I don't know if it has been mentioned but, in order to better understand the problem you really should read "On Killing" By Lt. Col. Dave Grossman. It is a book that is the culmination of years of study and interviews with veterans who have had to kill in combat. His last chapter is pretty illuminating. Titled "Killing in America". The figures are scary.
In WWII, he cites a study found that of all the men who had seen frontline, firefight combat, only about 10% actively fired their weapons. The rest did not discharge a single shot toward the enemy. Of those 10% they found that only about 2% actively aimed their weapons at the enemy. He labels these "Born killers". The rest simply fired randomly in the direction of the enemy or intentionally over the enemies head. This is likely one of the reasons for the tremendous round count per axis casualty ratings. Something in the tens of thousands per axis casualty.
The US military sought a way to raise this rate during training by desensitizing their recruits through violent images and mental tricks, for instance, in WWII, the rifle range target was a simple bullseye. In Vietnam training, this was changed to a simple silhouette of a mans torso and head. These culminated to raise the firing rate to something like 95% with aimed fire going up to 50%. violent video games have shown a similar effect
If 8 weeks of training in this way was able to raise the firing rate to 95%, imagine how screwed up we are making our kids with hollywood feeding them all of this drivel that glorifies killing and guns, then ironically being so outspoken against guns and violence.
Its true that probably most people who have been desensitized to violence will never commit violence on another. But there is a distinct population (psychologists say about 2%) that have no capability for empathy and can look a person in the eyes that they have just murdered and feel nothing as they breathe their last. These are the people hollywood is teaching that if you have a problem, violence will solve it. I think we should just take all of the idiots in hollywood who live in their little plastic fairy world and charge them for culpability in the same way that hollywood wants to do that to firearms manufacturers.
Do I think most average citizens absolutely NEED one of these:
no. Anyone who wants to argue that this particular setup is a "Sporting rifle" has been drinking too much tactikool-aid. It is a weapon, plain and simple. Do I think they should be banned? no. Banning of one firearm is just a gateway to come after all firearms eventually. Make these impossible to get, the next guy will use a pump shotgun, then ban those and the next guy uses a revolver.... so on and on until everything short of an 1862 assault rifle is banned. molon labe? oh they will if they thought could get away with killing every gun owner who resisted.
Do I think its misuse is the weapons fault? Absolutely not! I think you could give most people a live hand grenade and (not withstanding those who are too scared to even touch it) most people wouldn't ever dream of hurting someone with it.
Wow, sorry, I didn't mean to be so long winded.