Gun control???

Let’s not forget that the church shooting in Texas was committed by a guy who was not legally able to own a firearm yet he bought one because the government “forgot” to put his info into NCIC.
Oh ya the kid in Florida was all over the radar yet no one did anything. How bout let’s look at this realistically and enforce those laws already there and prevent whack job kids from killing people even tho it may hurt someone’s feelings. How bout school administrators and parents start paddling kids asses again when the get out of line and start teaching them accountability. How bout let’s refuse to allow Hollywood and the makers of video games to teach our kids to be killers and that there is glory in indiscriminate killing??????? That would be a start but no one wants to look at that. Let’s take the rights away from law abiding citizens and make it difficult for them to protect themselves and their families because that’s easier right?????
I agree 1 million percent with the fix society statement....I originally wrote the same thing and removed it at the risk of being condecending.

I would disagree with your assessment of the ban data...but respect that you are making an informed dissent.
We may perhaps wholly agree on the societal issue and I am absolutely informed on my statements. I had to speak on it more times than I can count during my career. I had 100’s of hours of training on the specific topic of why teens kill and and why school shootings happen as for four years my specific job was in a large part dealing with that specific issue by proxy of being on our CIT team.
S.S., Talking points of the alt-left and as such must be branded as a left wing troll. Time to dump this thread and ban this member as anti-gun and by extension, anti-hunting, closet PETA sympathizer. Photos and info are now suspected fake.
I am sad for you that you can't even listen to an opinion that is not your own...but you did finally do a better job of trying to insult me...unfortunately your incescent attempts at insult have labeled you as the one who doesn't fit in.
Let’s not forget that the church shooting in Texas was committed by a guy who was not legally able to own a firearm yet he bought one because the government “forgot” to put his info into NCIC.
Oh ya the kid in Florida was all over the radar yet no one did anything. How bout let’s look at this realistically and enforce those laws already there and prevent whack job kids from killing people even tho it may hurt someone’s feelings. How bout school administrators and parents start paddling kids asses again when the get out of line and start teaching them accountability. How bout let’s refuse to allow Hollywood and the makers of video games to teach our kids to be killers and that there is glory in indiscriminate killing??????? That would be a start but no one wants to look at that. Let’s take the rights away from law abiding citizens and make it difficult for them to protect themselves and their families because that’s easier right?????
I understood that my recommendations would not be well received but I was asked and chose to write what I knew would not be well received...but I stand by them....because they do not take any rights away.
I understood that my recommendations would not be well received but I was asked and chose to write what I knew would not be well received...but I stand by them....because they do not take any rights away.
I truly believe you are entitled to your opinion. I, much like it seems you, will give my opinion whether people like it or not. I’ve never been one to base my opinions on public opinion.
That being said, I believe wholly that your view, right or wrong at best rides dangerously close to infringing upon my rights, truthfully I believe what you are suggesting opens the door to all out abolishment of the 2A. I am also extremely protective of that as well as the other amendments to the US constitution and have zero inclination to give on any of it.
What just blows my mind is that people can not or refuse to see that the issue has absolutely nothing to do with guns. They have been in this country since before we gained our independence. It isnt until the last 50 years that we have started to see this and in schools since the early 90’s. This is 100% the fault of the down fall of our society and the American family.
It’s not the gun’s fault it’s society’s. We are reaping what we have sewed and 50% of the population of this country refuses to see that.
Believe it or not our founding fathers had a lot to say on this issue. George Washington for example stated, “When government takes away citizens right to bear arms it becomes citizens duty to take away governments right to govern” as well as “When any nation mistrusts its citizens with guns it is sending a clear message. It no longer trusts its citizens because such a government has evil plans.” Additionally I feel there is wisdom in Ben Franklin’s thoughts when he stated, “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
I am sad for you that you can't even listen to an opinion that is not your own...but you did finally do a better job of trying to insult me...unfortunately your incescent attempts at insult have labeled you as the one who doesn't fit in.

:E Rofl:
I truly believe you are entitled to your opinion. I, much like it seems you, will give my opinion whether people like it or not. I’ve never been one to base my opinions on public opinion.
That being said, I believe wholly that your view, right or wrong at best rides dangerously close to infringing upon my rights, truthfully I believe what you are suggesting opens the door to all out abolishment of the 2A. I am also extremely protective of that as well as the other amendments to the US constitution and have zero inclination to give on any of it.
What just blows my mind is that people can not or refuse to see that the issue has absolutely nothing to do with guns. They have been in this country since before we gained our independence. It isnt until the last 50 years that we have started to see this and in schools since the early 90’s. This is 100% the fault of the down fall of our society and the American family.
It’s not the gun’s fault it’s society’s. We are reaping what we have sewed and 50% of the population of this country refuses to see that.
I appreciate your opinion and candor...on this and other issues...I thought that it was ironic that earlier you posted this thread was OK to stay here because it wasn't controversial like CBL.... but I do remember some of our posts on that !

With deference to Hogpatrol's attempt to ban me, I am a lifelong hunter and gun owner...I am in fact a hunter who has posted real hunting reports and photos...I have no agenda against you or your gun rights...and do not see how my statements can be construed to infringe on your rights...or mine. I have 2 safes full of guns...I hope you have 3...and get 4 if you want it.

I do not make that statement to engage in an would take away from my fun with Hogpatrol.
I appreciate your opinion and candor...on this and other issues...I thought that it was ironic that earlier you posted this thread was OK to stay here because it wasn't controversial like CBL.... but I do remember some of our posts on that !

With deference to Hogpatrol's attempt to ban me, I am a lifelong hunter and gun owner...I am in fact a hunter who has posted real hunting reports and photos...I have no agenda against you or your gun rights...and do not see how my statements can be construed to infringe on your rights...or mine. I have 2 safes full of guns...I hope you have 3...and get 4 if you want it.

I do not make that statement to engage in an would take away from my fun with Hogpatrol.
:S Kneel:
I appreciate your opinion and candor...on this and other issues...I thought that it was ironic that earlier you posted this thread was OK to stay here because it wasn't controversial like CBL.... but I do remember some of our posts on that !

With deference to Hogpatrol's attempt to ban me, I am a lifelong hunter and gun owner...I am in fact a hunter who has posted real hunting reports and photos...I have no agenda against you or your gun rights...and do not see how my statements can be construed to infringe on your rights...or mine. I have 2 safes full of guns...I hope you have 3...and get 4 if you want it.

I do not make that statement to engage in an would take away from my fun with Hogpatrol.
I did say it was ok for you to voice your opinion and I still say that. Though I either misstated or you misread on the “controversial” issue. I do think this is a controversial thread but I am open to public opinion and debate. I am merely giving my opinion, specifically to how I understand what you have said. Basically all it means is I disagree with a large portion of your views but I’m ok with that. It doesn’t mean I dislike you or want to ban you. It just means I disagree and to the point strongly disagree but I am glad that you are enjoying in the freedom we hold so dear in this country. Firearms and the like are a huge part of my heritage as is probably yours it seems. Hell we may never agree on the specifics of this issue but I’m ok with that until such a time comes when I feel someone is physically infringing upon my right to do something, which to be clear has not happened as we have done nothing more than share opinions, but.... the day someone shows up at my door or where ever else to disarm me in any way shape or form with the intent of depriving me of my constitutional right we will then have an epic problem. Or at least that individual(s) and I will. All I am saying is that I believe your views on regulation if in fact implemented would ride dangerously close to me really getting my panties in a wad at which point yes, there is going to be a huge shit storm.
I do not make that statement to engage in an would take away from my fun with Hogpatrol.

That's the substance of your argument.
@gizmo you mentioned England. Not sure why.
They have 5.3 times lower murder rate than the USA in general.

The Stats appear to support the factual reduction in murders with firearms when the muppets can't get their hands on them.

Gun violence rare in U.K. compared to U.S.
In a population of 56 million, that adds up to about 50 to 60 gun killings annually. In the USA, by contrast, there are about 160 times as many gun homicides in a country that is roughly six times larger in population. There were 8,124 gun homicides in 2014, according to the latest FBI figures.y six times larger in population. There were 8,124 gun homicides in 2014, according to the latest FBI figures.

Now, lets have a look at a comparison of overall murder rates across the world. per 100,000
These places sound like rather safe places to hang out.
Screen Shot 2018-05-13 at 20.41.24.png

Screen Shot 2018-05-13 at 20.42.05.png

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Screen Shot 2018-05-13 at 20.42.49.png

There are apparently 93 countries that are worse off.

We have sick people running folks down with vans, stabbing people, etc.
We just happen to have way less firearms related homicides than you guys. Slightly older stats but, there does not appear to be an improvement by 2015 as above.

Screen Shot 2018-05-13 at 20.58.06.png

As I always say, you guys are going to have to figure this one out somehow.
@gizmo you mentioned England. Not sure why.
They have 5.3 times lower murder rate than the USA in general.

The Stats appear to support the factual reduction in murders with firearms when the muppets can't get their hands on them.

Gun violence rare in U.K. compared to U.S.
In a population of 56 million, that adds up to about 50 to 60 gun killings annually. In the USA, by contrast, there are about 160 times as many gun homicides in a country that is roughly six times larger in population. There were 8,124 gun homicides in 2014, according to the latest FBI figures.y six times larger in population. There were 8,124 gun homicides in 2014, according to the latest FBI figures.

Now, lets have a look at a comparison of overall murder rates across the world. per 100,000
These places sound like rather safe places to hang out.
View attachment 228662

View attachment 228663

View attachment 228664

View attachment 228667

There are apparently 93 countries that are worse off.

We have sick people running folks down with vans, stabbing people, etc.
We just happen to have way less firearms related homicides than you guys. Slightly older stats but, there does not appear to be an improvement by 2015 as above.

View attachment 228670

As I always say, you guys are going to have to figure this one out somehow.
Brick I can absolutely see why you are confused by that and I did a poor job of articulating my point. What I meant had to do with all of the stabbings and knife violence occurring in London that has made news, at least here in the states, as of late. My specific point being that in England it is extremely difficult at best to own a firearm and even more so to have one in your home yet people are still killing and assaulting each other and doing a damned fine job of it. People if they choose to do so will commit acts of violence against each other no matter what means are at their disposal.
Also, I’ll see if I can find it but I saw an interesting statistic some time ago that had to do with what you just posted. Basically if you took Chicago, Detroit, and NYC out of the equation the US fell to one of the lowestest gun violence rates in that study you posted. The ironic thing about it is that those three cities have the strictest gun laws in the nation.
@gizmo you mentioned England. Not sure why.
They have 5.3 times lower murder rate than the USA in general.

The Stats appear to support the factual reduction in murders with firearms when the muppets can't get their hands on them.

Gun violence rare in U.K. compared to U.S.
In a population of 56 million, that adds up to about 50 to 60 gun killings annually. In the USA, by contrast, there are about 160 times as many gun homicides in a country that is roughly six times larger in population. There were 8,124 gun homicides in 2014, according to the latest FBI figures.y six times larger in population. There were 8,124 gun homicides in 2014, according to the latest FBI figures.

Now, lets have a look at a comparison of overall murder rates across the world. per 100,000
These places sound like rather safe places to hang out.
View attachment 228662

View attachment 228663

View attachment 228664

View attachment 228667

There are apparently 93 countries that are worse off.

We have sick people running folks down with vans, stabbing people, etc.
We just happen to have way less firearms related homicides than you guys. Slightly older stats but, there does not appear to be an improvement by 2015 as above.

View attachment 228670

As I always say, you guys are going to have to figure this one out somehow.
...and...I think there is another thread that is discussing if the NRA "us against them" and the "don't give in on anything or we will loose all our guns" is actually helping or hurting.
People if they choose to do so will commit acts of violence against each other no matter what means are at their disposal.
To the point @gizmo is making, people are killing each other with efficacy all over the world. How many of these top 25 countries have highly restrictive firearms laws?

The 25 Countries with the highest murder rates in the world
Ranking, Country & Murders per 100K people

25. Panama 17.2
24. Botswana 18.4
23. Equatorial Guinea 19.3
22. Nigeria 20.0
21. Dominica 21.1
20. Mexico 21.5
19. Saint Lucia 21.6
18. Dominican Republic 22.1
17. Rwanda 23.1
16. Brazil 25.2
15. St. Vincent & the Grenadines 25.6
14. Democratic Republic of Congo 28.3
13. Trinidad and Tobago 28.3
12. Bahamas 29.8
11. Colombia 30.8
10. South Africa 31.0
9. St. Kitts & Nevis 33.6
8. Swaziland 33.8
7. Lesotho 38.0
6. Jamaica 39.3
5. Guatemala 39.9
4. El Salvador 41.2
3. Belize 44.7
2. Venezuela 53.7
1. Honduras 90.4
To the point @gizmo is making, people are killing each other with efficacy all over the world. How many of these top 25 countries have highly restrictive firearms laws?

The 25 Countries with the highest murder rates in the world
Ranking, Country & Murders per 100K people

25. Panama 17.2
24. Botswana 18.4
23. Equatorial Guinea 19.3
22. Nigeria 20.0
21. Dominica 21.1
20. Mexico 21.5
19. Saint Lucia 21.6
18. Dominican Republic 22.1
17. Rwanda 23.1
16. Brazil 25.2
15. St. Vincent & the Grenadines 25.6
14. Democratic Republic of Congo 28.3
13. Trinidad and Tobago 28.3
12. Bahamas 29.8
11. Colombia 30.8
10. South Africa 31.0
9. St. Kitts & Nevis 33.6
8. Swaziland 33.8
7. Lesotho 38.0
6. Jamaica 39.3
5. Guatemala 39.9
4. El Salvador 41.2
3. Belize 44.7
2. Venezuela 53.7
1. Honduras 90.4
Thank you that’s exactly was I was trying to say.

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Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

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