Very interesting thread. I just finished reading the whole thing again and find some very convincing arguments.
My humble opinion: The hildebitch and her mob won't be convicted of anything. They have too much dirt on every politician in that cesspool called congress. Those spineless, gutless whores don't dare to do a thing because even if she is convicted she can bring them all down. They know that and they know their free ride will come to a screeching halt, many of them will share a cellblock with her, some will mysteriously become deceased, as have others who have crossed that mob, and most of the others will be discredited ( like they have anything to discredit).
Comey didn't, and won't, do anything because he has connections to them going way back to Arkansas and he surely wants to live awhile longer.
I've said for the last 5 years or so that the raghead squatting in the WH is going to try something that he will say he just has to stay in and rectify. This email stuff could be just the thing. In view of what congress has done (nothing) in the last 8 years he will probably pull it off. He has in place executive orders to take over and control every facit of our lives and with all these socalled refugees pouring in, he has an army to back him up. Have you noticed that these refugees are all young men in their early 20s? Where are the families? They are not refugees, they are warriors, brought here for one purpose--to assist in taking over this country.
I believe that's the plan, but I don't think it can happen. I strongly believe there are too many of us "domestic terrorists" (white, conservative military veterans) to let that occur. With all the hunters and other gun owners in this great nation there is a standing army of many millions. I don't think any raghead terrorists are that stupid, and if they are, well, they are in for a big surprise.
I guess we'll have to wait and see what tomorrow brings. We'll make America great again or we'll have more of what we've got now. It's going to be a very interesting day. Cross your fingers, eyes, toes, legs, and whatever else and hope for the best.
I become somewhat dismayed for the republic when I read this sort of nonsense. We will have a peaceful transfer of power as we have had for every election for the last 250 years - even during the midst of the civil war. Our current president will facilitate that transfer, and I suspect our new one will graciously accept that help. More importantly, Our new president will, if he is smart, quickly figure out how to unite the governing elements of his party and reach across the aisle to form a coalition strong enough to actually get something done. While "drain the swamp" has a nice campaign ring to it, none of the real things he wants to get done which will have real benefit for his supporters - for instance tax reform - gets accomplished without legislation. Legislation requires compromise and votes. Ryan, for instance is one of the most able men the Republican Party has produced in the last decade. He knows how to move legislation. Trump would be a fool not to figure out how to exploit that ability.
I am cautiously optimistic his experience creating and leading large projects and businesses will serve him well during the narrow window while he has both houses. He seems to have the ability to recognize and empower ability - his brilliant campaign manager is an example - that will help him in creating a competent government.
I suspect Trump is praying that Obama does indeed pardon Clinton. I am. A prosecution would be an enormous rallying cry for the left, regardless of its merit. The Foundation and Global Initiative will gradually die of their own weight. Wealthy Arab and financier donations will quickly dry up now that their will be no perceived return on thise investments (whether their really ever was one or not). She will fade away as will Bill.
It is a shame more of us don't get to know how the Executive branch and Congress actually work. I was fortunate (well maybe fortunate isn't exactly the right word) to have been the Army's Chief of Legislative Liaison for two years (much preferred commanding a combat brigade, but we all salute). The vast majority of members and staffs work incredibly hard - both parties. Fully thirty-percent or more can't afford a home in The DC area and actually bunk in their offices and use the member gym for showers. And yes, they spend a lot of time fund-raising. But if they don't get their message out (which requires money) we don't seem to vote for them. And very few are getting rich. For every Harry Reid there are dozens barely making ends meet. Campaign contributions get spent on - well - campaigns.
Lastly, we all need to quit worrying about and listening to the black helicopter crowd quite so much, and instead expend some energy reflecting how we get more of our fellow citizens on our side. Clinton won the popular vote. I say again, Clinton won the popular vote. The wisdom of our founders in creating the Electoral College (though for different reasons) saved us this time. It won't indefinitely. So thinking about how to expand our tent rather than restrict it would be smart. More than half of our fellow citizens disagree with the outcome of this election. Calling them names or a president with a 54 percent approval rating a "raghead" is not very helpful in accomplishing that.
And some of your fellow correspondents on this forum had real trouble voting for Trump. I took a long shower afterwards. He damaged his chances to get meaningful things done by his incessant tweeting and name calling which will make it harder for the opposition to cooperate with him without alienating their own constituents. That is stupid, counter productive behavior which made me question is ability to lead the whole country. Maybe he has learned.
We have a short period of time to get some bulwarks in place to protect liberty - the Supreme Court is the most immediate. We have a similar short period to intact legislation which may get the economy rolling again - the most effective means to insure a second term and extending Republican (not Trump) control of Congress. We'll see.