I truly hope that they will "pay the price" Wilhelm......but that has rarely happened in RSA. On a more global scale, the push toward lawlessness....the defund the police, riots in the USA always cheered on by the democrats...never condemned ("where does it say that protests have to be peaceful?") are a push to change social order. Destroy what exists. Sounds like RSA is about there. Here in the USA rioters in Portland, Seattle, autonomous zones (land stolen from the USA) was never punished for more than a night in jail. 100's of millions of young med of color, uneducated, lazy, wanting something that they see only on TV and wanting it now. The continued drone of "This is all the fault of the White Male" has started to wear a little thin. Surely Blacks have SOME responsibility for the state they're in. Always given a free pass isn't working. Workers in OR Tambo have families. They need food. Fuel to get to work. It is unreasonable to think that all of these riots and infrastructure damage will not affect them, and travel...even in ways we can't yet predict.............so if you're traveling to, or in RSA stay wide awake, have a plan.....FWB