AH ambassador
I think that (average) PH very quickly estimates how a client handles a rifle, and how safe it is to have client with round chambered walking behind him. (during zeroing the rifles, day 1 in camp)
Then - at least when hunting PG, he decides how to handle the business.
In stalking, (not only in Africa) I always have round chambered and safety on, muzzle in safe direction.
So, how a PH can handle this situation, with unsafe clients?
Empty chamber is one possibility, but not ideal. Cycling the bolt will make mechanical sounds, and alert the game in worst moment.
I have seen on you tube, few other approaches, but they are all very similar.
Rifle is carried by PH or tracker, and politely given to client to shoot, already placed on sticks.
(Sometimes followed with advice, whispering: "Safety off, safety off,..." or additional coaching, whispering: "stop breathing, squeeze easy...")
Very often, I have seen (again on YT), after clients fires the shot, PH approaches takes over the rifle from client, and secure it. All in polite manner. And very often this is when a clients wife hunts.
It is all done in polite manner, and no feelings hurt, all happy.
Thats for PG.
(BTW, I would be offended if someone takes my rifle from me, to put it on safe)
For DG.
I really have no idea. To me it is unthinkable to consider that someone who is not proficient with firearm goes hunting dangerous game of Africa. But undoubtedly this can also happen.
On this point, our PH sponsors on forum might shed some light, how they handle this particular situation.
Then - at least when hunting PG, he decides how to handle the business.
In stalking, (not only in Africa) I always have round chambered and safety on, muzzle in safe direction.
So, how a PH can handle this situation, with unsafe clients?
Empty chamber is one possibility, but not ideal. Cycling the bolt will make mechanical sounds, and alert the game in worst moment.
I have seen on you tube, few other approaches, but they are all very similar.
Rifle is carried by PH or tracker, and politely given to client to shoot, already placed on sticks.
(Sometimes followed with advice, whispering: "Safety off, safety off,..." or additional coaching, whispering: "stop breathing, squeeze easy...")
Very often, I have seen (again on YT), after clients fires the shot, PH approaches takes over the rifle from client, and secure it. All in polite manner. And very often this is when a clients wife hunts.
It is all done in polite manner, and no feelings hurt, all happy.
Thats for PG.
(BTW, I would be offended if someone takes my rifle from me, to put it on safe)

For DG.
I really have no idea. To me it is unthinkable to consider that someone who is not proficient with firearm goes hunting dangerous game of Africa. But undoubtedly this can also happen.
On this point, our PH sponsors on forum might shed some light, how they handle this particular situation.