I was looking at some new statistics regarding Covid-19 today. All relate to Alberta, where I live, but I see no reason why the results wouldn't match other (similarly situated) places' pretty well.

The average age of Covid-19 patients at death: 83 years.

The average life expectancy in Canada for a man in 2019: 79 years (83 for women).

The life expectancy of an 83 year old male in Canada in 2019: 6.84 years.

Deaths below age of 20 to date: 0

Case rate deaths below age 50 to date: 0

Case rate deaths below age 60 to date: 0.1

Population death rate below age 60: 0.4 (per 100,000 persons).

Population death rate below age 70: 1.8 (per 100,000 persons).

I could draw all sorts of conclusions from these data. But let's just say that it's killing people who have already lived longer than expected (although they still have a few years in them by that point!). It kills virtually no one below the age of 60. Even by age 70, the risk of death is so small as to be negligible.

I know we've been through this, but could those of you who believe we are facing a real problem here please explain that to me again? It just seems to me that we have more to fear from our reaction to COVID-19 than we have to fear from COVID-19.

(Link for these stats:


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I was looking at some new statistics regarding Covid-19 today. All relate to Alberta, where I live, but I see no reason why the results wouldn't match other (similarly situated) places' pretty well.

The average age of Covid-19 patients at death: 83 years.

The average life expectancy in Canada for a man in 2019: 79 years (83 for women).

The life expectancy of an 83 year old male in Canada in 2019: 6.84 years.

Deaths below age of 20 to date: 0

Case rate deaths below age 50 to date: 0

Case rate deaths below age 60 to date: 0.1

Population death rate below age 60: 0.4 (per 100,000 persons).

Population death rate below age 70: 1.8 (per 100,000 persons).

I could draw all sorts of conclusions from these data. But let's just say that it's killing people who have already lived longer than expected (although they still have a few years in them by that point!). It kills virtually no one below the age of 60. Even by age 70, the risk of death is so small as to be negligible.

I know we've been through this, but could those of you who believe we are facing a real problem here please explain that to me again? It just seems to me that we have more to fear from our reaction to COVID-19 than we have to fear from COVID-19.

(Link for these stats:
I'm with you, cannot for the life of me even begin to explain the actions, not only Canada but the World has done in response to Covid. I do agree that the pain still coming will be far more hurtful and felt longer than Covid has. Trudope keeps handing out $$$ like its limitless. Wait till he wants us to pay it back.

Trudope keeps handing out $$$ like its limitless. Wait till he wants us to pay it back.

I really don't think he's going to ask us to py it back - that would reflect negatively on him and hurt his chances at re-election.

I find it interesting that people who say we can't leave our kids saddled with a warming climate, a diminished environment, etc., think nothing about saddling our kids with debts they can never hope to repay. And that's just what's going to happen here. We can never hope to repay the debt which has been run up - and continues to be run up - for this COVID nonsense.

My advice to the next generation is either to simply default on the debt we've run up or take it out of baby boomer pensions. Those who've been gorging at the trough shouldn't get to retire in comfort and expect young people to pay for their excesses. It's sad that if this happens, many, if not most, of us who are hard-working and tax paying and were never at the trough will become collateral damage.
He will only demand it back after the next fools vote him back in. 2 Billion announced to Provinces today is part of the fool Canadians scam. He will get it back, maybe an OIC?? Ha ha

On a good note I did get my postponed contract for now 2021 safari yesterday, now to hope Covid goes away so I can cash in those "vouchers" before inflation makes them .40c on the dollar.

Things get even better - per worse, depending on your perspective.

Statistics Canada (the national government statistical agency in Canada) reported that for the three months from the end of February to the end of May, 2020, there were 639 "excess deaths" in Alberta. Excess deaths is defined as the number of deaths in excess of the highest number previously recorded over the last five years.

So far, so good. Many would say "that's what Covid-19 does."

Except that public health authorities in Alberta reported only 146 deaths from COVID-19 during that period.

So what caused the other 493 deaths? Without doubt, some of those will eventually be found to have been caused by COVID-19. But not many. We have a pretty good health care system and it's unlikely to the point of impossibility that records are off by a factor of 3 - 4 times.

So back to the question? We don't yet know, but we do know this: many people were told not to go to hospitals, to emergency departments, or even to their doctors, doing this time of 'lockdown.' We know, for example, that there were far, far, fewer cases of heart attack presenting at hospitals than we normally have. There were far, far fewer diagnoses of cancer than we normally have. Did heart disease and cancer take a vacation? That's statistically impossible.

So we have a situation where it's entirely possible that COVID-19 preventive measures killed more people than the disease itself killed during the lockdown period.

How's this for common sense: to protect you from catching COVID-19 and dying, I'm going to let you die of something else which you would not have died from, unless I was protecting you.

Now to those who would argue that there would have been or could have been many more COVID-19 deaths without the lockdown, you may be right, but the statistics don't actually bear that out, at least not currently.

These 'excess deaths' are undoubtedly victims of COVID-19, but they're victims of our reaction to it, rather than to the virus itself. And these deaths - 3.37x the COVID-19 deaths - go unremarked and unmourned by the politicians who tell us every day that if we only do what they say, we will be better off.
Things get even better - per worse, depending on your perspective.

Statistics Canada (the national government statistical agency in Canada) reported that for the three months from the end of February to the end of May, 2020, there were 639 "excess deaths" in Alberta. Excess deaths is defined as the number of deaths in excess of the highest number previously recorded over the last five years.

So far, so good. Many would say "that's what Covid-19 does."

Except that public health authorities in Alberta reported only 146 deaths from COVID-19 during that period.

So what caused the other 493 deaths? Without doubt, some of those will eventually be found to have been caused by COVID-19. But not many. We have a pretty good health care system and it's unlikely to the point of impossibility that records are off by a factor of 3 - 4 times.

So back to the question? We don't yet know, but we do know this: many people were told not to go to hospitals, to emergency departments, or even to their doctors, doing this time of 'lockdown.' We know, for example, that there were far, far, fewer cases of heart attack presenting at hospitals than we normally have. There were far, far fewer diagnoses of cancer than we normally have. Did heart disease and cancer take a vacation? That's statistically impossible.

So we have a situation where it's entirely possible that COVID-19 preventive measures killed more people than the disease itself killed during the lockdown period.

How's this for common sense: to protect you from catching COVID-19 and dying, I'm going to let you die of something else which you would not have died from, unless I was protecting you.

Now to those who would argue that there would have been or could have been many more COVID-19 deaths without the lockdown, you may be right, but the statistics don't actually bear that out, at least not currently.

These 'excess deaths' are undoubtedly victims of COVID-19, but they're victims of our reaction to it, rather than to the virus itself. And these deaths - 3.37x the COVID-19 deaths - go unremarked and unmourned by the politicians who tell us every day that if we only do what they say, we will be better off.

Hank this is what quite a few experts, who the powers that be ignore have been saying for a while now....hospitals shut down for anything not to do with this virus...and postponed operations...treatments..testing...etc etc etc....this has created a back log in uk that will take years to catch up....same i should imagine for all countries....also the higher than normal figures for deaths are unfortunately for people who had underlying or terminal conditions that the virus accelerated...thus unfortunately bringing their deaths forward by a short period. The doctors and scientists who have said this expect that the figures for deaths will actually then start showing lower figures than normal due to this
No doubt others have already said this but IMO, it’s worth repeating...This whole virus thing smells mighty suspicious to me.

Hi Standard Velocity,

Yes thanks, I would care to elaborate.
One of my pals here is an old geezer like me.
However, he also has diabetes.
His father in law is in his 90s and has cancer.
Everett (my mentioned friend) drives the old fellow to radiation therapy and back, every day.
The old chap began showing flu symptoms and no surprise tested positive for Covid-19.
Even with his presumably suppressed immune system from daily radiation treatments (not to mention from just being 90-something), he got well in less than a week.
But he continues to test positive, once each week, 2 months later.
Everett discovered the hospital has been counting the old boy’s weekly positive test results as a new Covid “victim” each time.

Everett, now has to test weekly, due to his exposure to the bug.
He’s in his 60s, diabetic and rides in a car, EVERY DAY, with someone who tests positive for this disease.
Yet Everett always tests negative each week.

A young fellow at my wife’s office has a pre-school daughter that goes to a day care center while dad is at work 5 days a week.
Some other kid at the day care center showed flu symptoms and then tested positive for Covid-19.
So all the children and parents connected to that place have to test weekly now.
My wife’s coworker’s child is testing positive for Covid-19 every time.
She has no symptoms at all.
And dad is continually testing negative.
Likewise dad has no symptoms.
He has however, just like my friend, discovered that the facility testing his daughter always counts her as a new “victim” of Covid-19, each week.

There’s more but I have to take a break from jabbering here and get supper on the stove.

Best Regards,
Velo Dog.

You look simply smashing in your government approved / anti-virus hat.
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I came across this and didn't see it posted in here:

UCLA, Stanford study finds for average 50-64 year old, chances of dying from COVID-19 are 1 in 19.1M

0:50: “an average person in an average county has a 1 in 3,836 chance of getting infected with corona virus and that’s without wearing a mask or doing any social distancing”
1:12: “For an average person between 50 and 64 years old, the chances of getting the virus and needing hospitalization are 1 in 852,000”
1:24 “For that same person who’s at risk chances of dying from corona virus are 1 in 19.1 million”.
1:35 “The figures were for the last week of May when deaths from corona virus were 16 times higher than they were last week”
1:55:”The risk from dying in a car crash is 1 in 114”*
2:04:”that of all deaths attributed to the corona virus just 6% actually died from the virus itself. The other 94% had severe underlying medical conditions.”
2:16: “Combined with this latest data the case for keeping the country locked down falls apart”
2:21: “Reveals the risk [to] the American public appears much lower than so-called experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci had claimed”

Pretty cool website backs up the 1 in 114 stat:
*What Are the Odds of Dying From..
Hello BigSteve57,

Thank you for posting one more common sense article.
It is a refreshing breath of clean air.
Hopefully many people will wake up someday and stop believing the melodramatic mainstream media.
Their reputation of constant lying to sell exaggerated gloom and doom is disgusting.

Anyway, listen up everyone, it is now safe (always was actually) to remove your government approved / anti-virus aluminum foil hats.

Velo Dog.
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Thanks for sharing @BigSteve57

One of my friends has a friend who lives in a beach community in SC and he and his family recently were required to get tested due to someone they had come in contact with testing positive...

Here's the thing, they all went to one of the testing sites, and were never seen or tested, so they left. 1 week later all 3 received confirmation of a positive Covid 19 test, and they NEVER had a test administered to them!!!!!!!!

If this is happening in a small beach town in SC, you better bet its happening all over the US!
Thanks for sharing @BigSteve57

One of my friends has a friend who lives in a beach community in SC and he and his family recently were required to get tested due to someone they had come in contact with testing positive...

Here's the thing, they all went to one of the testing sites, and were never seen or tested, so they left. 1 week later all 3 received confirmation of a positive Covid 19 test, and they NEVER had a test administered to them!!!!!!!!

If this is happening in a small beach town in SC, you better bet its happening all over the US!
I wouldn't get a test unless I was pretty sick.
You guys all have lovely stories about gov't conspiracies and b s tests. So here is the flipside. My paramedic partner at work has in laws from New Orleans. Their youngest daughter started college recently. She brought home the covid 19 to her parents in their 70's -dad is diabetic and mom has copd and I assume other issues. It took dad awhile to die and mom is still in critical care in the hospital.
Also, yes 94% are old and have underlying issues. How many people on this site are older than 50 and take at least on medication per day?! That means you have underlying issues. How many of you have underlying conditions that aren't even diagnosed yet?! Probably you hate going to the doctor. . .
The good news is that the longer the virus gets to rage among us highly intelligent folks, the more the real experts learn to control and treat it.
I wonder how the Dakotas feel about that boost to their economy they call Sturgis now that they have thousands of cases of covid to contend with. How big is the hospital in your neighborhood?
So yes continue to believe all the six month trial tests some college sophomore produces and all the propaganda the press continues to publish just so they can keep the pot well stirred. But in other parts of the world people are still getting infected and dying or at very least missing work for two weeks while they use up their accrued sick leave.
All I'm saying here and I've said it more than once, is that just because it isn't directly affecting you, doesn't mean it isn't affecting someone. And maybe alittle understanding and appreciation as to how and why these numbers are generated is important.
You guys all have lovely stories about gov't conspiracies and b s tests. So here is the flipside. My paramedic partner at work has in laws from New Orleans. Their youngest daughter started college recently. She brought home the covid 19 to her parents in their 70's -dad is diabetic and mom has copd and I assume other issues. It took dad awhile to die and mom is still in critical care in the hospital.
Also, yes 94% are old and have underlying issues. How many people on this site are older than 50 and take at least on medication per day?! That means you have underlying issues. How many of you have underlying conditions that aren't even diagnosed yet?! Probably you hate going to the doctor. . .
The good news is that the longer the virus gets to rage among us highly intelligent folks, the more the real experts learn to control and treat it.
I wonder how the Dakotas feel about that boost to their economy they call Sturgis now that they have thousands of cases of covid to contend with. How big is the hospital in your neighborhood?
So yes continue to believe all the six month trial tests some college sophomore produces and all the propaganda the press continues to publish just so they can keep the pot well stirred. But in other parts of the world people are still getting infected and dying or at very least missing work for two weeks while they use up their accrued sick leave.
All I'm saying here and I've said it more than once, is that just because it isn't directly affecting you, doesn't mean it isn't affecting someone. And maybe alittle understanding and appreciation as to how and why these numbers are generated is important.
@Firebird, I agree with you that this is a real disease. I don't think it's fake, or a conspiracy, etc.

But, and it's a big but, I (along with many others) believe we are going about this all wrong. Instead of protecting the most vulnerable and leaving the rest to go about their daily lives, we've lumped everyone into the same basket. One result of that is that the most vulnerable are not as protected as they could or should be, while many are so over-protected that they refuse to obey public health orders which are - to them - manifestly irrational.

Take the issue of schools. If every child in a middle school came down with the COVID, over 90% would have no symptoms whatsoever. The rest likely would feel better than if they had the common cold (obviously, I except those kids who have had transplants, or have immune disorders, etc. - but we can address these kids separately). The issue is not protecting those kids from a virus which will cause fewer deaths than excess alcohol consumption on university campuses, but to protect those they go home to, if they do indeed go home. Why not focus on the real issue rather than the stupid line "we're all in this together." We manifestly are not.

Now, I said I don't believe in conspiracies (as a rule). But it strikes me that what you have in the US is Democrats who will do anything to avoid having a vaccine approved before election day, even if such a vaccine would save lives, and Republicans who will do everything they can to have a vaccine approved before election day, even if early approval would cost lives. Equally, Democrats seem to want more deaths and lockdowns, because that will hurt Trump, and Republicans seem to want more open economies because that will help Trump.

Am I wrong? Aren't both sides happily prepared to play with people's lives for political reasons?

So how exactly are we all in this together?

(For what it's worth, I'm 62, and take immune-suppresive drugs. I'm also about as white collar as they come)
@Firebird, I agree with you that this is a real disease. I don't think it's fake, or a conspiracy, etc.

But, and it's a big but, I (along with many others) believe we are going about this all wrong. Instead of protecting the most vulnerable and leaving the rest to go about their daily lives, we've lumped everyone into the same basket. One result of that is that the most vulnerable are not as protected as they could or should be, while many are so over-protected that they refuse to obey public health orders which are - to them - manifestly irrational.

Take the issue of schools. If every child in a middle school came down with the COVID, over 90% would have no symptoms whatsoever. The rest likely would feel better than if they had the common cold (obviously, I except those kids who have had transplants, or have immune disorders, etc. - but we can address these kids separately). The issue is not protecting those kids from a virus which will cause fewer deaths than excess alcohol consumption on university campuses, but to protect those they go home to, if they do indeed go home. Why not focus on the real issue rather than the stupid line "we're all in this together." We manifestly are not.

Now, I said I don't believe in conspiracies (as a rule). But it strikes me that what you have in the US is Democrats who will do anything to avoid having a vaccine approved before election day, even if such a vaccine would save lives, and Republicans who will do everything they can to have a vaccine approved before election day, even if early approval would cost lives. Equally, Democrats seem to want more deaths and lockdowns, because that will hurt Trump, and Republicans seem to want more open economies because that will help Trump.

Am I wrong? Aren't both sides happily prepared to play with people's lives for political reasons?

So how exactly are we all in this together?

(For what it's worth, I'm 62, and take immune-suppresive drugs. I'm also about as white collar as they come)

"Democrats want the virus to continue" is nothing more than republican talking points.

We supported closing down the country this spring so that our schools would reopen normally now, that we can dine indoors now, that we can attend large gatherings now, and the election can be held safely.

The reason we do not have these things and instead pissed away months (if not years bc the worst is still to come) of financial pain is because Trump lied to his supporters and the country. He said this thing will just go away, its no worse than the flu, dont wear masks --- and his supporters believed him and still resist the very solutions that would manage this crisis. As the Woodward tapes show - Trump knew this was going to be a crisis, he knew it was an airborne disease, he knew masks would help greatly, he knew it is 5x more deadly than the flu, and he knew over a 1/2 million people were going to die. And he choose to lie instead of be a leader. As weasely as I think Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell are, I do not question their leadership and commitment to containing this crisis. If we had President Pence, we would be in a much better position than where we are today in this.

The bottom line: this has been the worst case scenario response (with still no planning for the future i may add) and it has been led by a completely incompetent, narasistic, compulsive liar that does not care one bit about this country or anyone in it besides himself.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!