Very interesting thread. I just finished reading the whole thing again and find some very convincing arguments.
My humble opinion: The hildebitch and her mob won't be convicted of anything. They have too much dirt on every politician in that cesspool called congress. Those spineless, gutless whores don't dare to do a thing because even if she is convicted she can bring them all down. They know that and they know their free ride will come to a screeching halt, many of them will share a cellblock with her, some will mysteriously become deceased, as have others who have crossed that mob, and most of the others will be discredited ( like they have anything to discredit).
Comey didn't, and won't, do anything because he has connections to them going way back to Arkansas and he surely wants to live awhile longer.
I've said for the last 5 years or so that the raghead squatting in the WH is going to try something that he will say he just has to stay in and rectify. This email stuff could be just the thing. In view of what congress has done (nothing) in the last 8 years he will probably pull it off. He has in place executive orders to take over and control every facit of our lives and with all these socalled refugees pouring in, he has an army to back him up. Have you noticed that these refugees are all young men in their early 20s? Where are the families? They are not refugees, they are warriors, brought here for one purpose--to assist in taking over this country.
I believe that's the plan, but I don't think it can happen. I strongly believe there are too many of us "domestic terrorists" (white, conservative military veterans) to let that occur. With all the hunters and other gun owners in this great nation there is a standing army of many millions. I don't think any raghead terrorists are that stupid, and if they are, well, they are in for a big surprise.
I guess we'll have to wait and see what tomorrow brings. We'll make America great again or we'll have more of what we've got now. It's going to be a very interesting day. Cross your fingers, eyes, toes, legs, and whatever else and hope for the best.