The simple answer is that most Americans assume that more guns equal less safety. They do not understand why a law abiding person would feel the need to carry a gun to do the same thing that they do every day (go to work, school, church, grocery store, etc.).
My answer to that is that it is exactly that, an assumption. There is absolutely no data to back that. There are more legal gun owners in say DFW then say NYC yet the gun crime rate is lower in DFW.
On the second part, well all I can say is they will die with the rest of the sheep if something were to happen. See it’s not until a person sees the evil in people that they realize that bad shit happens to good people. The average Joe lives his life in his little bubble and thinks, no truly believes in his heart, that nothing bad will ever happen to him. Then it does, and he’s standing there with his jaw dropped and pants down.
Everyone wants a fairy tale world where bad things don’t happen but that’s not reality. Bad things do happen, daily, and to good people.
Hell I had a guy try to rob me one time while I was off duty, on my day off, and in a public parking lot. I still laugh at the education that fella got. Fortunately he realized how bad of a decision he made pretty quickly and I didn’t have to kill him. I’m sure he was baffled at how shitty his luck was to pick an off duty armed cop to try to rob.
Point being, I would have never in a billion years thought some moron would literally try and rob me with a knife in a Hastings parking lot on the good side of town but guess what, it happened and I was ready. Had I not been, best case scenario I’d lost my wallet and probably my truck worst case the asshole would have stabbed me.
People don’t ask to be victims, they are just to naive to believe they could be a victim. It’s the same people that throw and absolute shit fit when their car gets broken into because they left their purse or wallet in the car. They scream they have the right to leave whatever in their car and they shouldn’t have to worry about it getting stolen. Well guess what? You do have the right to leave shit in your car but reality says you should expect it to get stolen because that’s the REAL WORLD. Plain and simple. No one likes it but that’s reality.
Everyone has a choice, refuse to be a victim and take preventative measures or take your chances. The reality is about half of people take their chances because they are to naive to think it could happen to them.
Victims almost always say the exact same thing in almost every instance if they are able to talk, “ I can’t believe this happened” well guess what it did and it’s your fault for not being prepared.
People often wonder why cops are so cynical well there you have it, it’s because people walk around with their heads shoved up their rear ends and absolutely refuse to accept the fact that something could ever happen to them. Everything is puppies, ice cream, and unicorn farts and all that bad stuff happens to other people not me.
So ya a lot maybe even most people believe they don’t need a gun or armed citizenry or police to feel safe but that’s because they are completely oblivious to reality.