaign, with abused and misused photoas from internet, British hunters may loose a chance to legally import their trophies to UK.
Maybe. Is all going in that direction.

My own view is that every hunting organisation, local hunting clubs, national and international organisation should make clear rules, in their code of ethics, about public release of photos on social networks.

Speaking of ethics.
Ethics depend on costumes and rules in each hunting community.
From European continental point of view, posing with dead animals organs, like heart, is not considered ethical. I suppose same for UK, code of ethics?
Hunting in blue jeans? A heresy for euroepan continental ethics, and especially for UK ethics, were dress code is strictly observed.
(In US is different, of course)

So, basically now we have a photo of hunter with something which is not even a trophy (heart) and entire photo, out of European ethical margin.
Now is blasted all over the UK tabloids?
Oh, my how convenient for anti huntting groups!!!. How convenient for anti hunting tabloids as well!!!

In any case, we have now a real backfire on our photographic habits, now on UK soil, and frequently on American continent, as well.
I suppose this article came from UK tabloids?
(I see £ 1.5k)

This has to be seen from perspective of latest witch hunt ongoing in UK, which started just before covid 19 pandemics, with intention to ban import of trophies to UK.

In this campaign all UK tabloids participate enthusiastically: The Sun, guardian, mirror, etc. All of them, united... against trophy hunting.
So media frenzy is still ongoing, keeping idea alive, for post covid, parliamentary proceedings.

In the beginning of this campaign there was direct attack against UK hunters having a hunt with one of the outfitters sponsors of the forum. (based on their photos posted on internet)

So, nothing really is new, under the sun.

My opinion in general, is that in today mass media World, I am becoming opposed to posting hunting photos on any internet social platform. I did make few posts about that earlier on the forum.

Simply put, I cannot see a single common benefit from this publicly posted photos, that hunting community can benefit from.
On the other hand, we can loose a lot.

In this case of mass tabloid campaign, with abused and misused photoas from internet, British hunters may loose a chance to legally import their trophies to UK.
Maybe. Is all going in that direction.

My own view is that every hunting organisation, local hunting clubs, national and international organisation should make clear rules, in their code of ethics, about public release of photos on social networks.

Speaking of ethics.
Ethics depend on costumes and rules in each hunting community.
From European continental point of view, posing with dead animals organs, like heart, is not considered ethical. I suppose same for UK, code of ethics?
Hunting in blue jeans? A heresy for euroepan continental ethics, and especially for UK ethics, were dress code is strictly observed.
(In US is different, of course)

So, basically now we have a photo of hunter with something which is not even a trophy (heart) and entire photo, out of European ethical margin.
Now is blasted all over the UK tabloids?
Oh, my how convenient for anti huntting groups!!!. How convenient for anti hunting tabloids as well!!!

In any case, we have now a real backfire on our photographic habits, now on UK soil, and frequently on American continent, as well.

One of the important things in any discussion is to make sure we at least agree on the terms we're going to use.

For example, I would not say - under any circumstances - that hunting attire was a moral or ethical issue. Cultural, good manners, etc., quite possibly, but wearing jeans to hunt is not an ethical issue.

As for posing with dead animal organs, well, again, I think we can argue about good taste vs poor taste (no pun intended!) but I don't think these are ethical issues.

Now, for the 'meat' of your point. I agree that posting pictures of dead animals, or dead animal bits, can be very off-putting for some people, and further, that it sends the antis into a lather. but I disagree completely that this means we shouldn't do it.

As long as the pictures can be reasonably perceived as respectful to the dead animal, then I believe they can and should be posted. Why? Because the more hunters hide, the more reasonable people will think hunters have something to hide. I also believe that most reasonable non-hunters understand that animals die, and they are not terribly offended by these pictures (again, so long as they are 'respectful'). But many of these same people see the over-wrought and quite frankly frightening reactions of hard-core antis as both entirely irrational and scary. I mean, these people are looking for the death of hunters!

So, if you are concerned about off-putting, I suggest that the rabid reactions of animal rights types does more to help our cause than the pictures hurt our cause.
Because the more hunters hide, the more reasonable people will think hunters have something to hide.

Best statement in this entire thread IMO...

I am very open and very proud about being a hunter... I dont go out of my way trying to be rude, obnoxious, or offensive to anyone.. but I also have nothing to hide about my lifestyle..

In fact, I think I've done far more good for the sport/lifestyle than harm by being open about it and willing to engage in conversations with people that are either opposed to hunting, or are curious and dont fully understand it..

If the opposing party is a close minded cancel culture anti... you only give them power by giving a damn about their position or opinion or choosing to hide who/what you really are...

If they arent willing to engage in actual discussion/debate and have an open mind.. then they simply arent worth my time.. They can keep being who they are.. and I'll keep being me.. and if they dont like it.. they can endure the stress and the discomfort of it all.. I'll sip another glass of red wine at night thats been paired with a delicious venison stew.. and never give them another thought or concern..
Agreed a dumb thing to post, and frankly none to respectful to that old warrior gitaffe, not my favourite I must say. Please delete it Jerome, to at least a few it has proven to be offensive and we are not about that. Then cut Fred some slack guys, he is genuinely upset and just expressed it. We dont condemn people for that, heck have a metaphirical drink with the guy to ease his unease.
Kevin, to some degree I agree with you. Rambo Gunner just had a few too many and made some angry posts with his Ka-Bar clenched solidly in his teeth. Probably fighting a hangover headache and gobbling Midol this morning. This is a bit of an established pattern of behavior though.
Aside from his huntress bashing posts, posts like this one tend to get my hackles up and I believe an apology may be in order.
This is not hunting and any SOB who claims otherwise is a coward and PM me for my address so we can discuss this in person!
A limp-wristed attempt at intimidation or just bravado masking male inadequacy I’m not sure, but inappropriate either way.
@Fred Gunner I tried to send you a PM but your settings won't allow it.
I wasn't wanting to send you a message to engage you in any type of conflict or argument. I am just very curious as to where your information about her shooting it in a pen came from. I would agree that that would be shooting and not hunting. However, I don't have any evidence one way or another as to where it was shot.
I would suspect that if it was indeed shot in a small enclosure or pen the anties would have certainly found that information and published it by now. So if I assume that it wasn't a penned/caged animal that she shot, then I have no issues with her doing a legal giraffe hunt.
As far as her posting pictures, what I would choose to do, what some of you on here would choose to do, and what she chose to do may all be different things, but I do believe that they should be our own personal choice. Perhaps it wasn't the best idea, but it is certainly not my place to condemn her for it. As far as her disrespecting the animal by showing the heart, I didn't get that. I think it is interesting to find out all different tidbits of information on these animals. When I was first told that a giraffe heart can be 2 ft and 17 kilos I was pretty surprised! Perhaps the picture was put up more as an item of interest then it was intended to be disrespectful.
That being said, I find it apparent that she has no issues facing some controversy from the anties, and wouldn't be surprised at all if she were one who kind of likes to stir the pot!
All in all, I think I will choose to support her rather than condemn her. If it turns out that she did shoot this giraffe in a pen, then I won't really consider it a "hunted" animal, but rather one that was killed for culling purposes. I would personally feel that the old bull deserved a more respectful or dignified death that a true hunt may have given, but again.... Only my opinion, and as long as it was legal I don't feel I have the right to impose my beliefs on someone else.
Cam, if you can't email him to get his address how are you going to meet up with him so he can tell you how it is and beat you up for having a different opinion on the matter. Very frustrating..........
This forum is the only form of "social media" that I have ever participated in so I am not up on current affairs nor am I woke. Would the op be doing what is referred to these days as "mansplaining" ?
Or just trolling
Kevin, to some degree I agree with you. Rambo Gunner just had a few too many and made some angry posts with his Ka-Bar clenched solidly in his teeth. Probably fighting a hangover headache and gobbling Midol this morning. This is a bit of an established pattern of behavior though.
Aside from his huntress bashing posts, posts like this one tend to get my hackles up and I believe an apology may be in order.

A limp-wristed attempt at intimidation or just bravado masking male inadequacy I’m not sure, but inappropriate either way.
Yes, I really dont know the guy well enough to have commented, he sounds to be so unhappy with his lot. Needs to go hunting!
This forum is the only form of "social media" that I have ever participated in so I am not up on current affairs nor am I woke. Would the op be doing what is referred to these days as "mansplaining" ?

Oh shit another new word I dont comprehend....translate mansplaining please....
This was once actual in Namibia, not sure if it still is. But, there probably is a reason for it and NAPHA supported (Namibia Proffessional hunter association):

I remeber there was also an editiorial on African hunting gazzete, calling for hunters to rethink about photos. The headline of editorial was "Shooting ourselves in the foot" (if I remember correctly)- I did post this article on the forum, but it was then removed.

If yours was meant to me. (throlling)
Not throlling. (after 1745 posts, and 2134 likes) just saying what I see, as possible issue and growing problem.
Prima facie, what we can see, the huntress in question, got blasted by media. Hasnt she? Why?
This was once actual in Namibia, not sure if it still is. But, there probably is a reason for it and NAPHA supported (Namibia Proffessional hunter association):

I remeber there was also an editiorial on African hunting gazzete, calling for hunters to rethink about photos. The headline of editorial was "Shooting ourselves in the foot" (if I remember correctly)- I did post this article on the forum, but it was then removed.

If yours was meant to me. (throlling)
Not throlling. (after 1745 posts, and 2134 likes) just saying what I see, as possible issue and growing problem.
Prima facie, what we can see, the huntress in question, got blasted by media. Hasnt she? Why?

"Why"....because she stated she did it to wind up the knew exactly what she was doing and am pretty sure she knew what was going to happen.....brickburn did put up her I think Facebook really not sure why people on here getting on their high horses....I have seen hunts from SA outfitters advertised on here for specific black giraffe what's the issue...

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