First Safari - I’ll hunt plains game - What caliber?

Did you end up picking a caliber yet? Hahaha. Lots of votes. My vote would be for the 308 in a 165-175 grain all copper Barnes or a quality bonded bullet.

With the 308 you aren't giving up much power over the 30-06, but it is a decent bit less recoil.

I disagree with some opinions that a 30-06 is so much better suited to things like wildebeest, zebra, gemsbok, eland. Again, you aren't losing much by going to the 308. So anything people consider sufficient for 30-06 is essentially equally sufficient for 308.

Obviously opinions differ on this and anything caliber related, but these are mine.
You may know that I’m here with it again… 3rd tour… Lots of animals in the salt now. More pictures will be posted soon, along with my hunting report. Tonight is my last night. Setting in the blind for Serval with the SAKO .375H&H right now because my PH was irritated that I was shooting too many .243 rounds (which he knows I intend to give him the remainder of) on PG, warthog, and Jackal. A big badger was dispatched 2 nights ago with the .243

User discretion may apply…

Damn!!!...Oops...I hit Love on your thread....[Although I too like the .243 for certain species].

By mistake. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Just in case @Bob Nelson 35Whelen reads this.

I'm considering a trip to OZ and don't want to be in fear of a loud wiz of a 35 Whelen clipping my ear when I arrive. :E Rofl: the good use for a .243 is as a tomato stick.

Now to read your hunt report and see your photos of the animals of your latest hunt.
Planning my first African hunt.
It’s plains game this trip. It’s either a .338 Win Mag or .375 Ruger for me but of your choices I’d go with the 30-06.

Spend a lot of time shooting and then spend some more time shooting before you go. I use the .338 Win Mag for everything in the lower 48 and stepped up to the .375 Ruger for Alaska. It’s now my one and done rifle for anything in North America.

I have a 6.5 Creedmoor and it’s great for range practice with a lower recoiling rifle. I bought it because I lost my 6.5 X 284 in the bankruptcy. Spend a lot of time at the range and NOT shooting off the bench. Learn to read the wind. Know how your rifle shoots with a cold barrel and how your group will shift with a warm barrel.

There is no replacement for range time. Shoot in the rain. Shoot in the wind. Know how your rifle reacts in varying conditions. I prefer one rifle for everything over multiple rifles. Know your rifle better than your sexual partner.
It's a crap rifle that won't group the same whether the barrel is cold or warm.
My Whelen shoots a ten shot string with different bullet weights into a 1.5" group at 100 yards
The exception is the 310gn that shoots spot on at the same distance.
Know your rifle and cartridge capabilities.
target with bullet weights from 209 to 275 grains.
Bullet near the centre bull is the 310 gn Woodleigh. Target shot starting with a cold barrel and at the finish it was to warn to touch.

The cartridges used for the above group
Rifle Savage/Stevens 110 in 35 Whelen.
It’s been so long I forgot the original question…..
Don’t use a 243, they are gay…..6-08 is a better cartridge……
(wait for it)
The only advantage a 30-06 has over a 308 is the ability to throw a heavier pill at your target. I would work out what you want to shoot (animals), pick a calibre and projectiles to suit that game and then get a rifle in that calibre and practice
I’ve shot goats with a 17fireball and 20gn pills (longest shot was about 150yards), would I recommend it, no, but each was head shot and I was comfortable with that gun, now I use my 308…for most things from cats(domestic feral) to red deer. And as much as I hate to say it, the 35 whelan is a good choice also, can be downloaded or full power, I personally would use my 8x68S as I would like to have something with some grunt incase something with big teeth decided to become intimate
For the Eastern Cape, use something flat that will stretch out, and know where it hits to 300m at a minimum.

The '06 from your list for sure. And a 300WM or 7mmRM would be even better. ;)
It's a crap rifle that won't group the same whether the barrel is cold or warm.
My Whelen shoots a ten shot string with different bullet weights into a 1.5" group at 100 yards
The exception is the 310gn that shoots spot on at the same distance.
Know your rifle and cartridge capabilities.
View attachment 633266target with bullet weights from 209 to 275 grains.
Bullet near the centre bull is the 310 gn Woodleigh. Target shot starting with a cold barrel and at the finish it was to warn to touch.View attachment 633267
The cartridges used for the above group
Rifle Savage/Stevens 110 in 35 Whelen.
Some rifles, especially off the shelf older rifles, tend to have a wandering zero when they get warm.

Better the OP knows if this is a trait of his rifle before he goes over there.
Damn!!!...Oops...I hit Love on your thread....[Although I too like the .243 for certain species].

By mistake. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Just in case @Bob Nelson 35Whelen reads this.

I'm considering a trip to OZ and don't want to be in fear of a loud wiz of a 35 Whelen clipping my ear when I arrive. :E Rofl: the good use for a .243 is as a tomato stick.

Now to read your hunt report and see your photos of the animals of your latest hunt.
@Ridge Runner
Yes the 243 is fine for some species as long as it's not bigger than a field mouse.
You are forgiven for owning one as you have a multitude of others that are better
I know you just had to try it to find out it's not worth owning that horrible little noise maker.
Damn!!!...Oops...I hit Love on your thread....[Although I too like the .243 for certain species].

By mistake. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Just in case @Bob Nelson 35Whelen reads this.

I'm considering a trip to OZ and don't want to be in fear of a loud wiz of a 35 Whelen clipping my ear when I arrive. :E Rofl: the good use for a .243 is as a tomato stick.

Now to read your hunt report and see your photos of the animals of your latest hunt.
@Ridge Runner
When you get to Oz if you have a 243 I won't clip your ears with a Whelen. To messy. I will just wait until you bend over to pick something up. My 35 is that accurate they wouldn't even see the bullet hole.
When you get here just drop by and I will lend you my Whelen or 25 with pleasure. You will also get a lesson on Bundy drinking and a taste of Vegemite. My door is open to you. If'n I ain't home just kick it in.
Some rifles, especially off the shelf older rifles, tend to have a wandering zero when they get warm.

Better the OP knows if this is a trait of his rifle before he goes over there.
True but if it has a wandering zero a bedding job may settle it down along with good loads the rifle likes.
If that doesn't work send it down the road.
The anschutz/ Savage combination that @ Hunter-Habib has would be a fine and dandy shooter that's not to fussy
@Ridge Runner
When you get to Oz if you have a 243 I won't clip your ears with a Whelen. To messy. I will just wait until you bend over to pick something up. My 35 is that accurate they wouldn't even see the bullet hole.
When you get here just drop by and I will lend you my Whelen or 25 with pleasure. You will also get a lesson on Bundy drinking and a taste of Vegemite. My door is open to you. If'n I ain't home just kick it in.

True but if it has a wandering zero a bedding job may settle it down along with good loads the rifle likes.
If that doesn't work send it down the road.
The anschutz/ Savage combination that @ Hunter-Habib has would be a fine and dandy shooter that's not to fussy

Send me a case of ‘roo meat.
It’s delicious. That’s the only thing I miss from the sheila I married. We’d go over and I’d stock her parent’s freezers for the year.
Sure, I just don’t think the caliber matters as much as being a good shot and in shape. I would rather be the best shot in the country and use a 22.250 to hunt whitetails than be shit and use a 500NE. Just pick one that has decent ballistics and go practice far more than you think necessary.

Apologies, my opinion might not have been clear in my first post.
My philosophy when teaching my son was if you think your good enough your not. Practice more.
He thought he was good but then dad showed him how to do it with fast follow up shots. He got the message and practices more.
If you want to have fun and think your good and quick try shooting simulated field shot gun when they roll 2 clays along the ground at 30 yards to simulate a pair of rabbits. Easy with a double O/U or SxS but switch out to a Mossberg 12 gauge bolt gun and it's a different story. Sorts people out real quick
Like many have said making a good shot is the most important.

On my first hunting trip to Africa I chose the rifle I was most comfortable and proficient with instead of more power, a 308 with a 165gr Federal Trophy Bonded Tip bullet at 2680fps. Between one of my sons and I we took 13 trophies with that rifle. Kudu, Wildebeest, Zebra, Waterbuck down to Springbok. 60-310 yards all clean one shot kills, never put our tracker to work.

So a .308 will get it done, but I still don't think its ideal for larger plains game. None of our bullets managed to exit the larger animals, little or no blood on the ground in a few cases. So since my focus has shifted from local game to Africa I have also changed what I practice with and carry in the woods most of the time. For my up coming plains game hunt I am taking a .338-06AI pushing a 186gr Hammer bullet at 3127. I may take a second rifle, if i do it will be in .35 Whelen, 245gr Hammer at 2800fps.
I think @Rick HOlbert just returned from Africa after using his 338-06 to good effect. Ain't no Whelen but gets the job done without fuss.
I took a 6.5cm with 140accubonds last year for my sons and wife to hunt with. They all practiced for months off sticks and they were all good to go. My youngest son shot a gemsbok perfectly with the 6.5. I mean perfectly. After tracking it, and finishing it off a few hundred yards away, the PH quietly asked me “what did we learn from this?” I said bring a bigger gun. He replied yes. A 308 with any 180 grain bullet will work so much better. Please don’t bring a 6.5 back for animals this size. It’s great for smaller stuff but not bigger stuff. All his words, not mine. I do agree with him thou, and now my son has a .308 ready to go back. He can shoot really light loads to practice, deer hunt etc. and I have a case of Norma 180swift aframes waiting for him. I tried them a few weeks ago and velocity was within 25fps of what’s on box! So my vote is 308 or 30-06. The two stores I visited in South Africa had tons of hunting 308 ammo too, so buying it local if necessary is easier.
If you’re worried about recoil get a stock that fits.

Off the shelf rifles have “average” size stocks to fit average size people. If you don’t fall into whatever the manufacturer considers average you’re out of luck.

You will be surprised at how the sensation of felt recoil is reduced with a proper fitting stock.
Like many have said making a good shot is the most important.

On my first hunting trip to Africa I chose the rifle I was most comfortable and proficient with instead of more power, a 308 with a 165gr Federal Trophy Bonded Tip bullet at 2680fps. Between one of my sons and I we took 13 trophies with that rifle. Kudu, Wildebeest, Zebra, Waterbuck down to Springbok. 60-310 yards all clean one shot kills, never put our tracker to work.

So a .308 will get it done, but I still don't think its ideal for larger plains game. None of our bullets managed to exit the larger animals, little or no blood on the ground in a few cases. So since my focus has shifted from local game to Africa I have also changed what I practice with and carry in the woods most of the time. For my up coming plains game hunt I am taking a .338-06AI pushing a 186gr Hammer bullet at 3127. I may take a second rifle, if i do it will be in .35 Whelen, 245gr Hammer at 2800fps.
The outcomes you list are what led me to the 35 calibers. I have grown quite fond of them. Their affect on game is both visual and visceral. Plus they leave copious blood trails that are generally very short. The trade off is in more recoil and rifle weight. A trade I gladly make. Just one old hunters observations.
You may know that I’m here with it again… 3rd tour… Lots of animals in the salt now. More pictures will be posted soon, along with my hunting report. Tonight is my last night. Setting in the blind for Serval with the SAKO .375H&H right now because my PH was irritated that I was shooting too many .243 rounds (which he knows I intend to give him the remainder of) on PG, warthog, and Jackal. A big badger was dispatched 2 nights ago with the .243

User discretion may apply…
My user discretion forbids me from even going near a 243. If'n I do I break out in a sweat, start itching and sneezing. I'm highly allergic to that calibre.
If'n others want to use it fine but to me it's about as useful as tits on a boar pig. An ashtray on a motorbike at 100mph would be more use.
Unfortunately the perspective is light rifles, aka small calibers, are better than larger calibers.

Point Taken...But, a larger caliber, heavy bullet? debatable. It solely depends on so many variables to be met. And even the variables have variables.

To be successful period, exclamation point. Every Hunter, Shooter Must Know THEIR and Their Weapon's LIMITATIONS!!! to including the shooter's choice of bullet selection(s)!!

One gun.....means one caliber.....and one specific bullet to do all......No Such Thing!!!. Never will be!!.

Perhaps my standards are too high for AYO (ALL YOU OTHERS). I DON'T give a Sh*t!! My standards are 10, 20, 30+ bullets in a 1 inch circle, with 3 fliers within a 1/2" outside the 1 inch circle at 100 yards. "Pie Plates" , 8-10" circles are for idiots that don't need to be in the woods....... .period!!.

Be it small, medium, large; standard or magnum; short or long; The paramount is: To select a caliber with a reasonable amount of recoil, with a reputable bullet, To Be Lethal within ITS maximum Humainatary KILL range; To minimize the target's (animal's) suffering.

Example Only:

If a hunter can't handle the recoil of a 308 caliber then any large/big game should not be considered by the hunter . The should stick to lesser, smaller game animals!!.

If the hunter can't handle the recoil of the minimum legal .375 caliber for Dangerous Game in Africa then the hunter should stick to hunting the smaller Plains Game to which they are more comfortable with the recoil of their rifle.

My Rant isn't over..... just hear responses. Also My thread has gone long enough and a somewhat a distraction from the OP.

For the OP 308 or 30-06 should be your minimum caliber, with a minimum 165-168 grain bullet. TIA- This Is Africa. Always expect the unexpected. Be proficient with your rifle.
@Ridge Runner
One gun....means one calibre....and one specific bullet to do all....No such thing!!!! Never will be.

Well the great man helped invent one calibre
The 35 Whelen.
Will handle a multitude of bullet weights to do multiple things even DG in a pinch.
So there is such a thing and it does exist.
Just have to use different bullet weights and one calibre. One bullet weights will cover a lot of game choices.
There's probably others that will do the same.
One gun....means one calibre....and one specific bullet to do all....No such thing!!!! Never will be.

Well the great man helped invent one calibre
The 35 Whelen.
Will handle a multitude of bullet weights to do multiple things even DG in a pinch.
So there is such a thing and it does exist.
I would never want to argue that one gun can do it all. Otherwise someone over here will legislate that I only need one gun.
I would never want to argue that one gun can do it all. Otherwise someone over here will legislate that I only need one gun.
You ain’t joking.
Sad to see what your country has become. Don’t take offense because I believe this country has gone down the dunny too.

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