I was hunting cape buff cows with my K gun in South Africa,my safety was off long before she fake charged us from about 30 yards away,I had a big tree to hide behind,after the 3 rd time my ph & tracker took off screaming shoot it shoot it ha ha,so I did,the 500-416 did a fantastic job,I shot her in the heart & as she humped down? my second shot spined her ,she fell right there,
in a similar situation but hunting with a Heym instead in Zimbabwe,we surprised an old dugga boy in heavy bush,it took all of maybe 3 seconds to shove one guy to the left with my left hand,grab the forearm,remove the cover from my docter red dot sight,grab the pistol grip with my right hand,slip the safety off ,sight & shoot the gun,
so anything is possible,if you train enough with your weapon?your safety will be off when you shoot
