Got these pics today from a good friend ,which was fox hunting (in their den) last Sunday with his Dackel and he got two of them .
Male and female,foxes are in the rut now and to visit the girls can be dangerous

We are in Germany almost overpopulated with foxes.
Since the enormous maize cultivation for Biogas ( since mid 80ies), we have so many wildboars and most hunter dont want to shoot a fox ,when they are going now on boar.
They don't want to scare the pigs off by shooting them.
Foxes in high population getting so often Mange (Räude in German,I dont know so Mange is a correct word,Scabies in Latin).
They are dying in a horrible long way,when they get Scabies.It's really necessary to reduce them more as it is today.
A Dackel (in the northern part of Germany they say Teckel ) was in the former life a Velociraptor
We wasn't hunting yesterday, we visited the wonderful zoo in Munich (named Hellabrunn)
From all fantastic animals there ,benteth the wolves,no one impressed me so, like the two lion brother there.
It looks like, that he was just comming from the hairdresser.
But his brother ,not quite such a beauty,impressed me more.
More the predator type.(Sorry for the quality of this cellphone pics)
This would be the mine,when I meet him in the wild African jungle

Good start for this week.
Regards from Munich