I had not heard from a friend of mine for quite some time. He messaged me the other day. Turns out he was in the hospital for 3 months, a ventilator for a month, and was within a day or two of dying had it not been for a former covid patient's plasma donation that saved his life. He has a wife and 3 kids - not grandpa in the nursing home with a foot already in the grave.

This is not the flu. Covid has killed 2x the people in less than 1/2 the time with the entire US country shut down. This is a complex virus, the likes that we have never seen because of its unique ability to be asymptomatic in many cases, causing a wide range of symptoms depending on age, and incredibly deadly with no rhyme or reason on who it selects.

The US was shut down the country for 2 months and we pissed all that time away ---
1) by an president that has zero idea what his is doing and doesn't care to learn
2) by 20% of the population that doesn't believe in science; followed by another 20% of the population that just doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone but themselves and their perceived violation of freedom.

Never in a million years would I have thought the country would be in the middle of a deadly pandemic and we can not pull together and get through it. It's both sad and embarrassing

By the end of this, most everyone is going to know someone who has been seriously ill by this virus. I have had 3 clients die of it, my friend mentioned above who almost died, and a coworker whose friend almost died and another coworker whose friend's mother died.

The sooner the naysayers get with the program, the sooner we get this under control. Unfortunately in the US, we have to experience losing a loved one before we get serious --- and that is why we are at 150k dead in 5 months in the US. By the end of this, we may very well pass the total number of servicemen killed in WW2.

Everyone boasts they will do anything for their country. Now is your chance - wear a mask and minimize your leisure time. Sorry, I know that is asking a lot...

Stay safe everyone
I had not heard from a friend of mine for quite some time. He messaged me the other day. Turns out he was in the hospital for 3 months, a ventilator for a month, and was within a day or two of dying had it not been for a former covid patient's plasma donation that saved his life. He has a wife and 3 kids - not grandpa in the nursing home with a foot already in the grave.

This is not the flu. Covid has killed 2x the people in less than 1/2 the time with the entire US country shut down. This is a complex virus, the likes that we have never seen because of its unique ability to be asymptomatic in many cases, causing a wide range of symptoms depending on age, and incredibly deadly with no rhyme or reason on who it selects.

The US was shut down the country for 2 months and we pissed all that time away ---
1) by an president that has zero idea what his is doing and doesn't care to learn
2) by 20% of the population that doesn't believe in science; followed by another 20% of the population that just doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone but themselves and their perceived violation of freedom.

Never in a million years would I have thought the country would be in the middle of a deadly pandemic and we can not pull together and get through it. It's both sad and embarrassing

By the end of this, most everyone is going to know someone who has been seriously ill by this virus. I have had 3 clients die of it, my friend mentioned above who almost died, and a coworker whose friend almost died and another coworker whose friend's mother died.

The sooner the naysayers get with the program, the sooner we get this under control. Unfortunately in the US, we have to experience losing a loved one before we get serious --- and that is why we are at 150k dead in 5 months in the US. By the end of this, we may very well pass the total number of servicemen killed in WW2.

Everyone boasts they will do anything for their country. Now is your chance - wear a mask and minimize your leisure time. Sorry, I know that is asking a lot...

Stay safe everyone
This is so classic. We are all going to die!!! OK, all but 99.8% of us......

We should never have shut the country down at all. The focus of the vast powers of the state should have been focused on the most vulnerable. Would have worked out a lot better for those poor nursing home residents (particularly those in NY, NJ, and PA). Of course no politician in any of those states or reporter in the MSM will acknowledge that. Look at the propaganda generated daily about Florida which has had 25% the deaths of Coumo's NY.

Never in a million years would I have thought one of our parties believed power was more important than the collective economic and physical welfare of the people. The president, by the way, is not in that party. 30 years from now, the case study of Covid will not be about the pandemic, but instead about the mass hysteria that the media and one political faction generated for political gain.

I find it sickening.
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We have been hunting in SA for the last month and a bit as "subsistence hunting for food".
I managed to get a Bushveld hunt in and was planning a Karoo trip for next month.

This was stopped yesterday.

Today Tuesday 28 July Barbera Creecy, Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment announced in the Government Gazette No. 43564 that she has amended the Directions published in Government Gazette No 43409 of 05 June 2020, to the effect that no interprovincial travel to hunt or obtain meat for consumption is permitted, and that the provision of any form of accommodation for hunting purposes is not permitted, effective immediately.

Word from the hunting industry is that a meeting with the Minister and other industry leaders is scheduled for the 6th of August.

Follow up with your hunting association on what to do.
So this morning I was bored and needed a house cleaning break and nothing but old movies, infomercials, and news, I dont have cable or satellite.

Anyways I dropped my standards and watched/listened to ABC news. Then I really took the time to watch the news when it started repeating everything for a third time and made notes as to the covid numbers to insure I heard correcting, and I did.

"......current active cases in the US stands at 3,941,700 active cases, 142,700 have died, that's 1 in 4 of the world's population has died due to the Coronavirus..."

According to Google search the world's population is 7,800,000,000.

Please correct me if I wrong, but 1 in 4 would mean one fourth of the world's population would equate to 1,950,000,000.

142,700 x 4= 570,800
3,941,700 ÷ 4= 985,425

Seriously, Please any of you mathematical wizards tell me how any of these figures equate to one fourth of the world's population has now died from the Coronavirus.

My only conclusion is that mainstream media's math experts need to relearn real math, unlearn mainstrean media and government, ie Department of Veterans Affairs, math.

On another note from "the experts", (with sarcasm) timing is everything, a vaccine could be available by December,(...hmm), even with a vaccine the Coronavirus will never be eradicated. (...hmmm)

Vaccine available after the November elections??.
Not eradicated??. Sounds a bit like Zika, H1N1, polo, measles, flu, common cold, and a lot of other diseases??.

I must correct myself, it seems the 3 local channel 11's are not all ABC affiliates. The local channel 11-1 for which I quoted is CBS and the broadcast is from CBS Overnight News with Nora O'Donnell.
I had not heard from a friend of mine for quite some time. He messaged me the other day. Turns out he was in the hospital for 3 months, a ventilator for a month, and was within a day or two of dying had it not been for a former covid patient's plasma donation that saved his life. He has a wife and 3 kids - not grandpa in the nursing home with a foot already in the grave.

This is not the flu. Covid has killed 2x the people in less than 1/2 the time with the entire US country shut down. This is a complex virus, the likes that we have never seen because of its unique ability to be asymptomatic in many cases, causing a wide range of symptoms depending on age, and incredibly deadly with no rhyme or reason on who it selects.

The US was shut down the country for 2 months and we pissed all that time away ---
1) by an president that has zero idea what his is doing and doesn't care to learn
2) by 20% of the population that doesn't believe in science; followed by another 20% of the population that just doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone but themselves and their perceived violation of freedom.

Never in a million years would I have thought the country would be in the middle of a deadly pandemic and we can not pull together and get through it. It's both sad and embarrassing

By the end of this, most everyone is going to know someone who has been seriously ill by this virus. I have had 3 clients die of it, my friend mentioned above who almost died, and a coworker whose friend almost died and another coworker whose friend's mother died.

The sooner the naysayers get with the program, the sooner we get this under control. Unfortunately in the US, we have to experience losing a loved one before we get serious --- and that is why we are at 150k dead in 5 months in the US. By the end of this, we may very well pass the total number of servicemen killed in WW2.

Everyone boasts they will do anything for their country. Now is your chance - wear a mask and minimize your leisure time. Sorry, I know that is asking a lot...

Stay safe everyone

+ 1
Your contribution.
But another lock down in our country (G) and we bleed out economically.
I also don't think that we could enforce this any further.
In Germany we have the problem that too little happens (9.200 dead-UK 47.000 !!) and therefore many believe it's not so bad.
Health, or prosperity that will be the question next year.

I had an interesting conversation at the weekend with an Italian hunting friend.

In Bergamo, Italy, where Coivid 19 was a superspreader and the fate was taking its course, there are many textile factories owned by the Chinese and Chinese workers are working and living there.

Strangely enough, in all of Italy there is no Chinese who died from the disease.
Not only one.
Where are they ?

Stay safe
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WhatsApp Image 2020-07-29 at 07.26.40.jpeg
I had not heard from a friend of mine for quite some time. He messaged me the other day. Turns out he was in the hospital for 3 months, a ventilator for a month, and was within a day or two of dying had it not been for a former covid patient's plasma donation that saved his life. He has a wife and 3 kids - not grandpa in the nursing home with a foot already in the grave.

This is not the flu. Covid has killed 2x the people in less than 1/2 the time with the entire US country shut down. This is a complex virus, the likes that we have never seen because of its unique ability to be asymptomatic in many cases, causing a wide range of symptoms depending on age, and incredibly deadly with no rhyme or reason on who it selects.

The US was shut down the country for 2 months and we pissed all that time away ---
1) by an president that has zero idea what his is doing and doesn't care to learn
2) by 20% of the population that doesn't believe in science; followed by another 20% of the population that just doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone but themselves and their perceived violation of freedom.

Never in a million years would I have thought the country would be in the middle of a deadly pandemic and we can not pull together and get through it. It's both sad and embarrassing

By the end of this, most everyone is going to know someone who has been seriously ill by this virus. I have had 3 clients die of it, my friend mentioned above who almost died, and a coworker whose friend almost died and another coworker whose friend's mother died.

The sooner the naysayers get with the program, the sooner we get this under control. Unfortunately in the US, we have to experience losing a loved one before we get serious --- and that is why we are at 150k dead in 5 months in the US. By the end of this, we may very well pass the total number of servicemen killed in WW2.

Everyone boasts they will do anything for their country. Now is your chance - wear a mask and minimize your leisure time. Sorry, I know that is asking a lot...

Stay safe everyone
I had not heard from a friend of mine for quite some time. He messaged me the other day. Turns out he was in the hospital for 3 months, a ventilator for a month, and was within a day or two of dying had it not been for a former covid patient's plasma donation that saved his life. He has a wife and 3 kids - not grandpa in the nursing home with a foot already in the grave.

This is not the flu. Covid has killed 2x the people in less than 1/2 the time with the entire US country shut down. This is a complex virus, the likes that we have never seen because of its unique ability to be asymptomatic in many cases, causing a wide range of symptoms depending on age, and incredibly deadly with no rhyme or reason on who it selects.

The US was shut down the country for 2 months and we pissed all that time away ---
1) by an president that has zero idea what his is doing and doesn't care to learn
2) by 20% of the population that doesn't believe in science; followed by another 20% of the population that just doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone but themselves and their perceived violation of freedom.

Never in a million years would I have thought the country would be in the middle of a deadly pandemic and we can not pull together and get through it. It's both sad and embarrassing

By the end of this, most everyone is going to know someone who has been seriously ill by this virus. I have had 3 clients die of it, my friend mentioned above who almost died, and a coworker whose friend almost died and another coworker whose friend's mother died.

The sooner the naysayers get with the program, the sooner we get this under control. Unfortunately in the US, we have to experience losing a loved one before we get serious --- and that is why we are at 150k dead in 5 months in the US. By the end of this, we may very well pass the total number of servicemen killed in WW2.

Everyone boasts they will do anything for their country. Now is your chance - wear a mask and minimize your leisure time. Sorry, I know that is asking a lot...

Stay safe everyone

Yeah listen to the scientists...the ones that said we dont need to shut down travel, or for the first 2 months said dont wear a mask, it isnt necessary, or that we should stay shut down till we have a vaccine (how would that have worked with HIV). The one saying hydroxychloroquine is dangerous and will kill you if you take it, though people have taken it for years and years to treat all sorts of things. They don't know shit and are guessing to get their 5 minutes of fame to said they said it first.

This virus is real and precautions should be made but this has been about explotation for power and money. Just like the weather man drooling over a hurricane and talking about the destruction it could cause. The America people have been played, look up Fauci at the Nats game...wears the #19 (Covid 19) and then doesn't socially distance or wear a mask in the stands. He is the biggest asshole in all of this.
What I can't figure out is Hydroxychloroquine has dangerous side effects and should not be taken. Yet look at all the drug commercials and advertisements that say the same thing about having dangerous side effects and it's okay to ask your doctor if the drug is right for you.

Even aspirin can be harmful, yet it has been around for over a hundred years, and the most effective drug for headaches, anti inflammatory, relief of minor muscle aches and pains, and fever reducer.

Thereby, if hydroxychloroquine can be used to treat and/or prevent the Coronavirus then why shouldn't the public deside on whether they want to use hydroxychloroquine or not.
Yeah listen to the scientists...the ones that said we dont need to shut down travel, or for the first 2 months said dont wear a mask, it isnt necessary, or that we should stay shut down till we have a vaccine (how would that have worked with HIV). The one saying hydroxychloroquine is dangerous and will kill you if you take it, though people have taken it for years and years to treat all sorts of things. They don't know shit and are guessing to get their 5 minutes of fame to said they said it first.

This virus is real and precautions should be made but this has been about explotation for power and money. Just like the weather man drooling over a hurricane and talking about the destruction it could cause. The America people have been played, look up Fauci at the Nats game...wears the #19 (Covid 19) and then doesn't socially distance or wear a mask in the stands. He is the biggest asshole in all of this.

Kinda like the scientist that won a Nobel prize for describing the atom as a gelatinous, positively charged substrate with tiny, hard negatively charged distributed throughout the substrate?
For those of you who have seen this B movie gem from the 80's

The US was shut down the country for 2 months and we pissed all that time away ---
1) by an president that has zero idea what his is doing and doesn't care to learn

The country was shut down because the POTUS was forced to capitulate to the "so-called experts" like Fauci, Birx, and The Surgeon General who have collectively flip-flopped several times on their recommendations before, during, and post lock-down... I do agree however that the lock-down time was pissed away particularly because a lock-down was never necessary in the first place. I am certain that the POTUS was never 100% in favor of the lock-downs.

2) by 20% of the population that doesn't believe in science; followed by another 20% of the population that just doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone but themselves and their perceived violation of freedom.

LOL... Which version of "science" are you referring to? It seems quite clear that the "science" is being driven by the particular political agenda of the individual(s) being cited at the time. The only real science I have heard throughout all of this has come from a small handful of doctors and researchers who have admitted that we are making this shit up as we go, and this virus is a moving target that may require the plan to be altered over and over as we learn more over time... Any "expert" claiming that they have definitive answers is full of bullshit.... The vast majority of Americans have already proven that they would be willing to temporarily sacrifice some of their freedoms for any certain positive outcomes.... The problem now is we have learned that we are being lied to for a political agenda, and the people have had enough...

Never in a million years would I have thought the country would be in the middle of a deadly pandemic and we can not pull together and get through it. It's both sad and embarrassing

Agreed it is both sad, pathetic, and embarrassing that instead of coming together for the good of the entire country, the left decided instead to use this virus to be the biggest political weapon in modern history. They have sent the message loud and clear that they are fine with blood on their hands and crippling the economy indefinitely as long as they can push the false narratives where Trump can be blamed.
Now I am not only worried about Covid, but is my electric knife sharpener going to attack me?!? LOL inside joke from movie

I'd be more worried about the rogue soda machine :LOL:
I wonder how this school year going to work out. Are they going to grap every snot nose kid and test him. I do actually think the kids may do a better job at social distancing than the millennials. I feel if you can demonstrate, go to the the beach or revival, a bar or a political rally you can get your happy ass to work. The first ones to work ought to be the politicians. All their doing is prolonging the inevitable. I think a lot of this stuff about Covid is brought about because of the age of the dinosaurs that we continue to elect. They are scared they will get sick. Maybe a blessing.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!