For Sale Fixer Searcy Double In 500/416 NE

Now let me tell my side of the story,
Matt sent the rifle to me at a time when I was going thru allot of medical issues.
Also I did fix the issue that the rifle was sent to me for. I also shot the rifle with the ammo he sent and it shot fine. He says he went thru hell for a couple of years. I also I went thru hell at the time, two knee surgeries, back surgery,
and a total hip replacement, and he new that.
Any issues he had with the rifle wasn't there when I sent it back to him.
I heard about this from a member on here.
Rest assured that I will not work on this rifle no matter who decide to buy it.
What do you think about that Supercat
Butch Searcy

Since you ask me...."What do you think of that Supercat" I'll tell you what I think....Butch.

Well first off, before you posted your response, there was only Matt's side of the story to which I responded and made my comments. Now YOU are saying that you fixed it. Hmmm. Who is right and who is wrong....who knows?! I don't know either of you but tell you what, going by what you just wrote and from the tone of your comments...I believe Matt's version 100%

Also since you asked, I'll tell you another thing. With all due "compassion" for your health issues.....YOUR problems aren't HIS problem or ANY of your other customers problem for that matter! As a business owner, you can't expect a customer to wait around for 2 years before you can get to his (your) gun. I don't know if you are a 1 man show or not but either way what you did is unacceptable, and if you couldn't do the job yourself you should have made arrangements to get your work done in a timely manner during your 2 year absence. Again....YOUR problem NOT your Customers! It's business, not a Reality TV Show.

Ironically enough from the tone of your post, YOU are the one who is being indignant about it all, not Matt. Your response is outrageous and you are totally out of line.

FWIW: you don't sound as though you are the type of guy to realize what you just said but I bet that you put allot of people (future customers) off by your rhetoric.

I did hear allot of good stuff about your guns but after this exchange I would NEVER buy one.
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According to the OP the rifle was purchased USED and sent back to Searcy for a repair. Remember that as well. I am sure most of you didn't notice that part.
I won't comment on any person involved in this .... Buying "used" or "pre-owned" is always a bit of a conundrum. If possible, make time to get to know the seller, and his load/maintenance procedures. Shoot the thing, if at all possible.
If you are dealing with a name "Maker" or Custom shop, take your time to get to know them, and their work. Be very aware, a custom shop/gunsmith/stockmaker will need time to build your "Baby". Custom work is just that: Custom. Not many of them have production machinery, or Joe Blows working for $10.00 an hour, it's usually one man, hands on, full time.
I've had more'n a few firearms custom made, and
the first rule is; IT WILL TAKE TIME.
second rule is; IT WILL COST MONEY.
fourth rule is; TRUST. If you're not sure beforehand, back off from the deal and rethink it. Hindsight is functionally useless.
Am I wrong?
After reading alot of threads about used doubles and custom 404 Jeffrey bolt actions and regulation and feeding issues it sounds a lot easier to buy a nice model 70 in 416 Remington or even a Ruger model 77 in 416 Ruger.
Interesting from a number of perspectives.

Firstly, I am of course very sorry for Mr. Searcy's health issues. I don't wish those on anyone. But as noted by another poster, none of that is relevant to a customer of your business. You are either in business or you are not. Your customers are not your friends, and they are entitled to the same level of service regardless of your personal circumstances. If you can't provide that, then it seems to me you're a hobbyist rather than a businessperson.

Secondly, Mr. Searcy's refusal to work on the rifle regardless of who owns it is unreasonable and petty. He has received the purchase price for a product he has sold and then attempts to destroy the product's resale value.

In the interests of full disclosure, there was a time I was looking at buying a double rifle. I was impressed by the story of Mr. Searcy hand building these guns himself . . . sort of a labor of love. I approached him at an SCI show in Vegas to ask some questions. At the time there were no other customers at his table, but he was chatting with someone else sitting next to him. I waited a bit, then asked if he had a moment to talk to me. Mr. Searcy was so rude that I quickly left, and decided never to buy one of his rifles if he was the last maker on earth.

I guess from his post here that nothing has changed. A lucky escape for me.
alright guys, i appreciate the thoughts but i was not trying to turn this thread into something other then me trying to sell the rifle.

im sure the rifle can be fixed but you would need to find someone willing to do it. unfortunately it will likely cost you a few thousand dollars to have it fixed which is why im selling it for $5000 less then i paid for it. its a pretty gun and the action is fine, it just needs some TLC from someone who has some time and money.

After reading this, I wouldn't touch a Searcy firearm. I'm sure there are many others who have followed your frustrating journey from day 1 who feel the same. What a disaster for brand image, what a pity.

Matt, this has been a long time coming and I'm sorry that something that should have been a really wonderful and happy experience has turned into such a mess. Next time, go Merkel ;) Better still, get one of those beautiful fallingblock doubles... Far more interesting and I would hazard that they're slightly more versatile (not that one buys a double for versatility).
After reading this, I wouldn't touch a Searcy firearm. I'm sure there are many others who have followed your frustrating journey from day 1 who feel the same. What a disaster for brand image, what a pity.

Matt, this has been a long time coming and I'm sorry that something that should have been a really wonderful and happy experience has turned into such a mess. Next time, go Merkel ;) Better still, get one of those beautiful fallingblock doubles... Far more interesting and I would hazard that they're slightly more versatile (not that one buys a double for versatility).

thank you for the kind words.

ive seen those falling block doubles, they are a strange critter but i imagine pretty bullet proof (not to mention they could handle very high pressures).

Matt, I read this post, and I read the post of what you went through with this rifle. I wish you the best sir, and hopefully you can get your rifle fixed or sold. May not be a bad idea to revisit the raffle idea, and maybe Mr. Searcy will have a change of heart and do offer to fix this rifle for a new client. Either way, good luck sir!

There are some valuable lessons I've learned from this post.
Matt, I read this post, and I read the post of what you went through with this rifle. I wish you the best sir, and hopefully you can get your rifle fixed or sold. May not be a bad idea to revisit the raffle idea, and maybe Mr. Searcy will have a change of heart and do offer to fix this rifle for a new client. Either way, good luck sir!

There are some valuable lessons I've learned from this post.


I will never look at nor buy a Butch Searcy double rifle, new or used.

Buy a VC used or new it comes with superb after sales service and is a properly built double rifle to start with.
Now let me tell my side of the story, . . .
Rest assured that I will not work on this rifle no matter who decide to buy it. . . .
Butch Searcy

Sir I am sorry to hear about your health problems and I hope that you have made a full recovery.
However, based on the above statement, I would never purchase this gun nor any others branded Searcy. And yes, I do have the resources to purchase a double. I don't think you realized the damage that you self inflicted upon yourself.
Heck I think my Ruger No. 1 in 450/400 loaded with swift A-frame at over 2200 is safer than some of this stuff that jams won't feed or regulate. If I do my part it will put then in a inch group. I think to many people expect to much out these double which are made for close range stopping.

I think you shot yourself in the foot....make that both feet as we are talking double rifle.

The client may not always be right but he should always come first, the way I do business anyway.

You may want to cash out.

So I have to ask Mr. Searcy a question for clarification. Am I to understand that if I was to buy this rifle or any other Butch Searcy rifle, and it ends up needing work, you will not service or warranty the rifle?

I just want to make sure I understand his policies.
So I have to ask Mr. Searcy a question for clarification. Am I to understand that if I was to buy this rifle or any other Butch Searcy rifle, and it ends up needing work, you will not service or warranty the rifle?

I just want to make sure I understand his policies.

No that is absolutely wrong from what I know. I took mine directly to Butch earlier this summer to have him work it to accept a red dot sight. He sent it back to me a couple weeks later without me having paid a dime. I sent him a check only after I had received my rifle back.

I really don’t care to get in the middle of this fight. But there’s a certain amount of bullshit being flung in Butch’s direction and much of it is not called for. From my own research which some of you desperately need to do, Butch has a very good reputation, particularly for standing by his rifles in some cases years after they’ve been built and owned by multiple owners.

Yes there have been a few who aren’t fully satisfied. I’ve seen the same said even about the newest Heym. In the worst case the buyer of the new Searcy rifle received a full refund from Butch.

I know for fact he has a number of clients who come back to him on a regular basis to build doubles for him. I don’t think you build a client base like that building boat oars and not standing by your work.

I don’t know exactly what happened in this case, but I am certain it’s quite the exception from what I’ve read and experienced.

And yes @Supercat, Butch is a one man show. His shop is out in the middle of the California desert. Anyone serious about buying one of his rifles should know this. There’s a certain level of risk with a one man show, but at least you know who is working on it.

If one is going to drop five figures on a used rifle, I think it behooves you to properly vet it out. Find out what’s wrong and what it will take to make it right. Better yet make sure it’s right before you buy. If it’s not, walk away.
No that is absolutely wrong from what I know. I took mine directly to Butch earlier this summer to have him work it to accept a red dot sight. He sent it back to me a couple weeks later without me having paid a dime. I sent him a check only after I had received my rifle back.

I really don’t care to get in the middle of this fight. But there’s a certain amount of bullshit being flung in Butch’s direction and much of it is not called for. From my own research which some of you desperately need to do, Butch has a very good reputation, particularly for standing by his rifles in some cases years after they’ve been built and owned by multiple owners.

Yes there have been a few who aren’t fully satisfied. I’ve seen the same said even about the newest Heym. In the worst case the buyer of the new Searcy rifle received a full refund from Butch.

I know for fact he has a number of clients who come back to him on a regular basis to build doubles for him. I don’t think you build a client base like that building boat oars and not standing by your work.

I don’t know exactly what happened in this case, but I am certain it’s quite the exception from what I’ve read and experienced.

And yes @Supercat, Butch is a one man show. His shop is out in the middle of the California desert. Anyone serious about buying one of his rifles should know this. There’s a certain level of risk with a one man show, but at least you know who is working on it.

If one is going to drop five figures on a used rifle, I think it behooves you to properly vet it out. Find out what’s wrong and what it will take to make it right. Better yet make sure it’s right before you buy. If it’s not, walk away.

Great Post Phil and yes that does clear a few things up, especially the fact that he is a 1 man show. I would want to know that before I did any business with anyone. Skilled as he may be, doing business with him entails a certain amount of risk, since if something happens to him (As in this case!) you are essentially SCREWED. If you deal with a gunmaker like Butch then you accept the risk. Whether Matt knew that or not is another issue but that’s water under the bridge at this point.

FWIW: if you have a personal relationship with Butch I would have a discussion with him about manners...especially when writing on a public forum for the world to see. Looking at the responses after his post, you will see that he didn’t make any friends with his comments. He seems to think that it’s acceptable to have a customer wait 2 years! for a repair that wasn’t a repair after all, and billed the guy for it anyway.
He was in no way apologetic about it...on the contrary he was down right nasty and was looking for sympathy for his issues....then he disappeared and didn’t respond again.

Doesn’t look good.
No that is absolutely wrong from what I know. I took mine directly to Butch earlier this summer to have him work it to accept a red dot sight. He sent it back to me a couple weeks later without me having paid a dime. I sent him a check only after I had received my rifle back.

I really don’t care to get in the middle of this fight. But there’s a certain amount of bullshit being flung in Butch’s direction and much of it is not called for. From my own research which some of you desperately need to do, Butch has a very good reputation, particularly for standing by his rifles in some cases years after they’ve been built and owned by multiple owners.

Yes there have been a few who aren’t fully satisfied. I’ve seen the same said even about the newest Heym. In the worst case the buyer of the new Searcy rifle received a full refund from Butch.

I know for fact he has a number of clients who come back to him on a regular basis to build doubles for him. I don’t think you build a client base like that building boat oars and not standing by your work.

I don’t know exactly what happened in this case, but I am certain it’s quite the exception from what I’ve read and experienced.

And yes @Supercat, Butch is a one man show. His shop is out in the middle of the California desert. Anyone serious about buying one of his rifles should know this. There’s a certain level of risk with a one man show, but at least you know who is working on it.

If one is going to drop five figures on a used rifle, I think it behooves you to properly vet it out. Find out what’s wrong and what it will take to make it right. Better yet make sure it’s right before you buy. If it’s not, walk away.

"If one is going to drop five figures on a used rifle, I think it behooves you to properly vet it out. Find out what’s wrong and what it will take to make it right. Better yet make sure it’s right before you buy. If it’s not, walk away." From your mouth to God's ears. Like Phil, I still feel like I know next to nothing about the real facts in this dispute and don't believe that I want to. I don't know Mr. Searcy and have never owned one of his rifles. I will just say, the only person with any responsibility to insure a used gun of any kind is problem free, is the buyer. Caveat Emptor. The seller has an ethical responsibility - and even a legal one in some cases if the gun is misrepresented. But I fail to see how the builder has any responsibility at all in resolving the guns problems. That he was willing to try and sort it out speaks to his pride in his product, but I don't see how he had any actual responsibility to do so. Ship a pre-owned, now problematic Purdey to Audley House and they will be delighted to try and make it right. But their is no lifetime guarantee involved. You also will need to be very, very patient and best be sitting down when the repair bill arrives.

With regard to the customer and public relations - yes that is an important subject - particularly for a small business and particularly in the digital age where reputations can be ruined in a few hours in places like this. Evoking a twenty-four hour rule or something similar before launching an angry retort is usually a good practice. If you are the subject of a discussion like this that can be hard to do. However difficult, a bit of reflection to insure a dispassionate response before hitting send is usually wise. I wish Mr. Searcy had done that.
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Great Post Phil and yes that does clear a few things up, especially the fact that he is a 1 man show. I would want to know that before I did any business with anyone. Skilled as he may be, doing business with him entails a certain amount of risk, since if something happens to him (As in this case!) you are essentially SCREWED. If you deal with a gunmaker like Butch then you accept the risk. Whether Matt knew that or not is another issue but that’s water under the bridge at this point.

FWIW: if you have a personal relationship with Butch I would have a discussion with him about manners...especially when writing on a public forum for the world to see. Looking at the responses after his post, you will see that he didn’t make any friends with his comments. He seems to think that it’s acceptable to have a customer wait 2 years! for a repair that wasn’t a repair after all, and billed the guy for it anyway.
He was in no way apologetic about it...on the contrary he was down right nasty and was looking for sympathy for his issues....then he disappeared and didn’t respond again.

Doesn’t look good.

I’m just a satisfied customer, I think I’ll decline to discuss his manners with him. His skills as a gunsmith and integrity as a businessman were attacked by some, including yourself, who did not know and still don’t know the full story. Reputations can be destroyed very quickly this way.

If Butch’s manners are in question, certainly the uninformed attacks on him are too.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?