Below is what Courteney says. I have three pairs. I use a damp towel to wipe them off then use normal clear polish I get from Wal Mart. Seems to work fine for me.
Product Care Information
Scroll down for cleaning suede, Hippo and Ostrich leathers.
For impatient readers and people in a hurry:
Buffalo, Kudu and Elephant leather Courteney boots:
- Clean the dust off your boots with a damp cloth. Do not use the cloth from the kitchen sink.
- Polish.

Note well!
✗ Do not use saddle soap – it will rot the stitching.
✗ Do not use pure Neats Foot Oil or similar – it will rot the stitching.
✗ Do not use pure dubbin – it will rot the stitching.
✔ DO use any product that describes itself as “polish for leather footwear”
✗ Do not stand in oil, diesel, petrol, solvents – rubber is allergic to all of these.
✗ Do not sit with your Courteney boots against the fire – you will damage the cement that bonds your sole to your boot.
Water and wear remove the original oil from the leather. When the tiny fibres dry out they become hard and brittle and break easily, shortening the life of the leather. Polish your boots regularly and they will last a long time.
Cleaning leather Courteneys
If your boots are dusty then wipe them with a cloth dipped in water with a very small amount of ordinary dishwashing liquid, and wrung out, then again with the cloth rinsed in plain water and wrung out. This will be enough to get the surface dust off before polishing.
If your Buffalo or Elephant leather boots are more dirty than dusty you can wash them:
✗ Do not put them in the washing machine
✗ Try not to get them
too wet. Don’t saturate them.
✔ DO wash carefully with your own fair hands
✔ Stuff them with newspaper and shape, then leave in a cool, shady, airy place to dry naturally, and slowly, in a gentle breeze. ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ When dry, polish well.
The leather fibres burn easily, especially when leather is wet, and should never be dried with artificial heat.
✗ Do not dry near a fire
✗ Do not dry near a radiator
✗ Do not dry in the sun
✗ Do not dry in a tumble drier
✔ DO dry slowly in a cool, shady, airy place
If your boots have become wet from rain or puddles then wipe, leave to dry in a cool, shady, airy place, and polish.
Remember – your boots are made of leather:
✗ don’t stand in a river and fish in your Courteneys
✗ don’t stand at the edge of the sea and fish in your Courteneys
Cleaning Suede Courteneys
Your Rhodesian vellies are hand-made of genuine Kudu suede in the traditional way.
You may wash them gently with lukewarm water with a small amount of ordinary dishwashing liquid, using a soft brush. Try not to saturate the whole boot. Blot dry with a moist, clean cloth. Pack the insides tightly with newspaper and shape, then allow to dry in a cool, airy and shady place.
✗ Do not dry near a fire
✗ Do not dry near a radiator
✗ Do not dry in the sun
✗ Do not dry in a tumble drier
✔ DO dry slowly in a cool, shady, airy place
✔ When dry, brush suede with a clean brush to restore the nap
Traditional cleaning: Since time immemorial the owners of bush vellies have ‘dry-cleaned’ theirs using coarse, dry maize meal and a stiff scrubbing brush. The meal absorbs grease stains and lifts dirt, and the scrubbing raises the suede ‘nap’ to its original condition. Simply dampen the outside of the vellies, coat them with dry uncooked mielie meal and leave to dry in a warm place. Brush off and they’ll look as good as new.
Cleaning Hippo Courteneys
Hippopotamus leather has an absolutely beautiful striated appearance and is superbly soft and velvety to the touch. It is extremely flexible and durable as well as being really strong and comfortable. Hippo leather always carries scars from the tremendous battles waged during its life and these are wonderful characteristics of the finished leather. We deliver our Hippo boots with the natural ‘suede’ finish. You may choose to keep that suede look, or polish the leather in which case it will become smooth.
The ‘suede’ may be preserved by use of a good quality commercial preparation, and there are also very good cleaning products available.
Cleaning Ostrich Courteneys
Ostrich boots are among the most comfortable leather boots you can buy. Ostrich leather is durable and can be dyed any colour. It’s also one of the toughest, yet most pliable of the exotic leathers. Full of natural oils, it has a high resistance to drying, cracking and stiffness. Caring for them properly will ensure they remain supple and last you for a long time.
To extend the life of your Ostrich boots and keep them looking great, it’s important to clean and treat them on a regular basis:
- Remove all the loose dirt and dust with a soft cloth or soft brush.
- Polish the boots with natural wax Courteney polish and buff with a soft brush or soft cloth in a circular motion.
- Do not use any household cleaning materials, chemicals or abrasive products.
- If the boots get wet, allow them to dry naturally away from sunlight in a cool airy place, then polish.
- If you get grease on the leather, sprinkle the stain with a light layer of talcum powder and let it sit for an hour. Brush off with a clean dry cloth.
- Other stains should be wiped off with a damp, not wet, soft cloth as soon as possible.
- Between outings, store your boots in a cool dry place, in the cloth bag provided. Do not store in a plastic bag.
- If the soles wear out they can be replaced easily.