Hi charleslabounty, things have calmed down a lot. We have stopped our road blocks and last night was the end of our passive observation posts. We are still actively patrolling the area in vehicles after dark to supplement the local security companies. As a community we now have a data base and means of calling up an armed force at short notice with keys points to rally to and defend. There was concern a few nights ago that a second wave was coming after two million rounds of police ammo was looted from a shipping container, however, nothing materialised. The police and military presence has also increased which has allowed most shops to reopen although stock is limited due to the burning down of the big distribution centres. This was a good refresher for the community to get its act together in an emergency and we did it well. Hopefully the events of the last fortnight will take the wind out of the sales of the proposed bill to take away firearms for self defence. I am now thinking of dedicating one of my hunting rifles (308) to a patrol rifle role with some modifications like low mag illuminated reticule scope and new bottom metal to accept AICS mags to compliment my Glock. We never know when something similar starts up again, and as we have learnt in high resolution, you cannot be over prepared.